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Pregnancy & Parenting - 27 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

ok, i had sex with this guy i have been with about 2 and a half weeks ago.... we had sex about 3 or 4 times within the weekend, and the last day was the 11th. he didnt bust in me, he pulled out before he...ya know, but one time we had sex again after he pulled out and wiped his...stuff...off with a towel. well i got my period about 4-5 days after wards, but it was light and short, and my periods are ALWAYS heavy and long, but i didnt think anything of it. and about 5 days ago or so, i started feeling bloated like im about to get my period, but theres no way i can be. and i been gettin queazy at least once a day since i started feeling bloated. i have been sleepin way more than usual, and i been waking up sweating almost every night. i also have been having breast pains as well. im really scared that im pregnant, but i dont want to tell my mom until im sure. does this sound like i am?? i dont know if im just worryin about nothin, but i just havent felt right!! please help me!!

2006-11-27 17:39:25 · 14 answers · asked by xxnotsosweetxx145 1 in Pregnancy

i was on b.c for almost 2 years, and i have been off of it since like the end of september, and i got pregnant a few weeks ago. so why is it that i keep reading all these things on here saying that it takes like a year to get pregnant after comming of b.c?? and if its supposed to take so long, than why do the doctors say that if you miss a pill you are more fertile?

2006-11-27 17:37:35 · 2 answers · asked by mommy in january 1 in Pregnancy

Ok, I'm 41 1/2, Have been a PCOS Sufferer for years, I had one natural period at 16, and then medically induced ones after that (can't stand the provera). 5 years ago my doc put me on Glucophage (metformin - generic) 500MG BID (twice daily) and this last 3 or 4 months I have been having 'normal' periods. Last month it was 2 days ... times before have always been 4-6 days.. and now I'm feeling 'pressure' in my lower abdomen. Not any nausea, nipple color change that I have noticed or any other things they say are early? I thought my breasts were a bit tender a few days ago, but they are better..... I'm due to start Dec 1-4th (since i'm not that regular yet, don't have a specific date.. last cycle was 27 days and I started on Nov 4th last month). Also, HUNGRY as all get out!? Is this a sign? Dunno what to think? And since I'm not even a week late or even due yet, I don't wanna run out to get a Home PG test? Any suggestions?

2006-11-27 17:36:36 · 2 answers · asked by replies2news 5 in Trying to Conceive

I am 30 weeks and not sure if I am having a boy or girl. The babies father wants a strong name if it's a boy, he says Nathanial is not strong and is too girly, but it would be a middle name...what do you think?

2006-11-27 17:31:45 · 25 answers · asked by singlemom 1 in Baby Names

I dont know if I am pregnant just yet but I am showing symptoms of it. I am trying to hold off on taking a PT because I think i should wait a little longer to get a more accurate reading. But for the last three days I have been suffering through a constant headache. Its really starting to get annoying. I am constantly feeling nausea all during the day and though my breasts havent grown any they are in pain alot. I just want to know if a constant headache is a sign of pregnancy in early pregnancy

2006-11-27 17:30:42 · 5 answers · asked by texastreasure 3 in Pregnancy

i am doing a survey on single mothers and bearing children into poverty. If anyone has had to singly raise a child in poverty with no financial help, or if you have had financial help from what organization? please help me with this survey...I have a term paper due Thursday!! Thanks!

2006-11-27 17:29:48 · 6 answers · asked by janalee b 1 in Parenting

My brother is almost 3 and my mom hasnt potty trained him! (I am much older and I don't, or ever have, lived with my mom.) He also barely talks. He can't form sentences. He knows what you are saying. He can respond to things. Is this obivious abuse? The goverment has taken my brother and sister away but they gave them back. They took them away since my mom was on drugs and had a really messy house. Even human fecies on the floor. Yet, the goverment feels she has "changed."

