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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

What if the crazy bastard was abusive? There is no legal seperation through the court, but she just picked up and left. She won't allow him to have visits because she fears for her safety and doesn't want him to know where she is living. Can he press kidnapping charges and take the baby because she won't let him visit? Does he have a right to visit?
Anyone with legal knowledge please help.

2006-12-05 07:06:06 · 24 answers · asked by sweetgrlgiordano 2

Church young members got together and had bake sales etc. so they could make a Nativity Scene out of wood and paint it for their church yard. And some JERK or JERKS came along in their car and delibertately ran over it with their car. If I were the judge when they were caught, I would make them replace it with labor and money. What are your thoughts?

2006-12-05 07:05:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 06:49:42 · 32 answers · asked by naturegirl 2

I belive its the 11th and 12th amendment...
Could someone please explain these and provide the copys of these amendments?

2006-12-05 06:48:54 · 11 answers · asked by TS2 3

NEW YORK — New York City, long known for clogged arteries during rush hour, took a big and controversial step Tuesday toward helping improve human arteries when the Board of Health officially banned artificial trans fats from restaurant menus.

The board, which passed the ban unanimously, gave restaurants a slight break by relaxing what had been considered a tight deadline for compliance. Restaurants will be barred from using most frying oils containing artificial trans fats by July, and will have to eliminate artificial trans fats from all served foods by July 2008.

"I am very supportive of the changes," said Hasan, a manager at Dervish, a Turkish restaurant. "We stopped using trans fats a long time ago. Health is the most important factor, and people will just have to get used to it."

Pushcart vendor Abu doesn't buy the ban.

"You need a little trans for good taste. I think this is a very bad idea," he said.

City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden had said that officials weighed complaints from the restaurant industry, which argued that it was unrealistic to give them six months to replace cooking oils and shortening and 18 months to phase out the ingredients altogether.

2006-12-05 06:41:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


The question above has earned me a lot of strife. Allow me to clarify in a more peaceful tone: I am wholly against meaningless abortion. As a matter of fact, I think that it should be used only, and only as a last resort. I only condone it for instances of rape, incest and cases like them in which the woman has no control over, and even then I see it as A choice, not THE choice. However, abortion is just the same as pills, as welfare, as nearly everything else you can think of: just because of those who abuse it, doesn't mean they should all be simply scrapped. That was the real reason behind my question, and the reason behind this one.

Comments concerning myself are welcome. Answers for the question above are just as.

2006-12-05 06:39:40 · 1 answers · asked by Huey Freeman 5

guy brandished a loaded weapon on me- hence he is crazy!!! He is being charged with a class 1 misdemeanor- hence why should I testify so that he can get my home address (i am in the telephone book) and who knows what happens. have called the officer, no return call. called da office, no call back. what should I do?????

2006-12-05 06:36:31 · 6 answers · asked by Jon R 1

Whne i have to fight alone against all odds of life without any support and weapons for serving my motherland,what kind of emotion should i feel?????

2006-12-05 06:30:42 · 3 answers · asked by ~afaque~ 2

i have a permanet restraining order aganist my husband, i want to remove it.... i live in the state of new jersey, will they give me trouble to remove it? or can i just say i want it off...... ?? i'm going tomorrow to court to remove it.... they wanted to send me and my huband on some evaluations if i drop the restrianing order will those evaluations be dropped also....? what are my rights in doing this? what will they ask me? what questions should i perpare myself for?

2006-12-05 06:04:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was at a yard sale and I didn't buy something. Instead I was holding
it about to buy it. Yet because I didn't buy it, someone took it out of
my hands and bought it before me, is that legal?

2006-12-05 05:58:18 · 15 answers · asked by Ted B 1

If someone leaves a safe on your property it would be
called abandon property and your allowed to open it up, right?

2006-12-05 05:57:55 · 6 answers · asked by Ted B 1

If a person is arrested for back child support and then pays it off, should the District attorney still prosecute that person and push jail time? Even if the person was injured in a war, and is disabled and that is the reason that person wasn't paying there support because it took the VA two years to fix that person's injury.

2006-12-05 05:57:26 · 15 answers · asked by Tina 3

who are accused of molesting children in their parishes? Should They the people in charge face criminal charges for leaving known pedifiles in positions that delt with children and who in some cases reaffend by molesting more children?
Just so you know I think that they should be. I mean I understand that they can confess and not get narked out by the preist but if a superior knows they molest then they are obligated to protect the children from it recurring and if they leave them with access then they are responsible as well. Right?

2006-12-05 05:50:12 · 4 answers · asked by bess 4

They are threatening Bailiff action if I do not pay within 7 days. I have never spoken to or heard of them before. They claim they have recorded all their calls but will not send me a copy and the debt is now with a recovery agency. HELP!!!

