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Pregnancy & Parenting - 14 October 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

im 17 years old and my parents act like I am 5. I get good grades, help out and dont think im too rebellious. I have a bf who I love more than anything and we plan to get married when he gets into graduate school and I get accepted into one.The thing is my parents absolutely cannot stand the fact Im dating which is weird because my cousin younger than me has had waaay more girlfriends than I have had boyfriends and they act like its perfectly normal for everyone else to date. My dad was jus telling my cuz that "love conquers all" but for me, its like a crime to date! Im going to dorm in college and have my own car and get a job but in the meantime, how do I get them to get over the fact that Im not a baby anymore??

2007-10-14 08:03:56 · 11 answers · asked by =) 2 in Adolescent

Hi there. I need some honest opinions please. I am 7 months pregnant, and we are expecting a baby boy. All my life I've loved the name Ichabod. Yes, I know about "ichabod crane" but that doesn't matter to me! That name sounds to cooool... But my husband won't hear of it! He says if I name my son Ichabod he won't sign the birth certificate!

So I put in a list of names he could choose from. I am trying to be reasonable. I think Wilbur is nice, or Orville (yes, in honor of flight) or maybe Ned or Beauford. Also Humphrey or Petunius.

Well, don't you think he's being unreasonable? He just REFUSES to choose any of these! He wants some awful generic name like Michael or Brandon. UGH!

Can you please talk some sense to him?? He'll be reading the replies tonight. Thanks!

2007-10-14 07:55:55 · 55 answers · asked by Minerva 1 in Baby Names

Renee Michelle.

im not pregnant or anything, but its my sister's name. she keeps on wondering if its a good name???


2007-10-14 07:53:07 · 18 answers · asked by :)) ♥ 2 in Baby Names

I am worried about diabetes and things like that. I haven't had any prenatal care, and have not been to the doctor at all (until this week, i guess). I don't eat that many sweets, nor soda, just balanced meals, water and juice as well. I'm just not sure if it's nomal to feel thirsty all the time.

2007-10-14 07:52:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm 13 and I want to go on Birth Control to help with my periods. What long term effects would/could occur at my age?

I would like to go on the Birth Control that gives you either 4 or 3 periods a year.

I'm not having sex

2007-10-14 07:50:48 · 7 answers · asked by Seth + Marleigh = ♥ 1 in Adolescent

(It is a word I use to describe them, it is not a misspell, and not supposed to be prostitutes, (they are kids hence the tots)Whatever happened to taking pride in your appearance and respecting yourself enough to not have to resort to showing your boobs and/or buttcrack to get the attention of boys, the boys you attract by dressing that way are bad news anyways... RESPECT yourself girls... cover up! And to the parents of these girls, why let them?

2007-10-14 07:38:38 · 17 answers · asked by tricksy_mama 2 in Adolescent

My little boy is a nightmare. I have always brought him up to have manners, he is not allowed to watch garbage on telly, he has no e-numbers, he is put into time out, ignored for bad behavior, praised when he is being good, talked to and still he is a very difficult. He shouts at me, used his "own" swear words, smacks me and his father, screaches, and is generally very very hard work. I am at the end of my teather! Each day is a countdown to bedtime and i just don't want his childhood to be a bad memory to him! When he is good (not very often, and usually before illness) He is excellent. Help!!

2007-10-14 07:27:02 · 18 answers · asked by AnneShirley03-03-07 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

My two yr old has a few old scratch marks on her face and I would like to know what I could use to fade them. Thats safe for her delicate skin.

2007-10-14 07:09:52 · 4 answers · asked by Spirited Virgo 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

These is opinion based, no bashing other answers please! Lets say you have two kids, a toddler and a newborn. Lets say your toddler got really sick some how and started losing weight. Now besides the doctor helping and other high calorie foods. Also I should mention that your toddler was never breast-fed and your newborn is currently breast-feeding.Would you give your toddler your breast milk to help him/her gain weight and give her more immunities?(in a sippy cup not by breast) What if the only option was your milk? What so you think?

2007-10-14 07:09:15 · 13 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

i had my period about 3/4 weeks ago but I'm scared about being pregnant. I don't know the exact time i got it last month so I can't be sure if I'm just overly paranoid. I've have cramps and I've been sweating at night but I dont know if thats the symptom for my period or pregnancy. could i be pregnant or am i just paranoid??