2006-11-27 17:28:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I had my first child (who is almost 6 now) at a really young age. I sacrificed a lot to give her the time she need with me at that time. She was doing great and blooming. However, after my 2nd was born, 3 years ago (when my first was 2 1/2 years old), her personality started to fall apart. I didn't have the maturity to really understand the major shift in her life from being only child to "another child" until now. It must have been very hard for her to adjust to that change. She had all the attention in the world from me then suddenly came this little baby. I feel like I should have been more sensitive to her feelings at the time because I believe her unacceptable behaviour now has a big connection to that shift of role in her life. She doesn't feel remorse against her little brother but she really misbehaves and seems to thrive on it, (unfortunately). I feel guilty about it now and wonder how on Earth I can reverse those affects and help her be more motivated to do good.

2006-11-27 17:23:49 · 8 answers · asked by down2earthsmiles 3 in Parenting

I am tired of people telling me what to and what not to feed my baby.

1) Start a baby off on veggies.....
***It is scientifically proven that no matter what you start your baby on it will always prefer the taste of sweet foods to non sweet foods because it is HUMAN NATURE!! All you ahve to do is what like the discovery channel or ask a doctor.

2) Don't feed your baby before 6 months.....
***WHATEVER....My children could never get full from formula after 2 weeks and they started rice cereal in their bottles, by DOCTORS ORDERS. they were spoon fed cereal and food by 3 months and are perfectly fine. NO WEIGHT ISSUES, NO ALLERGIES, NOTHING, NADA!!

3) Only give a child 2 ounces of juice and the rest water....
***Honestly would you drink anything like that? I wouldn't make my kids eat or drink anythin I wouldn't personally eat or drink myself (except formula). Why should I give them things normal HUMANS WOULDN"T DRINK?

What are u tired of hearing that's wrong about YOUR BABY?

2006-11-27 17:21:18 · 13 answers · asked by Mama of Cuties 1 in Newborn & Baby

or should i shampoo every other day. is it bad for thier hair? does shampooing have any thing to o with how fast/slow the baby's hair grows?

2006-11-27 17:17:18 · 11 answers · asked by blueberry muffins 1 in Newborn & Baby

i have searched online baby names site and im fed up with what they had on their site,i need to name my boy whose 3 months now ,starting with one of those letters and have a meaning too.pls guys help me in this...i really think you all give difffrent names other than those site's ones....pls help me...

2006-11-27 17:02:56 · 13 answers · asked by mashi 2 in Newborn & Baby

i am in 31 week.this is my first baby.want 2 knw frm mothers what is their experience.juz wanna have an idea,so as to get prepared.

2006-11-27 17:00:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My husb and I have been married 4 years and have been off the pill for three months. I know, by tracking my temp and CM, about when the prime time is each month. My husband doesn't want to schedule sex or for me to keep track of it. I guess I don't want to either. I mean, I want to keep things natural and fun. But I've been through 3 cycles now with no luck conceiving. My sis-in-law conceived on first try. My sister conceived with her husb while on BC! I guess I thought it'd be as easy for me as it was for them. So every month it doesn't happen, part of me thinks I'm a failure and part wants to blame my husband for not actively "helping" more (i.e., help make sex happen more frequently). Can anyone else relate? I just need to know I'm not alone if I'm not!

2006-11-27 17:00:07 · 6 answers · asked by shassy 1 in Trying to Conceive

being that middle class girl even though im like in an upper class. well i go to a school where most people are not very wealthy and they all think that wealthy people are stuck up and no goods. but i dont want to be known like that cuz im not like that, so i act as though i am not rich. my outfits are casual and boring and i hate it. im tired of pretending that i can't afford certain things. i want to invite ppl over to my real house and not some apartment my parents rented for me and my older sister to use for parties. i want to be able to show up in a limo to school again and stuff. how do u think ppl would feel if i all of a sudden tell them that im really an upper classer?

2006-11-27 16:56:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

The nutrition specialist I see to keep my family eating the right things and so forth told me to start my 3 month old son on rice cereal from the spoon, since he seems hungry all the time. He can't get full off of just formula....does this sound normal? The doctor also said it was okay to give him cereal, but a lot of people say no. What do you think?

