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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

at what age is a good age to tell your kids about sex? and what do you say to a boy? or girl? I mean, I never got a sex talk from parents. I learned about sex on TV and school. My son is only 1, but when should I expect that question and what should I say?

2006-08-14 01:54:31 · 16 answers · asked by tricksy 4

It's a rat. Is this safe? She's always hugging and kissing it, and I think it peed in her bed.

2006-08-14 01:28:58 · 10 answers · asked by Scousebuster Bill 2

Help! My 21 month old is attached to my hip. Trust me I really don't mind it but I don't know what to do about it and if it is normal. She wants absolutely nothing to do with men, like my uncles and her uncles. She will go to her daddy but prefers to be with me, when other family members try to hold her or get near her, she starts to cry like she is scared to death. Then when I leave the room when we are at a family members house she goes nuts (crying and screaming) I am a stay at home mom, which I can usnerstand thats why she likes being with me, but what is going on with the guy thing. She is never alone with any men, either my husband or I am always with her (so I don't think anyone has done anything bad to her) When we go to church she won't stay in the nursery, the people in charge of the nursery come and get us out of church service b/c she is so upset when she is in there. What do you think?

2006-08-14 01:13:15 · 9 answers · asked by awesomemommy05 2

My stepson came to live with us about 2 1/2 months ago. I will be the first to admit that no, I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't feel that financially we could support another kid, we were already having difficult time trying to juggle careers, home and family with what we already had in front of us. However, I couldn't just flat out tell my husband no, obviously that is his child so I had to support his decision. But I just cannot connect with this boy. My husband was not in his sons life for about 3 years (LONG STORY!!) so I only really knew this kid for 9-10 months before my hubby was asked to take custody. His son does not respect me as a parent. He had made it clear to me that his dad is his only parent in this house.He tries to get out of every chore I ask him to do(I have to track him down and stand over him) and he is a smartmouth to me.As a result of his treatment, I really don't like being around him at all. Anyone else dealt with this from stepkids, and how to deal?

2006-08-14 00:54:51 · 17 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

A teacher asked her class, "What do you want out of life?"
A little girl in the back row raised her hand and said, "All I want out of life is four little animals, just like my Mom always says".

The teacher asked, "Really and what four little animals would that be?"

The little girl said, "A mink on my back, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bed and a jackass to pay for all of it."

2006-08-14 00:44:13 · 27 answers · asked by pig m 3


2006-08-13 23:37:14 · 7 answers · asked by ? 4

My son hit extremly hard my daughter. What will be a suitable enough punishment to make him not do it never again? He hit her in the past but this time was extra hard.

2006-08-13 22:33:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 5 and 7 year old daughters who wont stop thumb sucking. I have tried anti nail biting varnish to no avail, other than chopping their thumbs off or sewing up their mouths, any ideas please

2006-08-13 22:11:23 · 35 answers · asked by ben 1

or even worse, shove the spawn of satan in your face and wait while you regain your compusure so you can "ooh and ahh" over the kid? i know these people where i'm from, had the ugliest babies and practically held you against your will to look at kids. my sure fire way to avoid any future runnings in with these folks was the first time it happened i was like 'DAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAM!!!! did y'all mean for that to happen?"

2006-08-13 22:07:55 · 18 answers · asked by daddysboicub 5

my last question was answered by a lady who made the assumption i was un educated an forced to stay at home with my chlid. could mothers or fathers that choose to stay at home to spend time with there kids tell us y you choose to do so??

2006-08-13 21:36:35 · 39 answers · asked by Twiggie 2

1. Morgan

pick a name please!!!

2006-08-13 21:30:03 · 23 answers · asked by hhmsjag 2

1. Lie: my kids won't LISTEN to me.
Truth: my kids won't OBEY me. (Obedience to demands/commands is what parents really want, so why not say what you truly mean?)

2. Lie: when they NEED it, they get a spanking.
Truth: I spank 'em when i NEED TO! (although the kid is 'acting up' - due to inadequate parenting in the first place! - it's really the parent's NEEDS that are satisfied through spanking, beating, etc. - not the kid's.)

3. Lie: we did the best we could with what we knew.
Truth: we were just too lazy and/or ignorant to improve on our parenting skills.

4. Lie: you deserve this (spanking, beating, etc.)
Truth: I (parent) wanted revenge and you're a helpless victim - whereas i'm too COWARDLY to spank/beat anyone bigger! (....because anyone bigger could either hurt you back or call the cops on you!)

Do you tell the truth or is it safer to LIE?

2006-08-13 19:57:47 · 10 answers · asked by jimrich 7

i have a 7 month old daughter and i wanted to know at what age or weight can i put her to face the front of the car instead of rear facing and when and what age or weight can i put her in the front seat with me if it is only me and her in the car?

2006-08-13 19:49:01 · 7 answers · asked by alisha_62295 2

for school this year i got assigned a summer reading books.
i found the audio book on itunes.
i just read throughout the whole school rule book, it didnt say anything against audiobooks or anything liek that.

would it be ok if i listened to the audiobook instead of read the book?

