I've heard this assertion so many times. Why? It's often followed up with another assertion.
"The war in Iraq is unwinnable! The Iraqis don't want democracy! Bush is a stupid hick!" Is the way it usually follows.
I'd like to say something, and you all say why it's wrong.
We haven't really ever given Iraq democracy. We gave them anarchy, we didn't have enough troops to give them democracy. Sure, we can't stop car bombs from killing our troops, but is it really us v.s. the Iraqis? If we had enough soldiers to enforce order (as in, stop shi'ites from dragging sunnis out of their cars at red lights and then killing them, and vis versa), would the Sunnis and Shi'ites get mad at us? They didn't hate each other 18 Months ago, I could cite the Time Magazine article titled, "Why do they hate each other?" Could it be that they liked Saddam more because Saddam kept law and order, which America screwed up? And isn't it our duty to establish the law and order that we destroyed, or at least try?
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