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Newborn & Baby - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

A little call,
A special crawl.
Suddenly from no where you stand up,
But start to drool.
Your little feet start running,
Your nose is dripping to.
But then that little smile reminds me how much I love you!

2007-06-30 23:58:47 · 23 answers · asked by Katja ie tattybow 1

What is it and why do you do it?

2007-06-30 23:12:30 · 5 answers · asked by MJ 2

I do try and feed her some rice pablum..and although she seems to like it..she only will eat a few bites...sometimes none.

She did accept the taste of sweet potaoes and carrots...a little bit

She totaly rejected apple sauce, peaches and pears (either alone or mixed with the rice pablum)

....but she generaly just wants formula...most days shes not interested in the pablum at all....shes very chubby, happy and healthy...is it ok to just let her have the formula........shes just not ready? Anyone else have a child like this?

(my two older children really seemed to enjoy solids and started at 3 months...by 6 months they were eating lots of it)

2007-06-30 21:14:34 · 8 answers · asked by paradox is interesting 2

damn. I turned my back for 30 seconds and when i turned round my 11 month old son was munching cat food fresh from the cat's bowl. Do you think it will do any harm?

2007-06-30 18:38:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


cloth diapers or disposables?? which is the better of the two?

i have a 2 year old and 10 month old. i have another baby on the way. i've been using huggies disposables since my first born. and its been bloody expensive. my parents have suggested cloth diapers to me for the longest time. i'm actually considering it now.

if i were to start with cloth diapers, what kinds am i looking for? easy to use and easy to wash?

2007-06-30 16:55:11 · 13 answers · asked by *¤Little Mimi¤* 4

my sister has a 4 month old baby, she feels she can't breastfeed because her nipples are inverted. so my mother never hates the idea of baby formula so she came up with this idea that i share my own breastmilk when i finally give birth.

i have no problem with it, because my sister's baby is just like my own. i can use a breast pump and she can feed her little guy with the bottle.

does anybody think this is weird?

2007-06-30 16:25:05 · 23 answers · asked by *¤Little Mimi¤* 4

Cramping mildly for a week almost. Consistatly but not timed. Breast have enlarged this week. Lots of discharge. I'm 33 weeks.

2007-06-30 14:25:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-30 14:05:27 · 21 answers · asked by tamara T 1

i let my 7 month old stand since he was 2 months old. all he wants to do is stand with me holding him or with a table, crib etc. his legs are still bowlegged and i heard that babies grow out of it. im still kind of worried though

2007-06-30 14:00:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter who has been breastfed for 8 mos just began drinking Good Start soy formula last week. The last couple of days she has had a small diaper rash but today it is REALLY BAD! I've been changing her often and putting clear desitin and a + d zinc oxide ointment on her at every diaper change and I took her diaper off and let her butt dry but its all over her down there. What else can I do and is this from her formula???

Do I need to switch it and if I do should I just switch it all at once or will switching it make it worse? Please help me shes in a lot of pain and I will take her to the doc tomorrow but tonight she needs relief and I need answers.

2007-06-30 13:53:08 · 12 answers · asked by addisonsmom17 2

I pump...so she is already introduced to a artificial nipple...

2007-06-30 08:43:59 · 15 answers · asked by mrs.dyess 1

Hi, Does anyone know of good websites or have any experience with some of the vaccines given to infants/babies with trace metals in them...Has anyone requested that their child NOT be given these vaccines..if so how did you go about it and what was the reaction. I have found that they are mostly the Hep B shot, and the HIB and possibly the MMR...but I am not sure about the MMR..I can't find a clear answer..Please Help..Thanks alot!!!!

2007-06-30 08:15:05 · 9 answers · asked by Nicole B 4

i'm making a baby quilt for a couple who are expecting a girl. so far i have pink yellow and purple on the front. its a square pattern. i need a color for the back of it. i was thinking using a flannel fabric. would that be bad for the baby?