2006-08-13 18:43:32 · 2 answers · asked by x7_lostandconfused_7x 2

research into mothers intuition and was hoping some mums out there can tell me of an incident(s) where it has been proven correct through personal experience. i never ignore mine however extreme it seems to my children or partner, and quite often my intuition has been proven correct after the event. i would like to hear about your experiance(s) with your intuition. thank you

2006-08-13 17:45:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 15 and i want to know the answer to this because i have a friends mom who is like a second mother to me and i call her mom

2006-08-13 17:29:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

the parents? I have an issue where a grandparent asked to take her grandson to her home for several days which was 2 1/2 hours away from where he lives, he doesn't really know her well. Is this something that sounds strange to you or am I just being old fashioned?

2006-08-13 17:09:35 · 17 answers · asked by frr_ls 2

2006-08-13 17:04:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The ENT doctors said my 5 years old daughter has enlarge tonsils and adenoid. They suggest that her tonsils should be remove.
But from what I read everywhere from the internet, nowdays tonsils are known good to prevent bacteria from entering the mouth, enlarge tonsils should shrink by itself by the age of 12.

Now, I am confuse whether to listen to my doctors or decide according to the little knowledges I have. I`m worried about the operation at her young age. Somebody please advice.

My daughter has not much problems, only that she could not pronounces Nasal Letters like M/N properly and she likes to breath by her mouth when sleeping but not once that she sleeps snoring.

Are the doctors in my country using the old techniques?

Can enlarge tonsils cause any worse illness?

2006-08-13 17:04:19 · 14 answers · asked by Aysha 1

Ok we like always fight almost everyday it drive's me nuts and we like get in huge fights and i do try to talk to her about it but it doesn't really work and the only place that i'm happy at is where my sister live's with her dad cuz we all get along there but my mom never come's thank god but when i am with my mom at the house i always feel depressed or really sad like i need to cry sad but when i feel like that i call my sister but she really doesn't help but when i was on her myspace she put this blog on there about my mom and I and she put at the bottom "not mentioning i'm seriously gonna consider adopting my little sister when i turn 18" and thats like this november anyways i'm starting school 2morrow and i hope ppl don't put me as the depressed girl anyways if you want to visit my sister's webpage its www.myspace.com/lovetherose anyways bye!!!

2006-08-13 16:01:17 · 12 answers · asked by cutiepie4u 2

Why do we have to pay taxes when our kids can't even goto the public school ....?
How is that we have to pay taxes for the public school system? The public school system in our county, as it probably is in many states, is so over run with gangs and violence. I don't feel safe sending my kids there. Therefore I have to send them to private school where the classes are smaller and no reported violence in this particular school. How can we get our schools back from the dope dealers and gangs?

2006-08-13 15:38:33 · 13 answers · asked by csize 2

Please, only answer if you have.

When my daughter was born, the day we came home from the hospital, I cried from the minute we left the hospital all the way home (35 min drive). I didn't even want to sit in the backseat with her. I love her to death though, It wasn't because I was sad, I just really can't explain it. But after that, I was fine, and have been ever since.
So anyways, I am 38 weeks pregnant, and I fear that I will go through it again, but worse, since I am single.

What were your experiences with PPD?
And can I prevent it? (Cannot afford therapy)
Can you take prescriptions for it while breastfeeding?

2006-08-13 15:18:53 · 9 answers · asked by AuroraBorealis 4

they are 2yrs and 7months old.

2006-08-13 15:15:51 · 10 answers · asked by lilly 2

for one year and then the other parent has custody for a year? I met a mediator who had this type of arrangement.

2006-08-13 15:12:21 · 16 answers · asked by hrmom02 2

What whould you do differently if you could do it all over again? Looking back, any big mistakes you made with your parenting choices?

2006-08-13 15:02:45 · 10 answers · asked by Peace 4

I have a big phobia about illness and seeing/hearing people be sick and the same goes for diarreah. I am dreading the time when my daughter goes off to school and starts catching sickness bugs that are going to make her ill. I was just wondering if any other moms out there also feel/felt like this, and also wondering how to cope with it. My daughter is 15 months at the moment, but I know the time will come when she has to go to nursery and school, and I'm terrified. Advice please?

2006-08-13 14:36:24 · 23 answers · asked by ♥Pamela♥ 7

I married this man and we are together for almost four years. When i get to other country to work he started cheating on me. Some of my friends told to me that her cousin and my husband go on dating. Lots of more girls that his courting. When i got a chance to go back home, and i ask him all the things that i heard, and he admitted that is true.Now that im here again in other country i cant get out of my mind that he gonna do it again. Should i trust him again?

2006-08-13 14:36:22 · 15 answers · asked by sweet_angle 1

How many parents would buy camo for babies? Is this item that would turn big hunters on.

2006-08-13 13:53:25 · 9 answers · asked by csize 2

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