2007-10-14 07:07:27 · 3 answers · asked by yjd 1 in Adolescent

My children were adopted internationally and are a different race then my husband and me. People often come up to us, and ask questions about our children while they're sitting right there. While some are totally innapropriate, others are just curious, but not things I think should really be shared with strangers or anyone really unless they chose to share it when they're older.
My question is, how should I respond when someone asks a personal question about their adoption. I definetly don't want to share informaton that belongs to my children, but I don't want to say "that's none of your bussiness!", and make my kids think the story of their birth and adoption is shameful, and not something they can ever discuss.
Adoptive parents, how do you handle this, and adoptees, how would you want this handled from a child's perspective? My sons are both too young to ask their opinions now, but the oldest will soon be able to understand what people are talking about.

2007-10-14 07:00:43 · 17 answers · asked by Angela R 4 in Adoption

I recently got back together with my ex. Yesterday I found out I was pregnant, and told him. He blew me off to go to a drinking party with some friends. Then called asked me if I was lying asked what the pregnancy tests were to check their accuracy! I took 3 tests! He was acting extremely immature thats why it didn't work the fist time. Do you think he will mature?

2007-10-14 06:48:28 · 10 answers · asked by Mary R 2 in Adolescent

My 15 year old daughter speaks very rudely to me and sometimes to her grandparents. Her tone is just plain rude and obnoxious. She does not like me to help her with anything and says that I treat her like a child.

She was living with her father from age 10 to 15 and is now living with me.

How do I check her on her tone of voice and make her speak more respectfully to me and other elders?

2007-10-14 06:48:07 · 18 answers · asked by Stareyes 5 in Adolescent

last night i went out with my friend to a dance club, and told my mum i was going for a sleepover at my friends. im safe and stuff so do you think i did something wrong. i feel kinda guilty now and scared she might find out.. if you were a parent would you be mad??

2007-10-14 06:46:07 · 23 answers · asked by ohlala 3 in Parenting

I have a pedestal stove/ gas fireplace and I need something like a protective fence or guard for my toddler, the stove didn't come with such a thing.

2007-10-14 06:32:37 · 8 answers · asked by pancakes & hyrup 6 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am of course pregnant as you all now know. I just recently told my Bf and he is very supportive. I told my dad, my mom and her husband (my mom and dad are divorced) last night and this is how it went. He eating pizza and drinking colawith one of his best buds. I didn't want to tell but I just had too. So I cut off the t.v and I just simply said "I am pregnant". My dad just looked at me and started you yell! He asked me "It was that Collin guy wasn't it?" Then cauos went loose. My moms husband said that he will wait for her in the car. Then my mom and dad began fighting over me, sex, Collin, pregnancy and so on. "My mom said, what have you been doing just letting her go off and having sex and getting pregnant?!" My dad was so mad. He said "Bussiness trips" It was a hughe fight lots of very bad words. Anyway my mom left and my dad just came over to me and looked at me. He was so mad he said he doesn't even want to talk to me. He even said I can't see Collin! How can I get my dad back?

2007-10-14 06:31:42 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting


what do you think of the girls name Mya Ambrielle Johnson? If you dont like it any similar suggestions?

2007-10-14 06:23:43 · 26 answers · asked by tayla 4 in Baby Names

Although my period is not late, is it possible to still be pregnant? My period usually lasts no longer than 3 days most of the time. But at the end of September when I got my period it lasted the 3 days, and I thought I was done but I did start again like a day later, and it all together lasted about 7 days or so. This past Wednesday (the 10th) I got sick and vomited a few times in the middle of the night....didn't think anything about it. But now it is Sunday and whenever I eat certain "real" foods I get sick, (can keep down breads and crackers, but get sick on chicken, rice, and hamburger) and I feel nauseous most of the day. Is is possible for me to be pregnant,...or maybe just sick.

2007-10-14 06:08:35 · 10 answers · asked by lilbit 3 in Pregnancy

cleary state they do not want the child,give it up or get an abortion. make a law stating that a teenage girl who gets pregnant cannot apply for welfare cash only medical and food stamps. make sure our daughters are educated and offered birth control. i think this law would cut down on teen pregnancy and avoid entrapment of young men. im a female with a daughter. but i see a lot of girls thinking they can trap a guy into getting married or staying with them by getting pregnant. what do you all think?

