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Military - September 2007

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2007-09-28 05:07:12 · 5 answers · asked by roan 2

Please read all of this.

I was discharged from the Army during my 12/15 weeks of infantry training. Due to flat feet. I passed everything decently except for road marches. I did terrible on those. I had a heat incident where I collapsed and the DSergeant noticed my feet and suggested I go to sick call. I have JUST talked to Army recruiters online and they told me I can reenlist with them without a problem.

I just spoke with an Air Force advisor regarding this issue and he told me I cannot join Air Force. Because flat feet is also a disqualifying factor. He was unenthusiastic about being there to answer my questions and a little too straight forward. I told him I just talked to an Army recruiter and he told me, ok, well they will take you, but we won't.

Question is:
Is this just a case of an @sshat advisor? Or does the Air Force seriously read word for word and go by the book?

2007-09-28 04:53:43 · 2 answers · asked by anonymousryu 4

I'm a freshman in college. My current major is professional pilot. My life long goal is to fly for the navy. I'v talked to recruiters dozens of times to try to get straight answers but so far have not come up with a reasonable plan. My first (and what the recruiter told me) is to enlist after my first year of college. After I get my first duty station I can start applying to be an officer. I know that plan has a lot of flaws in it but from what i know it is very hard to just come out of college with a degree and tell the navy you want to be an officer. I heard it was very competitive that way and much more likely that you will get picked for OCS if you were enlisted prior. My second plan is to join the reserves and still continue until i get my degree than request a transfer to active duty. The flaw in that i heard is that it is very hard to be transferred to active duty from reserves. Please if anyone can help tell me what would be the best way to become a naval aviator.

2007-09-28 04:48:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you only have those choices, which one is the most appropriate? It shouldn't take more than 10 words to answer.

2007-09-28 04:38:16 · 27 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5

why is it wrong... the snipers in iraq are being charged with crimes by simply placing items that will be used by the enemy. all wars work the same, we used to place gernades on things they would use and it worked,, we are selves were thought don't pick up nothing you were not issued for the same reason.. works both ways i think.. need a yes or a no if they should get charged.. ( it's freaking war folks)

2007-09-28 04:35:45 · 13 answers · asked by quitelovableman 4

Don't tell me how there weren't any Al Qaeda in Iraq before we went there, we all know that. Don't even try to say there would be no Al Qaeda if we weren't in Iraq, I've seen the planes hit the world trade center, 9/11 happened before we went into Iraq. Don't say Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror, that's not the question.

The question is, what would Al Qaeda be doing if they weren't fighting us in Iraq?

2007-09-28 04:26:09 · 18 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5

I would say the Swiss Army is. In the Hitler years, Hilter never,ever dared to have war with Switzerland, or so I've heard.

2007-09-28 04:04:29 · 19 answers · asked by ~*2NE1*~ 1

After law school, military service may be looking good - comments on the basis of your own or others experience welcome!

2007-09-28 03:35:38 · 8 answers · asked by ajd333333 2

2007-09-28 03:33:49 · 12 answers · asked by Nursing-My-Toddler 2

after you swear in and you are in basic for like 2 weeks and you decide that you hate it and you want out... is it possible that they will let you out? after all signed up and swore in?

2007-09-28 03:30:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they allowed to have them during graduation week, not until after graduation, or not at all? Thanks!

2007-09-28 03:28:56 · 4 answers · asked by Mustang Girl 2

2007-09-28 03:16:18 · 7 answers · asked by ? 4

my husband is getting ready to deploy yet again..and i'm wondering how everyone handles these deployments...

2007-09-28 03:00:21 · 12 answers · asked by ♥ Infantry Wife ♥ 5

I want to make him a banner to put up for when the bus comes in with our Marines on it! I have had some ideas, but I was wanting to see if someone had some better ideas! Help please!!!!!

2007-09-28 02:41:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I always find them complaining about something. They were complaining about their chowhall when they get steak and lobster every wednesday. In the Marine Corps, we got steak twice a year and we couldn't even get seconds. Today I saw an airmen sleeping behind a gun and he is supposed to be SF. I yelled at him and his NCO wakes up, walks up to me and tells me that I can't do that. Its hard to believe that the Air Force is even part of the military. Don't tell me that I need the air force for close air support. Marine Corps already have their own fixed airwing, Artillery support and naval gunfire support. What does the Air force do for Marines?

