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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2006-12-05 12:09:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I even got my Masters degree, but I can continue with my carreer unless I get my greecard. Any sugestions? thanks

2006-12-05 12:09:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this is something I have been very curious about for a while. I have an example before I give the question.

If I was to have a wireless LAN up and running, broadcasting an SSID, but I left the network UNencrypted, yet having some type of MAC address logging software installed on the router...

If someone came buy and started downloading illegal content, who would be at fault. The person providing the unencrypted internet access, or the person downloading the illegal content (whose mac address was recorded, AND NOT SPOOFED).

This question is about not me, please don't e-mail with any hate mail or for any other reason other than to answer the question.

I'm talking legally of course

2006-12-05 11:57:53 · 5 answers · asked by D 4

If someone could explain to me in less than three sentences (one would be even better).


2006-12-05 11:49:55 · 8 answers · asked by Truth 2

I worked for a doctor and when we would go to pull charts for the next day most of them couldnt be found. There were times that we would have to make established patients new charts because thiers couldnt be located. I was just wondering if that would be a HIPAA violation?

2006-12-05 11:39:02 · 13 answers · asked by storm_mitch 3

2006-12-05 11:37:17 · 3 answers · asked by ferhana c 1


suppose you had to be executed and you could choose how, which method would you choose?


*lethal injection

*gas chamber

*electric chair


*firing squad


or anything else.

why would you choose this method?

what method do u think the goverment should execute criminals? why?

DO u think the goverment should even execute criminals? why or why not?

2006-12-05 11:19:03 · 11 answers · asked by LIZARD 3

I was going to do a kitchen in my new appartm. We made a contract with a person that have a business doing kitchen. The contract was made in march. The kitchen was due to august, and we are in december now and still the person hasn't made the kitchen. The contract says that she had 3 months to do the kitchen. We talk to her because we want our money back, because we are going to pay another person to do our kitchen, but she doesn't answer our phone calls, all we get is her parent voice mail. I talk to her this week, by miracle, and she told me that she was going to give the money on thursday, but she didn't call us to give us the money. Also, she ask me if we were going to use the same kitchen design that she was going to do for us. What should I do? keep waiting? sue her? report her to DACO? Can she sue me for making her two many phone calls per day? Can she sue me for using the same kitchen design? Thanks

2006-12-05 11:09:59 · 6 answers · asked by legally brunnette 1

i started part time after 6 years of full time. My p.t. is T/W/R...9hours/day. 3 weeks later(10/31/06), i was told i had to start working full time hours November 1st to the 30th. So the next day i had to work 10 hours, as well as Friday that week. I was made to work the full time T/W/R/F, 10-11hr/days the entire month.
Then, on Nov. 30, my boss says I have to work Friday, December 1st ,too! (which is the next day) I almost wet myself. If that wasn't bad enough, on my paycheck, i received only 9hrs of holiday pay for Thanksgiving. I worked 10+hrs the day before and 10+hrs the day after Thxgvg. ????Is this legal????

2006-12-05 11:07:28 · 2 answers · asked by worn out 1

I need to know what SUGGESTION OF DEATH means in legal terms such as: SUGGESTION OF DEATH FILED WITH CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE John Doe(Attorney) on behalf of Jane Doe (Plaintiff). PLEASE let me know ASAP, thank you!

2006-12-05 11:02:52 · 7 answers · asked by GDW 1

2006-12-05 10:54:44 · 4 answers · asked by Robin F 1

What about asking you about your 'Holiday list' ? Justifiable homicide much?

