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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2007-06-15 09:51:37 · 19 answers · asked by RARE JEWEL 1 in Newborn & Baby

So I have been dating my gf for a couple years now and the past week I thought that we should take our relationshi[ to the next level now that we graduated from high school. Right now shes staying home helping her mother whos physically ill and I'm working at Mcdonalds. I know we won't be the most affluent parents but we have all the love in the world for ur baby. Plus we need a baby einstien to get us good retirements. What r ur recomendations.

2007-06-15 09:42:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

ok i'm a preteen i'm a virgin and not a ho but i really badly want a baby and don't tell me to wait until my 20s i cant wait that long i just want a baby now i don't care if it is a boy or a girl but i just want one i always like looking after children i used to help reception class when i was at middle school and loved it them sitting on my knees and me singing songs to them and reading stories playing with them but i want a kid of my own im prepared to do whatever there is just as long as i can have my own baby to take care off i luv children they r my idol i cant go on living with out them so i used to have a job babysitting little kids i just want a baby so my question is.... what or should i do to have my own baby????

2007-06-15 09:30:00 · 35 answers · asked by katie m 1 in Adolescent

Hey everyone, I am gouing through baby names and cant seem to think of something pretty and unique.


2007-06-15 09:23:14 · 29 answers · asked by babiilove101 2 in Baby Names

what is a hymen and how do u know if you still have it?

2007-06-15 09:06:29 · 11 answers · asked by blahblurb 2 in Adolescent

Okay my hubby and I have been in a dis agreement for a while sinse I found out we are expecting . We are both for breast feeding, except the fact that I would be more comfortable and for personal reasons rather be pumping the milk and then sharing feeding responsiblities with my hubby with that so we both can bond with the baby and also alow the baby to get benifits of the breast milk. On the other hand my hubby wants me to feed through the breast not through a bottle. Any ideas where we both can come to a agreement before the baby is born?

2007-06-15 09:05:42 · 15 answers · asked by squuishee 3 in Pregnancy

My son is 5 now and Father's Day has really been a non-issue for our little family. His father has no contact with us at all. (Nor do I care to. I make enough money to earn a comfortable living for the both of us.)

I've always had my son make cards for my father and brother (his grandfather and uncle) since they are his only prominent male figures in his life. This year, my father has asked me not to even bring up the topic of Father's Day since he is worried my son is getting to the age where he is asking more questions.

I've always told my son that there are many types of families out there: some only have mommies and some only have daddies, some have grandparents or aunts and uncles and there are some families that just have people that love and take care of them.

Do you think that it is wrong to go against my father's wishes? I want to make it clear to my son that just because his father isn't there, it doesn't make our family "wrong" or "incomplete."

2007-06-15 08:52:25 · 15 answers · asked by lololo_and_lalala 2 in Parenting

Does it leak out or if he's in so far does it stay in place? I'm not worried about STD's or getting pregnant.. Because i've been with the same guy for 2 1/2 years, recently tested less than a month ago. And if I get pregnant, I get pregnant. I'll take care of my baby. :]

2007-06-15 08:48:49 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Im going to be blunt here...
I am 15 weeks pregnant, yesterday I was having sex with my husband and I started to bleed quite heavily, I went to the hospital, but the Doctors said there was nothing wrong. How is there nothing wrong if I was bleeding real heavy? Is there another explaination as to why I could be bleeding like that?

Im so worried

2007-06-15 08:30:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Im now 37 weeks my doctor told me to start walking all this week so next friday at my app. she can deliver the baby. I`ve been walking for awhile and every time she checks me nothing has changed im still not dilated. So does any one have some suggestions on how to get things moving and help me dilate by next app.

2007-06-15 08:28:38 · 15 answers · asked by JaiJuans*mommi 2 in Pregnancy

Merrick Greywolf - me
Augustus Alexander - brother
Bruticus Clementine - brother
Octivius Adrian - brother
Athena Artemis - sister
Udonna Sierra - sister

Maximus Constantine - dad
Marcus Claudius - uncle
Gladius Maximo - uncle
Aurelius Neo - uncle

Maximillian Elliott - grandpa

2007-06-15 08:26:33 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

if you do not have an eight year old. Do you have any ideas?

2007-06-15 08:24:59 · 46 answers · asked by hoodwink 2 in Parenting

This is the first time my daughter has diaper rash and I am usign destin...is there anything you find better?

2007-06-15 08:23:16 · 29 answers · asked by ATLgirl 2 in Newborn & Baby

The last day of my period was on May 19th, and I got a positive result (albeit a very faint line) on June 9th (exactly 21 days later). Then a darker line on the 11th. Does that seem early? Or is it normal? The box said most women can't get a positive result until at least five days before their period, so I'm just wondering. Thanks!