2006-11-27 16:52:13 · 11 answers · asked by Lucky Charm 2 in Newborn & Baby

2006-11-27 16:47:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My 9 month old has had a stuffy nose lately and i''ve been giving him tylenol cold. and tonight i put him to bed as usual and he woke up about an hour ago throwing up everything that goes into his stomach. what should i do... could it just be an upset stomach?

2006-11-27 16:47:05 · 19 answers · asked by babeydede 2 in Newborn & Baby

I took a pregnancy test from ept and it came out as a light positive (not evaporation line) i waited and took a first response and had a negative. First response is supposedly more sensitive. What's going on with me? My period is a week late.

2006-11-27 16:46:37 · 7 answers · asked by Beamer 2 in Pregnancy

okay i am 3 days late now took a pregnancy test from store and it said negative but i am 3 days late if i took a bloodtest today could it still come up postive even though it was negative on a home pregnancy test

2006-11-27 16:45:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

i have never wanted to be with a woman before and suddenly im fantasizing about it.. do i act on it or will i regret it later?.. i know its juss my hormones but wow whats up yah know?.. this is really freaky for me.. anybody else have this problem during pregnancy?

2006-11-27 16:41:55 · 9 answers · asked by RiDeOrDiE 1 in Pregnancy

for a women of pregnancy 3 months

2006-11-27 16:41:47 · 7 answers · asked by jinnie 1 in Pregnancy

I am two months late, and have had a history of being about a month late due to ovarian cysts. I have taken to pregnancy tests and they both said no. Does anyone think I am actually pregnant?

2006-11-27 16:40:58 · 6 answers · asked by candycane2880 1 in Pregnancy

I had a miscarriage that started on 9/28 and I bled a week. my period came on 10/26..well I haven't gotten my period again yet..I don't think I am pregnant again..I just don't "feel" like I am..I started having PMS symptoms about 3 days ago..and my gums have swollen up horrible since yesterday..I have been tired a few days, had some cramping off and on and my breast for sore for like 2 days..now it is gone..I am so confused..I know I had alot of white discharge when I was pregnant..but I had some a few weeks ago, but it has disappeared...so now I am freaking out..what do you guys think? period is just being irregular?? we decided not to try again just yet..so we have been careful..except for once..on 10/28 while I was on my period..we used the withdrawal method. I am just so confused to what is going on with my body!!! Can't get into the doctor until the 7th..

2006-11-27 16:38:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My 15 month old has had her dad tuck her in every night of her little life. On the few occasions that he hasn't been there to do so. She will scream and throw a fit for hours on end until he is able to tuck her in. This hasn't really been to big of an issue for us. Seeing as how he worked day shift and could be here every night. Well he just got a new job. That will pay the bills a little easier. And of course he had to take it..even though it puts him on night shift. Working from 6p.m. until after 2 a.m. Well I put her to bed at her normal time (9p.m.) and she is still throwing a fit. I don't know what to do. I've tried everything I can think of and nothing is working. I really need some help.

2006-11-27 16:33:38 · 9 answers · asked by mandy b 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I have been having these light mentrual like cramps that come and go and have this constant backache,that just wont go away. Im 4-5 weeks pregnant..my back is bothersome more than the cramps. did u have this, this early on? this is my third by the way and im happily married so no mean comments pls.

2006-11-27 16:30:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My moms boyfriend is driving me mad! My mom can't come over to visit me because if my daughter gives Richard a cold she will never hear the end of it. Today I needed someone to take me to my car. I called early and left a message and they didn't even bother! Mom informed me Richard would be out until mid-night, picking up sticks around the yard.
Well, I am quite pissed indeed. My whole big thing is my car broke down Thanks-Given Day. I put it in the shop so I could get the faulty starter replaced. I have been without a car for five days. My daughter is sick and I was out of milk juice etc etc. So, she lives down the road and she couldn't be bothered to help her sick grand baby or daughter? Mom doesn't work. I just feel like she should be there for the family. I am a full time college student and a single mom. What the hell are mothers for if all there good for is clinging to some nurotic man. Anyways I blew up..I told her christianity didn't stem from nurosis. What should I have done?

2006-11-27 16:30:21 · 5 answers · asked by doesitmatter 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

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