2006-12-05 05:40:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

American lifestyle? The outrageous court costs and fines for simple driving violations. The penalties for drug offenses that penalize an addict for a condition that is proven to be more of an "uncontrollable urge" than a purposeful criminal intention. Negatively afflicting the rest of ones life through judgments and fines and labels that only existed for a short time is no way to promote justice. Rehabilitation serves the public better than any amount of jail time or probation. Any person that is convicted of a non-violent drug offense can give the state more benefit through working and paying takes over the course of a lifetime then by serving unnecessary time, making them pay fines and costs and carrying the burden of a conviction with them into the workplace. Is the racket of securing our citizens into the legal system too much of a money maker to eliminate, or is it another means to keep Big Brother in our affairs without being obvious? What's your belief(s)?

2006-12-05 05:33:33 · 14 answers · asked by scottyurb 5

what are they looking for and isit exactly that shows up i mean ive never had fingerprints done before.

2006-12-05 05:16:11 · 12 answers · asked by twogirls0306 2

i went to spend £5 in a shop and gave them a £5 note. they refused it, saying it is out of circulation, therefore illegal, so i had to take it to my own bank to be exchanged/
has anyone else had this problem?

2006-12-05 05:15:56 · 5 answers · asked by jay 4

2006-12-05 05:11:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been essentially gaged, punished and suffered damages as a direct result of Yahoo's actions for asking "Who cares if Sheriff is operating a fictitious police agency" and naming him.

Under the First Ammendment of The Bill of Rights is the alleged irrevocable guarantee of free speech which includes the right to speak out against public/political figures uninfringed. This is an important check in our alleged democratic system, imagine if we (the people) were denied this inalienable right. Yeah, corruption would run rampant and unchecked, not to mention that the percieved illusion of equitablility, justice, and integrety by the "establishment" would be exposed and destroyed.

Regardless of my agreement to abide by their terms of use and community guidelines, this in no way or means can diminish my/our irrevocable and immutable social contract, despite their "sole discretion". (they can not impeed upon my Rights even if I made a contractual agreement which states they can)

2006-12-05 05:10:54 · 12 answers · asked by Truyer 5

I am writing a speech on why same-sex SHOULD be legalized!

2006-12-05 05:10:45 · 5 answers · asked by Danielle D 1

It is not someone I know, he just got in touch with me through IM and says he has no way of cashing checks himself, needs the money wired (western union) and the company sending the money can not wire it, must issue it in form of a check.

2006-12-05 05:09:55 · 15 answers · asked by Sandra D 1

I am a single parent on benifits and would like to change my surname.

There is no frudulant reason for this, or any other reason just I dont like my surname.

I recive child support and income support and am scared that if will effect my benifits, that my money could get stopped?

2006-12-05 04:45:18 · 6 answers · asked by lwag 1

If so, I want to know the exact legal principle involved. I'd like to hear from legal experts: are you a lawyer?

2006-12-05 04:44:26 · 3 answers · asked by rainfingers 4

What is this i hear about Christmas bieng banned in certain cities in the uk due to Muslim inergration ;;is it true??. If so it is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. What should be done??

2006-12-05 04:42:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

So Bloomberg decided that because he's a health nut, and because he can, all NY restaurants will no longer be allowed to use Trans Fats in their food. There's two deadlines...July 1st 2007 for some places and July 1st 2008 for others. It's not about the Trans Fat thing at all but, since when did we get politicians telling us what we can and can't eat? Not saying that Trans Fat is good, but regardless, if I wanna eat a "fat fry", let me. It's VERY upsetting to see that the land of the free is taking away so many freedoms...yes, it always starts with the little things....I wouldn't be surprised if there will be a law banning us from picking our nose, or whatever crazy thing these politicians come up with. They started with the smoking ban, now the fat thing...and this is only the beginning. They need to worry about the big things, and leave the other things up to us: We need to make our own decisions and soon, THEY will make them for us. It's scary.

2006-12-05 04:41:56 · 6 answers · asked by AlexL 1

I am not paying my tv licence this year on purpose.I feel that being forced to pay for something i dont want to recive,( bbc 1 and bbc 2) is against my freedom of choice totally. Infact its paramount to being bullied. Any legal bods think i have a case?. thanks. tom

2006-12-05 04:40:26 · 19 answers · asked by tom 1

Internet is a very useful information tool & its benefits cannot be over emphasised but at the same time it provides unrestricted pornography . The net is flooded with porno sites which are easily accessible and where the contents are not only explicit but also very offensive in nature . In addition there are friendship sites which offer sexual relationships in the garb of friendship .
Pornography is very easily available on the net & MMS enabled mobile phones , and this is ripping apart the social & moral fabric of the society . Pornography not only dehumanises women but also encourages sexual frustation , molestation & violence .The minds of the youth are continously being fed with explicit pornography & the outlet is found in teen-age sex/pregnancies , eve-teasing , molestation & rape .

2006-12-05 04:38:34 · 11 answers · asked by zenyatta 1

I know this guy who has been to prison. He has a Swastika tatooed on his arm. He told me it is a Native American symbol and he got it purpsoely for that meaning and got it right after he got out of prison. I told my friend about it yesterday and she said most likely he got it while in Prison as a neonazi sign because they have racial gangs in prison so he probaly became a member of the neonazi skin head white group.
What sounds more believable?

2006-12-05 04:32:32 · 8 answers · asked by s9j6j 2

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