My daughter just turned 4. She is an only child (for now). When ever i go to the store, whether for groceries or whatever, i always buy my daughter something, a small toy, a snack, or a treat usually for being good at the store, sometimes just because i want to!
We are not rich, and i dont buy expensive toys, just something small, that she really likes, if something is to pricey, i'll say pick something else.
But sometimes she'll throw a fit if she doesnt get what she wants. And so i'm starting to wonder if i'm spoiling her. Its not that i give into every whim, i want to bless her with things, especially if shes been good.
The iceing on the cake was the other day when we were celebrating the holidays, and she got a gift (a tinkerbell costume) and she was very excited. But then started throwing a fit b/c there were no shoes with it, the wings kept falling off and she couldnt fly!! mind you, shes four.
My husband thought sh was ungrateful. Are we spoiling her?
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