2007-09-28 02:18:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can only think of one reason. For ex. to maintain a lower military presence. What other reasons do private security firms do the jobs that the military can do? If the military is not trained to perform security detail and private security firms provide better protection for US personnel than i am all for it...

2007-09-28 01:36:51 · 9 answers · asked by Jansen Y 2

personally i guess Japan is one due to its economic power, its past history as a great power in military, its culture is stable and unique, it only lacks behind in natural resources and a bit in politics. France is a great power too because it is one of the UN permanent member and it got aircraft carrier and it got history as a great power and a culture. on the other hand, what's so good about australia? apart from being new, big and have resources, australia doesn't have a culture, does have much history, a small army and navy, economy is not as sound as france and japan that they are usually more advanced in technology and even in industry such as making products out of resources instead of diggin and selling resources like australia. australia can only be a middle power to my thoughts, if it's small and not an island, it will be worse than vietnam.

2007-09-28 00:25:12 · 13 answers · asked by Victor N 2

Does everyone who defamed Hans Blitz owe him an apology?

2007-09-28 00:16:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will join the navy. My wife wants to live in NY (to take care of her aunt that has cancer). If they send me to a base (exp. Tx or FL) and i live in the barracks, without her, do I have to pay something for living in the base? Because the money of the BAH will be used for her living expenses in NY. I'm a bit confused...plz help me.

2007-09-28 00:09:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Groanafone tagline:
Ayrton Senna died going too fast, you can't accuse us of that!

So, who are 'us?'

Us are telecos, banks, insurance, travel, marketing, business services companies and the media.

2007-09-28 00:08:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I grew up a military brat with my dad in the army for 20 years and my brother's a captain in the army now as well. So I'm pretty familiary with the army. I'm about to join the guard, and I know it's only the guard, but everyone's been saying I should do it with the airforce just b/c it's easier, and they take better care of you..etc etc.. But I really wouldn't know. The army doesn't seem that bad either. But it's hard to decided w/out knowing too much about the airforce.

2007-09-27 23:16:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know how many military people get on to Y! Ans., or whether they would know the answer to this: If a soldier is nicknamed (or codenamed) WEASEL, what attributes could this imply. The negatives are obvious.

2007-09-27 23:14:29 · 6 answers · asked by dragonfish01x 1

Hi all

I am from Europe, and I've always been an admirer of the United States. I just love the way everything feels free, and just the way the country operates. I have always wantes to join the US Military, and I know in order to do that, I need a Green Card. I have read about joining the US military in other questions here, but I have some extra quesions:

1. If I have a Green Card, is it just for me to go and speak with a recruiter (lets say from USMC), and show him the Green Card and say that I want to join?

2. How many years do I have to serve before I get a US citizenship?

3. If I join lets say the USMC, how are my chances to become a Scout/Sniper if I don't have US citizenship? And lets say that I have the citizenship after serving x years, will my chances to become a S/S be less because I'm not American-born?

I really hope someone can answer my questions!

2007-09-27 22:36:42 · 7 answers · asked by Jhan360 1

I just got married, and I will join the navy. I want to know how many free time I will have to spend with my wife, after boot camp and during my 4 years service. thanks

2007-09-27 22:18:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone else out there sick and tired of the never-ending Iraq War and wish it would go away?What goes on in Iraq does not affect me at all and I'm sick about hearing the problems the US Soliders are going through,(they don't pay my Bills,the Hell with them).

Most americans are not in the Military and have no desire to ever join.The newsmedia should report about other things and they should ignore what happens in little tiny Iraq,it's on the other side of the world,what happens there dosen't affect me and I don't care about the american soliders,they don't protect me.

I live in a High Crime Area (Oakland,Ca.)those Soliders should be patrolling my streets instead of a faraway place like Iraq.

2007-09-27 21:50:36 · 15 answers · asked by enigma 2

2007-09-27 21:35:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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