2007-10-14 06:07:35 · 15 answers · asked by kellie r 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

why is it that when we are pregnant our belly shows at 10 weeks but out uterus isnt at the height of our pubic bone yet? it seems like alot of people are like im jnot showing yet is that normal. but the second time they say you start to show earlier. why when nothing is there?

2007-10-14 05:54:42 · 7 answers · asked by miraclebaby_2006 5 in Pregnancy

I know you can order a doppler for home use online, but is there any store you can buy them at?

2007-10-14 05:53:53 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Yes Im K.A.B's Mommy :)♥ 4 in Pregnancy

I really would like to understand why, with so many real issues involving children that are important, such as abuse, sexual assault, or obvious neglect, do parents have to argue, insult, judge and put down other parents over issues like:

Why does a person even get themselves all worked up, to the point of being nasty, insulting and judgemental, towards another parent who doesn't raise their kids the same way that parent does? Why do some people care if Jane Doe in San Antonio, Texas works outside the home? Or the fact that Mary Smith in Miami, Florida spanks her kids?
For those who feel the need to insult, put down, call names, tell others they don't love their kids, are bad parents, or that they shouldn't have had kids, WHY DO YOU CARE HOW ANOTHER PARENT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW RAISES THEIR KIDS?

2007-10-14 05:50:49 · 18 answers · asked by Pink Cowgirl 4 in Parenting

My boyfriend doesnt wear a condom, he "pulls out" and i'm not on birth control. We've been having sex for the last 11 months, [not all the time obviously] and I've never gotten pregnant. [No, I'm not trying to get pregnant.] Should we continue this method or should I insist we do use something? Or does that mean maybe one of us can't make children or something since it hasn't happened? Don't tell me things about diseases, i know about that stuff and it's not a problem with us.

2007-10-14 05:50:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Child is four months old and just got switched from breast milk to formula and now doesn't sleep completely through the night.

2007-10-14 05:33:43 · 9 answers · asked by Kairablossom 2 in Newborn & Baby

I am due to give birth in a couple of weeks and am naturally nervous. I have just had my visit up to the hospital I will be giving birth in (well, it is the only choice I was offered a visit round). I wasn't impressed with their attitude - the midwife said they didn't agree with pain relief apart from gas and air and that women didn't need it! If something was to go wrong and I needed an epdiural I would have to go in a ambulance 20 minutes to the next nearest hospital as the one I am going to does not have an anaesthetist. I tried to see if I could give birth in the other hospital further away but because my midwife was late booking me in, all the visits are taken up already! Scared and anxious! I know this is the NHS and I should be grateful its a free service etc but I feel like I am being pushed into a drug free labour and my midwife has already told me she wants me to breastfeed without giving me the option!

2007-10-14 05:33:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Can you get free birth control pills in canada

2007-10-14 05:30:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Just started formula. Always slept well on breast milk. Is it the formula?

2007-10-14 05:30:01 · 10 answers · asked by Kairablossom 2 in Newborn & Baby

so i have this delusional friend who is always bragging about boys liking her when i know its all in her twisted mind! she actually drives them crazy and i have seen it. well i really think this is all in her head and making it up and i thought of a way to prove i really am right. so i thought that i could make a fake myspace profile and make up some guy name and then talk to her and she would go on and on saying "he wants me!" but it will be my little secret =)

is this bad?

2007-10-14 05:26:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Im having trouble picking a good british or english name for my baby boy to be, so far i like sebastian and allister but i feel like something missing. does any one have a good suggestion for a british or english boys name?

2007-10-14 05:22:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

My husband and I have decided we are both ready to start a family. However, there are two reasons why I am a little scared that maybe I can't.

1 - I rarely played it safe. With boyfriends in high school/college we rarely used a condom and just did the pull out method. My husband and I have been married three years now and have only used the pull out method. I now look back on this and wonder how I managed to never get pregnant. Just lucky? But who is that lucky?

2 - When I first started having a period (age 12) they were 6 - 7 days long. Eventually that went down to 5 days long, and now for the past 3 years my periods are practically non-exsistant. They only last 2 days, with light spotting on the 3rd. Is my fertility disappearing as my period gets shorter and shorter???

Background info: Age 26, exercise regularly, does not smoke or drink. I do have a stressful job though (military).

Any words of wisdom is greatly appreciated.

2007-10-14 05:22:06 · 5 answers · asked by Erica G 3 in Trying to Conceive

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