If I HAD to choose from that list, I would choose crucifixion, just because it seems like the most fun...otherwise, I'd jump from the top of my favorite skyscraper, probably the Pittsburgh Plate Glass building in Pittsburgh, PA. I, at first, questioned why the government SHOULDN'T execute criminals, but then I begane to agree that they really shouldn't for a few simple reasons - no matter what evidence there may be, one can never be SO sure without a doubt that the person convicted of the crime actually did commit the crime him/herself, except for that person. So, in case of misjudgement, the execution of the innocent would prove to be entirely inhumane, just as inhumane as the basic execution of those in the twin towers not so long ago. Plus, does it not sound even a little archaic to still be doing EXECUTIONS?! I mean...we look back and think about hanging, the electric chair, and the guillotine as being incredibly crude and archaic, but what exactly makes them so different from other forms of execution? Personally, I'd rather die on the guillotine than waiting in suspence of lethal injection. The real common thread is that they all lead to a definite end, and end that is not brought about by "natural" causes, but facilitated by other human beings who are not omnipotent enough to truly judge those who have 'wronged'. And, for this reason also, I feel it not to even be the responsibility of the human race to carry out executions - nature should decide that as it has for, well, since the beginning of time. Everything which has a beginning has an end, and that is a true universal constant. Rather, I believe that these "convicts" should be transported to an island, all grouped together on the SAME island, and let to fend for themselves through traditional methods of living - planting, harvesting, living, crapping, breathing, chatting, sleeping. What would be so wrong with that? They would be away from the society that they failed to live in, they would be where our tax dollars would not need to fund them, and they would probably treat eachother better than most Americans treat eachother in a normal day, just because the corruption factor has been extracted from their lives - this corruption factor is "civilization", which is basically contradictory to itself.
2006-12-05 11:30:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'd go for Injection or the Guillotine, personally.
Again, personal opinion, I'd rather spend my life in jail than be executed and I suspect most criminals feel the same way. I also believe our failure to promptly execute is part of the probelm in the opinion that it is not an effective deterent. As many people die of old age on death row as are executed. Not much of a death sentence, really. A reasonable number of appeals then a prompt execution is the best thing to do since our society has time and again confirmed execution as the appropriate penalty for certain crimes.
2006-12-05 11:30:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If I were going to be executed and I had the choice of the method, I would pick lethal injection because it seems to me like it would be the least painful and stressful. I think the death penalty is wrong because every person has been given life (no matter what you believe, it's obvious everyone does have it) and no one has the right to take it away from you. However, if criminals had to be executed I would want them to be executed by lethal injection too. Sorry that's a pretty sloppily-put together answer. Good question!
2006-12-05 11:26:10
answer #3
answered by hippomaiden 3
I would choose firing squad or lethal injection.
I would choose the firing squad because it would be quick and painless, and the letha injection because it seems so peacful.
I think the government should execute the death penalty and should happen quicker than it does. Criminals who are obviously guilty should be put to death.
It does seem more of a punishment to rot in jail though. But, some people get used to and like prison life. That's why there are a lot of return criminals. It is easy letting some one take care of you and no responsibilities. All needs are met, and medical is taken care of. Granted, it may not be the best of the best, but, it is better than a lot of criminals could provide for themselves.
2006-12-05 11:32:48
answer #4
answered by Mrs. Wizard 3
Death by old age. :p As for those options, hanging if its the long drop sort. Its quick and painless if done right. i don't think the government should execute anyone. Thankfully here that hasn't happened in over 50 years now and it doesn't look like its ever coming back. As for why they shouldn't - too much power, serves no purpose, chance of executing an innocent person. If that happens in your area you'd have blood on your hands as they were killed in your name. Id rather have 1000 serial killers alive in prison than to risk executing one innocent person along with them. Also, personally I think life in prison is much harder than death. Death is a release and gets you out. A life sentence forces you to endure the prison itself for decades with no chance of being free.
2014-08-03 17:49:01
answer #5
answered by Kate 2
I never thought of myself being executed, but if it came down to it, I would choose the firing squad. Go out with a blast. I think the government should use the guillotine. I like the phrase "off with their heads". I do think that capital punishment should be used, for murderers and rapists. The Lord did say thou shall not kill, but in this sense it should have been translated murder. Because He does say to execute murderers and rapists so that He can judge them accordingly. He says if we do not that our cities will be filled with the corrupt. But, in today's society it is so easy to wrongly convict an innocent person. I am in between thoughts on this subject.
2006-12-05 11:37:45
answer #6
answered by LADY ~ 3
drop method of hanging, most humane. the neck usually snaps immediately rendering condemned unconscious. I believe hanging this way should be used, thus I'd have to hang, I'd have to choose that, to at least be honorable and suffer the fate I'd said was deserved in my case.
2015-07-06 23:03:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Curley of the Three Stooges chose being burnt at the stake over beheading because "A hot stake is better than cold chops."
2006-12-05 12:23:41
answer #8
answered by mattapan26 7
I would not recommend any of the above methods.
It would be a more severe penalty to be jailed for life.
The costs are comparable because it costs a lot to keep someone in jail............................but it costs a similar amount to go through all the appeals processes and for court time.
2006-12-05 11:25:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'd have to say I'd burn at the stake... Cause if i'm a witch Satan will rise to save me.
2006-12-05 11:20:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous