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Newborn & Baby - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

I see many women jumping into conclusion when someone says their milk dried up or the baby failed to latch.Almost all mothers love to feed their babies with their own milk.But i have seen ladies who couldnt feed their babies due to certain ailments or some emotional shock.(Oh you accept it or not its up to you)Some people have inverted nipples & the baby finds it hard to latch on.The nipple shape matters a lot while feeding.(educated ppl understand this.the rest may not accept to it & again its up to you) For drying up of milk,the doctor can give some medicines to help the patient to come out of the trauma. But for the one who has enough milk but could not feed due to the nipple shape or since the baby failed to latch,the option is to pump milk & store it & feed it through a bottle.Now i need to know how to store that pumped milk!Whether room temperature or should it be kept in the deep freezer or just in the normal compartment of the fridge & for how many hrs can that milk be stored!

2007-10-11 22:47:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 3 months old and I boil his bottles, pacifiers, teethers [and anything else he puts in his mouth!]
but my husband just got him a Winnie the Pooh teddy bear [that plays music] and it says "Surface Washable ONLY" which means I cannot put it in the washing machine [because it will ruin the music box]! Should I wipe it down with a warm towel or something before I give it to him? [because I know the second I hand it to him -- it's going IN his mouth!]

The Teddy Bear is brand new [right from the Toys R Us shelf] .. so, I should definitely clean it, but is "wiping it down" going to be enough???

[and what about his other stuffed animals that ARE machine washable -- should I wash all of them before I give them to him to play with??]

Thanks :]

2007-10-11 21:01:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 18:55:13 · 10 answers · asked by innocentheartbreakerr 1

Greetings, if a newborn baby doesn't open her eyes for 10 days, what's the best of "persuading" her to do so? Thanks, JS

2007-10-11 17:24:54 · 14 answers · asked by John S 1

My son is exactly 3 1/2 months old today. Lately (I'd say about the last 2 weeks or so) he's been exhibiting signs of having a bad temper! I can't believe this. I'll give you examples....sometimes when he fusses we would try and give him his paci...this worked up until about 3 months and then if you would try, he would instantly scream (not cry scream, I mean short, high-pitched screams and he'd knock your hand with the paci away from his face) so I took all the paci's away and he's not using them anymore. Ok, another example, he has a car seat toy that attaches to the bars of his carseat. Earlier tonight we were driving and he was in the back smacking the toy around and he started angry whining. I took it down and instantly he was better. One more example...he LOVES to stand on your lap. If he really wants to do it and you sit him back down (after like 5 minutes of him standing) he'll start the angry whining again and get really mad until you stand him up, then he's all better

2007-10-11 17:17:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happens when your in the hospital in labor, and it is just you, your husband, and your son (2 years old) and no one else.

I know the children arent aloud in there when your giving birth, so what happens, do i have to do it by myself? Without my husband so he can watch our son?

If anyone can shed some light on this situation for me i would really appreciate it.

Thank you

2007-10-11 16:44:57 · 19 answers · asked by rockgirlfury 3

I want a sibling close in age for my daughter, and al these women with babies that are the same age as her seem to be falling pregnant even though they weren't trying, because they aren't breastfeeding. I'm just getting sad about it because I feel like I'm being punished for breastfeeding...

I give her a pacifier, she sleeps 9-10 hours a night, and sometimes I pump and bottle-feed her, so it's not like I nurse 24/7. Any hope?

2007-10-11 16:36:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 3-months old. She had her first cold on Monday, but it seems to have cleared up. Never ran a fever. Her appetite returned to normal yesterday, but today she didn't finish two of her bottles. (She is breastfed and is given bottled breast milk at daycare). She ate at 4, and by 5:30, she threw up a lot, three times. She ate again at 6:40, then snacked at 8:10. By 9, she thew up again. Still no fever. What should I do?

2007-10-11 14:27:44 · 9 answers · asked by Susan S 3

My baby is 8 lbs 2 oz. we are feeding her around 2 oz. every 3-4 oz. she would drink more if we would let her but we don't want to over feed her. She is very fussy, even after we feed her. Very fussy, clean diaper, warm, no temp. just can't figure anything out but to feed her more. Went for check up and she was great physically. What should we do and how much should we feed her.

2007-10-11 13:02:21 · 14 answers · asked by whit g 3

My daughter is 3 1/2 months and running a slight fever....99.3 (took temp under her arm) Not too high...but higher than her norm. She has been sucking on things non-stop and chewing on her clothes. Is it possible she is teething. I can't really tell from feeling her gums...is there any other way to tell? She has red cheeks and has had more stools today than normal.

2007-10-11 12:47:07 · 7 answers · asked by fromthecabbagepatch 4

My son is 6 mo. old. He's been eating 1 tbs of cereal once a day since he was 5.5 (he didnt finish it al in the beginning.) Anyway now he still eats the same amount once a day, and he has a 6.5 oz bottle every 3.5 to 4 hrs., but for the past couple days he doesnt seemed satisfied. Someone mentioned adding cereal to his bottle. So i wanted to know how do i do it and how much with a 7 oz bottle?

I havent started him on stage 1 food yet bcuz he has a doc appt. in 2 weeks and i'll see what he says then.

2007-10-11 12:39:00 · 11 answers · asked by **Stephey** 1


Yet again my ten month old is refusing to eat!

He will suck on finger foods such as rusks, baby biscuits and bread/toast. I've tried offering "healthier" finger foods such as cooked veg and sliced fruit and he just throws them on the floor.

He will eat smooth, sweet foods such as yoghurt, fromage frais, fruit puree, egg custard and baby rice pudding.

And nothing else!!!

I'm tearing my hair out that he's going to be malnourished! But short of bodily holding him down and forcing the food into his mouth I can't get him to eat anything else!

I've cut his breastfeeds down to 3 a day so it can't even be that he's filling up on breastmilk.

I'm so worried I can't seem to get any sense out of my Health Visitor! Please tell me he will grow out of this! Is he going to suffer from malnutrition?

2007-10-11 11:15:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's not a question but if some of you may not have hear of it, but suggest you to go this website about the infants medications.


2007-10-11 10:29:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 10:03:47 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

her stump fell off a week ago and you can still kinda see down in there and its sorta pooched out. is there anything wrong? what should it look like?

2007-10-11 09:54:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you like them? Are they comparable to huggies or pampers?

2007-10-11 08:51:03 · 8 answers · asked by dianalam1983 2

2007-10-11 08:18:46 · 11 answers · asked by throughthebackyards 5

So yesterday I changed my baby's formula from Enfamil Gentlease to Good Start Natural Cultures. The Gentlease made her more gassy than it helped. I've been trying out different formulas every 2-3 weeks and still haven't found one to ease her spitting up or her excessive gas.

Anyway, today she is spitting up just about everything she has eaten, including my breastmilk which she never spits up. She seems ok other than that. She's still playful, smiling, seems energetic, her diapers are still normal, but it just seems to me that she is keeping nothing down. She's already been through 4 outfits, 3 bibs and 5 towels and I've been through 2 shirts.

Yesterday was her first full day on the new formula and she did great! She only spit up once and it was a very small amount and she only passed gas a few times compared to what it normally is.

Should I be concerned about all the spitting up? Could it be the new formula even though it didn't seem to bother her yesterday?

2007-10-11 07:58:06 · 31 answers · asked by Emma's Mommy 2

2007-10-11 07:36:05 · 22 answers · asked by melli 1

after your baby is born do you take him to your obgyn and ho long before you start with a pediatrician??

2007-10-11 07:02:21 · 23 answers · asked by titanlady062404 3

my son is 5 1/2 months old. he was ready to eat solids and wanted to, so we started rice cereal this morning. he ate his cereal and was still hungry and ate another 6 oz (he normally eats 8). should i give it to him with his evening feeding as well, or is once a day enough for now. he usually eats three 8 oz bottles each day. thanks!

2007-10-11 06:40:52 · 18 answers · asked by raspberry 3

2007-10-11 05:57:53 · 18 answers · asked by n_colewhitehair 1

I am interested in getting the Inglesina table chair from Amazon but I am not sure if it is durable. I want something portable for outing and use at home. I am tired of putting him on my lap while eating or feeding him at the table. I have a counter height table and a high chair is not in the right height. I need some suggestions to which product is the right choice. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-11 05:55:25 · 4 answers · asked by Kiki L 1

Ok I stay at home with my son, who now sleeps through the night wonderfully and naps just fine. I also live with my parents (husband is deployed in Iraq) so I get some help with him. I also get a little break once a week to do something for me (aimlessly walking through Target...) So why am I so exhausted? I need to know if I need to suck it up or if there are other stay at home moms who are exhausted too?

2007-10-11 05:01:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son was 5 months old on oct. 4. hes seems to be developing normally - hes up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth, trying to crawl. he just started cereal and hes somewhat social. hes always been a quiet baby, somewhat serious. he doesnt smile for strangers often. my concern is that he doesnt put much in his mouth. he can easily grab things and manipulate them from hand to hand, and he occasionally puts something new in his mouth but he mostly just feels it with his fingers. he doesnt have an appt with his dr for almost another month, but im wondering if its something i should talk to him before that. hes even teething, but when hes in pain, even then usually its just his fingers. im kind of worried just because of the fact that hes such a serious baby and i look at my nephew (hes 5 weeks older) and everythings been in his mouth for like 2 months now and he smiles and giggles at everyyyyone.

2007-10-11 04:35:53 · 10 answers · asked by raspberry 3

A coule of days ago I took my baby out to the next door neighbors house to show her off. As i took her out of the stroller the kids who were throwing a football around accidently threw it at her. it hit the back of her head and my hand. She didn't cry actually she smiled. but it was trown with full force. Should i be worried or look for any signs? It wasn't red where she was hit and she acted as if it didn't even faze her. PLEASE HELP IM FREAKING OUT!

2007-10-11 04:26:32 · 20 answers · asked by jeanettelynng 1

I just had my Son on Tuesday and Im breastfeeding. I noticed the other day that I've gotton a rash all over my Breast and stomache. But only the rash on my stomache itches. I didnt get this with my 1st child when I breastfeed. Is this common or could it just be a allergic reaction to something?

2007-10-11 04:22:08 · 12 answers · asked by xoxosweetcheecksxoxo 1

when can i give her soggy toast and yogourts. i have been weaning her since she was 4 months.

2007-10-11 04:18:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ped told me so and my baby is scheduled for one.

2007-10-11 02:57:46 · 4 answers · asked by Pie 3

I looked the website up and down. How do I get in contact w/ one of their consultants???

2007-10-11 02:19:01 · 12 answers · asked by throughthebackyards 5

fedest.com, questions and answers