2007-06-15 08:14:34 · 4 answers · asked by hmm 5 in Pregnancy

Ok my last period was on march 29,2007 witch that would make me 11 weeks 2 days late right ………….. so I took a hpt two weeks ago and it came out negative but then this morning my cousin who is a nurse suggested that It of might have been a false negative because I took like 1lt of water before I acutely did the hpt and that is the reason why I might of gotten a false negative because my urine was really clear and she also said that before you do a hpt you should not drink more than 400ml.of water my stomach is kind of big and hard and my areola is changing color u r opinions will help please………♥

2007-06-15 08:11:21 · 10 answers · asked by princessa 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Need your opinion...I personally love the name, and I just wanted some feedback...Also, what middle name goes well??? last name is Scott

2007-06-15 08:11:11 · 21 answers · asked by Cortney S 3 in Baby Names

Talking about anatomy, my boyfriend's daughter is three and still doesn't know how to refer to her female parts, other than calling the whole area her "bum".

My boyfriend absolutely refuses to say the word "vagina" in front of his daughter, which I believe is teaching her that it's something to be embarrassed about. My mom taught me it was just a body part (albeit one to be respected) which I believe is the best way to handle it. How old were you when you learned the difference between girls and boys, AND how much information should I give her when we do talk about it? Being three, I'm sure just the basics are fine but I've never had to do this before. (Her dad's given me the assignment since I'm the only woman she knows who's willing to discuss things.)

2007-06-15 08:04:53 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler


Any thoughts that come to mind please...thanks alot*

2007-06-15 08:01:09 · 32 answers · asked by *toona* 7 in Baby Names

I have a full over full bunk bed for my daughter. We bought that size so when my parents came they would have a place to sleep. Is it safe for both of them or one of them to sleep on the top with her under? We are trying to figure this out. My parents are coming tomorrow night and I wanted to know. The wood pieces on the top bunk that holds the mattress are screwed into the bed so they will not be going anywhere. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

2007-06-15 08:00:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I was just curious for those moms out there that have already gave birth. Can you tell the difference between gas pains and actual contractions??... I was wondering because sometimes I get gas pains and ive had braxton hicks contractions how will i actually know when to go to the hospital. I am curouis because I want to get the epidural but im afraid I wont be able to tell the difference between gas pains and actual contractions??.. can someone please help me? I just want to know when a good time would be to go to the hospital ( i am almost 39 weeks)

2007-06-15 07:57:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2oz of water = 1 scoops
4oz of water = 2 scoops
6oz of water = ? scoops
8oz of water = 4 scoops

I am using Enfamil and my baby is only 7 weeks old and I don't want to use 8oz of milk. that's impossible. I asking for 6oz of water and how many scoops of formula? 3 scoops? or do I have to follow the intructions......

2007-06-15 07:49:18 · 18 answers · asked by spookiedell02 2 in Newborn & Baby

my boyfriend has a 3 year old daughter, her mother is going to jail now, we were supposed to move in tegether but I don't want to take care of another child, I also have a daughter she's 13 years old went through so much with her now she's older and is so easy, I often ask myself why do i feel this way? I know in my heart that im not ready for his baby...it is too much for me right now, or later.I was only 17 when i had mine and i missed so much of my youth at home but she is my baby , I don't feel is fair that her crazy mother ruin everything for us If i didn't love him I would've end this relashionship on a heart beat, ......how do i brake this up to him without sounding like a perferc *****?when all he talks about is how we r a perfect family!!! its hard for me to let anyone in , moving day is so close and don't want to take care of a 3 year old..........what can i do what can i say how can i change this???

2007-06-15 07:36:26 · 47 answers · asked by nica mami74 2 in Parenting

My son is 16 months old and since he was born he has slept with mommy. Being a single mother, I have my reasons why. I have been attempting to break him of the habit of having to fall asleep with me. I have started with nap time and putting him in his pack and play so he cant get out and he is safe. The last 4 times I put him in there he threw up 2 times from crying to hard. I lay him down with a bottle and say goodnight and leave the room. I am worried about him throwing up and possibly suffocating or something. I try to check on him, but if he sees me it makes it so much worse. I need help with ideas about how to put him to sleep by himself. Thanks for all your ideas. The real ones are really appreciated. I understand there are alot of people who don't agree about a child sleeping with their parent, so the negative comments about that decision is not welcome.


2007-06-15 07:33:36 · 13 answers · asked by cathy n 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I read on here about parents who feel that it's better for their children (of any age) to think that babies grow in a woman's tummy and come out of her bottom or are cut out of their tummy -or- that the stork or angels bring them -or- any of a number of other non-factual stories.


What's wrong with a kid knowing that a baby grows in a special place inside mom that's called a 'uterus' and comes out of another special place, which is part of her private parts, called a 'vagina'? How could the child be harmed by knowing this?

My kids know this. Am I harming them in some way?

Really, some of the reproduction explanations that I read on here are kind of disturbing and confusing when you think about them, especially in comparison to the simple truth.

2007-06-15 07:33:27 · 5 answers · asked by Maureen 7 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Starting to get desperate for ideas here, anyone know of a guy that has them and if they like them. We're off to a waterpark in 2 weeks and think they'll come in handy there.

2007-06-15 07:32:16 · 3 answers · asked by lillilou 7 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

fedest.com, questions and answers