2006-12-05 10:54:37 · 12 answers · asked by jveretto0804 2

I need some information on how much money is recieved by the National Rifle Association through dues, donations, and membership fees please thank you

2006-12-05 10:49:35 · 2 answers · asked by tehurdeblur 1

okay here is the dilemma. I had been in an abusive realtionship, more verbal than physical. I finally got tired of being abused, he went to jail. He spent more than a year in jail and upon release he forced his way back into my life.
After only two weeks he started with the verbal abuse again. Then two weeks ago he started the hitting and knocking around. i called the police and he held me from opening the door. After the police left he started his stupid **** again, we tussled for the phonebut i won and was able to call the police again - i fled a report - little did i know that the charges would be false imprisonment (for not letting me open the door the first time), assuault on a female, and communicating threats. His bond is $12,500. Let me add that he is not on drugs & attractive as hell. It wasn't a bad enough incident to be thrown in jail, No!! i don't want to be with him anymore but it's christmas shouuld i get him out?, it'll cost $1,250 and i won't get it back.

2006-12-05 10:43:04 · 17 answers · asked by Jazz 4

What would make an indecent proposal worth consideration.

2006-12-05 10:43:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the laws pertaining to that in Florida?

2006-12-05 10:38:22 · 4 answers · asked by KRH 3

If the passenger does not have ID or refuses to show it to the police officer, and refuses to tell the officer his/her name or any other information, is there anything the officer can do? Thanks!

2006-12-05 10:29:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot believe what I have read in Yahoo news, the bit I find particularly offensive is that these racist skum dare to blame MUSLIMS. I know many Muslims, and they would be as offended as I am if they were told they were the reason Christmas was being banned. The only Muslims offended by Christmas are the same filth that blow up buildings from behind the cover of a Burka. Isn't it high time that decent law-abiding citizens from all faiths stood up to the PC brigade and had them arrested and imprisoned for inciting racial hatred. I can say with much conviction I have never been so insulted in all my life. Do these racist skum believe for one moment Muslims are truly responsible for this? and that normal human beings will believe them?

2006-12-05 10:21:07 · 25 answers · asked by Bealzebub 4

like, there's no doubt that the person did it. Why shouldn't they be killed... it saves tax payers money to house them in prisons for the rest of their lives.. and they're getting what they deserve

2006-12-05 10:18:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to put a cast iron codicil into my will that will purposely exclude family, friends, tax man and any other hangers on from trying to grab any of my estate after my death. The sole beneficiary of my will can only be my dog.

Obviously dogs have no need of money. But I would like to ensure that my girl goes to a loving new home without her new owner initially knowing that she is considerably wealthy.

Any advice on how to instigate both of the above would be gratefully appreciated.

2006-12-05 10:18:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the world today crime is everywhere on the streets and in our homes even within our own computers. But where does a crime start? Is it when in our mind we put it all together our when we start the crime itself? Or is it when we put our ideas in motion and if we put those ideas in motion are we not allowed to stop with our own common sense.

Lets ponder if it does start in our minds and we build towards our true crime example: I plan on destroying someone’s mailbox so I buy a pipe and two end caps and I have some gunpowder and some wicks. That alone is just stuff we might have around the house, not me but some people might. Now by having these items is it a crime yet. Probably not but then I go ahead and assemble this project. Now is it a crime? I don’t know. So lets go on and lets walk down the street with our tailored pipe and a lighter is it a crime yet. Now as I am are ready to place the pipe in the mailbox I think to myself what am I doing I cant do this I would be destroying property our maybe a life I cant do it. So I go home and disassemble my project and go on with my life with a lesson learned in time.

Now not everyone stops himself or herself from such a task but they might. So if anywhere along the line it was a crime. But if our end is to abort our intent and we have not hurt anyone. Then where is the crime but in our mind.

Now not all crime is that thought out some our pre-crimes are spontaneous spur of the moment. Example you go to a club one night and some guy puts you down makes you feel as if you are a plague on the rest of the population. You feel so enraged you go home grab a handgun (yes you have a permit) and start out the door. Is that a crime? You drive to the club still in a murderess rage. Still a crime or not? As you walk to the door to the club you think to yourself, Stop its not worth it and you go home. Did you commit a crime?