2007-06-30 06:33:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

its a nightmare hes so fussy all i wish is he ate at least half of his small meal,he aspecially doesant like any sloppy meals with lumps any recipe ideas thanks

2007-06-30 06:20:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently I ate dinner at a very upscale restaurant. During dinner my child needed a diaper change. I went to the ladies restroom, and there was no place for me to change the diaper! I was forced to either A. place my son on the bathroom floor (which I wasn't going to do), or B. try and hold a wiggling 8 month old in my arms, wipe him, put a clean diaper on, then redress him (which I ended up doing). Now I don't know about you, but this was unacceptable in my opinion, and I won't eat at this restaurant again. (I did email them when I got home and complain as they were very busy and I didn't want to cause a scene in public)

I was just wondering- has this happened to you? Why don't we get together a list of places that DO NOT have diaper change stations (or some adequate and sanitary place for diaper changes) so that we know which places to avoid? It might be nice to know ahead of time which restaurants aren't "baby diaper change" friendly...

2007-06-30 06:08:18 · 23 answers · asked by Meekla 2

2007-06-30 05:29:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am the father of an 11 month old daughter and dont know if she should see me naked or not. (like in and out of the shower)

2007-06-30 03:45:05 · 17 answers · asked by justice.eckrich 1

I was listening to a radio show where they had a phone in about peoples thoughts on breast feeding in public. One lady said she was feeding her baby in a quiet corner of a restaurant when a guy approached her and said he was disgusted and that she should go to the toilet to feed the baby. The lady later went over to the guy, picked up his plate and told him he should take it to the toilet to eat his food there! I thought that was classic because I personally think women should be able to feed their babies as and where they need to but what are your thoughts?

2007-06-29 21:19:30 · 44 answers · asked by Scorps 2

My 5 1/2 month old nurses most of the time with about 2 solid meals a day. He nurses to sleep at night and sleeps for about 4 hours till he is ready to eat then fall asleep while nursing. However, next week I'm in a wedding of my best friend thats 3-hours away. My in laws are flying into town and are set to watch him for two nights but I'm worried he won't be okay. I tried leaving tonight for the bachelorette party but was back less than 2-hours later to nurse my hystarical baby who wouldn't take a bottle to sleep as my husband wasn't able to comfort him.

If I take him with me, I will be constantly worried about him and risk getting spit up on my bridesmaid dress or what not. Also, my inlaws never get to see him and would be stuck 3 hours away. But, if I leave him with my inlaws I'm worried about another hysterical episode and me having to drive back in 3 hours during the wedding. HELP me please! Is there anyone that has gone through a similar situation? Thanks and God Bl

2007-06-29 18:04:48 · 18 answers · asked by paschaderk 2

I Already Have Mylicon Infant Drops And Tylenol Infant Drops Is There Anything Else.

2007-06-29 17:49:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My baby is 7 days old and I am TIRED. Mind you I had a c-section and am building my iron which was low after birth. To aviod depletion of my energy while breastfeeding (I plan to breastfeed for many many many months yet).. should I do multi viatmin or prenatal? I don't want iron supplements as that is consitpating.

2007-06-29 11:28:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any tips?
We're renting a minivan, we're driving to AZ from CA, and we're planning on stopping every hour or two so that baby isn't cramped...but I'm not sure where to go or what to do with a 9 month old in the desert...in july. HELP?

2007-06-29 11:13:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone who had advice for taking a child off their pacifier? I really don't need theories but if you tried something that worked and you'd like to share, i'd appreciate it a lot.

My child will not sleep without his pacifier and he wakes up in the middle of the night crying for it. I tried letting him cry and find it himself but that doesn't seem to work.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

2007-06-29 10:28:39 · 18 answers · asked by oreo723 2

2007-06-29 09:56:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

We're planning on taking a trip to Asia, probably stay longer at the Philippines where TB is widespread. My baby was 5 weeks premature, now she's 6 months. What can i do to prevent her from contracting TB

2007-06-29 09:39:49 · 6 answers · asked by free_chloe 1

She also passes a lot of gas but the worst park is that it's painful for her. she sometimes wakes up out of her sleepp just to pass gas becasue it hurts. What should I do she's my first.

2007-06-29 09:31:12 · 19 answers · asked by Hattie E 1

my 5month just learned to "razz", ya know, ppppllllbbbb! with her tongue.Since then she kinda stopped "talking".Do you think she just learned something new and wants to try that for a while and sh'll start talking again.Or do you think i should be concerned ? has this happened to you?
its been about 5 or 6 days.

2007-06-29 09:20:15 · 8 answers · asked by hladeebugg 2