In most towns and states both of these instances anywhere along the timeline would have been attempted destruction of property our attempted homicide. So the result of our civilization is that if you think of doing something with the end result as a crime you are going to go through with it even before you had the chance to change your mind.

If a crime starts in the mind and the mind stops it before it becomes a crime where is the crime. So is Pre-crime a crime?
Are we as a culture unable to stop ourselves before we do something we will regret for the rest of our lives? Our other innocent bystanders if you look at the courts today they say we are unable to stop anything before it happens that’s why the courts today are full of pre-crimes. Know of course they are not called pre-crimes they are called attempted (insert crime here). Some attempted crimes are true crimes while others are just someone getting caught before they had the chance to change their minds. So my friends welcome to the future movie days of today as pre-crimes are here. So be cautioned not to even think of anything that is wrong or you too could be guilty of a Pre-Crime…

Story by: Scott E.Gauthier

2006-12-05 10:15:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think some take 90, but am unsure as to why they vary depending on statute.

2006-12-05 09:55:11 · 3 answers · asked by am 1

Most of the co-workers , supervisor and boss for the company I work for don’t like me. The place that I work for has a lot of people that don’t like my kind of race. I mean no problem with that you don’t have to like my race if you don’t want to. It is a free country. But every morning I work from 5am-3:30pm on a normal day. First two hours are overtime. Sometimes I have stuff to do and a family to take care of at times. So I cant "always" stay after 3:30, they tell me if "I" don’t work overtime. I will lose my job and don’t have one. But a lot of other co-workers don’t work overtime either, they go home when their regular day is over. And they still have their job. I know they are just waiting to get rid of me. I mean I know that they don’t like my race. But that isn’t right for them to get rid of me because of it. But if they do fire me, it is a At Will State. They can fire you regardless. They can give you a reason or not. What is a way a can prove they fired me because of my race? I mean being the only kind of race there and them firing me because I couldn’t work overtime a few times. But other workers there in the same crew that I am, don’t work overtime at all. And they don’t fire him, and I do more work than him. Could that be proof. I don’t see this as fair or right. What can I do?

2006-12-05 09:50:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My neighbors take it upon themselves to park on my 50ft alotted right of way- they do this weekly to the point of taking up the area right before my driveway which is where my mailbox is. Once my mailcarrier stated that she didnt deliver the mail the day before due to access being blocked. She also happens to be a nice old lady who apparently wont do her duty of informing the post master of this. Its a RIGHT OF WAY, so they have the right in this county to park there so long as theyre facing the flow of traffic. But as mentioned, sometimes I have no mail in my box, and the next day, theres double the amount that ought to be there implying the mail carrier couldnt deliver it the previous day. How do I legally handle this issue. They run an asaphalt petroleum company AND a church out of their home (ISNT THAT WEIRD?) and have their "worshippers" taking up the right of way with their vehicles weekly. What can I do about them?

2006-12-05 09:43:20 · 8 answers · asked by . S 3

Example- it's not against the law to deposit $ into your family members accounts, a few hundred to Mom, more to your adult son & daughter, some in your wife's individual account- All at different banks under others SS#. Total for the week is $12,000 but spread out it's not even noticed as connected.

Do this for 3 years+ and no one transaction is illegal but if combined they would be structuring, correct?

At what point would this appear to be a crime? When does it cross over the line to conceal lots of cash?

The bankers do not KNOW what I know. Could they be in trouble? what about his CPA...he doesn't know about the excess cash either- he does tax returns w/ almost no info.

2006-12-05 09:38:04 · 6 answers · asked by upside down 4

2006-12-05 09:37:32 · 4 answers · asked by Angel H 1

Recently a neighbors dog wandered into our lawn and killed three cats. Can this neighbor be liable for damages such as having to putting their dog to sleep? Another neighbor caught the dog in the act and after about five minutes I found out about the killing. If they can be held liable what should I do?

2006-12-05 09:28:35 · 11 answers · asked by dell_dude1100@sbcglobal.net 2

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