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Law & Ethics - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

trying to figure out if you have to pay taxes on pension and social securtiy when you retried

2006-08-26 07:49:02 · 2 answers · asked by Janice H 1

... who has bought a piece of land in the Philippines and can tell me, how long it takes to register at the Land Registry in the Philippines. We bought a lot from Empire Estates and finished paying for it in Dec 2005. They told us the deeds would be ready in April 2006 then they told us it would be Aug. Now they tell us October 2006. I just don't know WHEN to say 'enough is enough' and go see a lawyer. My wife is Filipina and refuses to accept that something may be wrong. For other things I started to distrust that company, for a start because the Deed of Sale had already been signed by the rep of the compmay when we went to the company to sign it. The legal requirement is that a Deed must always be signed by the seller IN THE PRESENCE of the seller and vice versa. When I asked to see the lawer rep of the seller company about that... they were all busy so we signed the Deeds in the presenc of... no one from the company. Can anyone in the know help please. Thank you so much.

2006-08-26 07:31:38 · 1 answers · asked by RED-CHROME 6

There are two kinds of law in this earth.
1. Civil Law (law of the land) &
2. Maritime Admiralty Law (law of the water)

Maritime admiralty is banking law & it says that because you were born from your mother's water you are an admiralty product. This is why ships sit in births and they are tied to the dock and the captain has to give a certificate of manisfest to the port authority. This is why when you were born you have to have a birth certificate. It's got to be signed by the "doc" (doctor) cause that's where the ship is tied to, the dock. Why does the doctor sign your birth certificate? Because you came down your mother's water canal ergo you are a maritime admiralty product and that's the Law! Your birth certificate is signed by your mother and next time look at it and you will see that it does not say parent or mother, it says, "informant". Your mother was informing the banks that she has just produced another PRODUCT to be bought and sold. Notice your name in all caps

2006-08-26 07:30:37 · 2 answers · asked by devisional 2

Yesterday I inquired with a MGR from our sister branch my company has in the same building I in if it would be feasible to seek a transition to their branch. The MGR said he was fine with it & I told him I'd let him know if I wanted to move over to his branch on Mon.
Seems Iike he ran this request to his MGR, the DM, & he notified my manager of my request.
She asks me to go into her office, where she begins to complain that I should have asked her first & that I if I'm so unhappy I should "man up" & resign. Then she said the DM was not going to honor that request, due to subpar production #s, which I admit aren't as strong as they should be, but no written or verbal mention of this was recently made to me. She also said they suspected I along with another loan officer was brokering out leads, but that's false. I didn't resign & left.
Fiften minutes later she said in light of my request to be transferred they viewed it as me seeking other employment and fired me. Case?

2006-08-26 07:28:34 · 7 answers · asked by n4utilu5 2

they can make millions of dollars buying stock, with inside knowledge?

2006-08-26 07:26:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-26 06:33:02 · 28 answers · asked by lethallolita 3

i dont care if its right or wrong

2006-08-26 06:25:57 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

What I mean is that there is a hazard that I think should be covered by some type of cover. I have gashed my leg open in this hole, which has a bar sticking 4 inches out of it and has been there since the new building has been built which has been 3 years. I want to know a website where I can find the regulations for safety and that way I can prove to the school that this needs to be taken care of. Any website that states that holes should be either filled or covered would be great thanx in advance!!!

2006-08-26 06:25:36 · 3 answers · asked by Thomas 3

2006-08-26 06:20:42 · 4 answers · asked by foreversmilingirish 2

To further explain my mom named me after a character in a movie she saw and I just don't like it,never did.Now that I'm an adult I want to take things in my own hands.So basically I just want a new name on everything my passport, social security and everything else.How can I do this and will it cost at lot and let's say I'm out of US can I still do this overseas?Thankyou in advance to those who take the time.

2006-08-26 06:13:39 · 10 answers · asked by veronica_mars 1

I've heard both yes and no from many people. i would just like some hard evidence that proves a legit fact.

2006-08-26 05:58:14 · 7 answers · asked by NONAME 1

I hired my laywer to work my case. One of the settling factors for the case was to pay $300 dollars back in restitution. But I have good reason to believe she took the money for herself. First the check was made out to her like she instructed which sounded bogus. My probation officer called the company and the said they didn't get any money from anybody. Finally when i ask her to send the receipts she keep stalling. She was suppose to give me my receipts in March, but its almost September. What Should I do?

2006-08-26 05:45:54 · 11 answers · asked by babyfaced1987 1

Forgive me for presenting my argument without much support, but I feel legalizing marijuanna (sp?) would help the government and the country in so many different ways:

1.) It's clinically PROVEN to be less harmfull then cigarettes, and not even as addicting, people who smoke it all the time, aren't addicted, they just have nothing better to do.
2.)If the government controlled and grew the herb, they could make a fortune off taxes.
3.)Clearing marijuanna would allow authorities to focus more on the real dangerous, and more traffiiced drugs such as heroin and cocaine.
4.) It could easily be monitored with programs similar to the legal alcohol limit, and making it readily availible would control how much people use, and partially eliminate the allure of it.

And for the record, I've personally NEVER touched the stuff, but I see nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, anyone have other points? Or do you disagree totally? I'm open to all thoughts.

2006-08-26 05:33:53 · 22 answers · asked by KLD it. 4

2006-08-26 05:30:23 · 7 answers · asked by rokhy 1

Who talks first, DA, Cop, X/lawyer, me, judge/speech?

What might they ask me? What should I wear? Jeans are too informal and I can't wear heels/pain.
No I do not have a lawyer & no I can't get one. If I could I wouldn't be asking you. Thanks for all

2006-08-26 05:28:43 · 6 answers · asked by L 2

a yahoo uk user is commiting fraud by the nigerian scam by trying to rent my home and getting me to pay for his furniture up front with a check he is sending, I would like to find out who this guy is.

2006-08-26 04:55:20 · 3 answers · asked by seatofpants 1

which of the above is Not a factor that influences justices when they decide a case?

2006-08-26 04:40:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I quit my job due to a change in how my bonus was calculated. They made it impossible for me to keep collections under 5%. They still wanted the same work for less pay. I was not allowed to deduct for the checks that we were holding for later deposit, rejection fees etc. This is not what was agreed upon when I took over the collections 4 yrs ago.

2006-08-26 03:51:15 · 8 answers · asked by nanmalt 1

i moved to texas for school and well i dont like it.. i want out of my lease... they switched me rooms seveal times b4 i got to this one...they said the only way is if someone takes my room over for me but what if i get evicted? can they make me pay or anything then???

2006-08-26 03:50:23 · 9 answers · asked by King 2

It would be grossly stereotypical to say all korean females work at brothels in U.S. However, it is true that in big city metroploitan regions and wherever Asians populations are (such regions are continuously broadening in U.S.), majoirity of brothels are totaly staffed by Korean females. It is a good news that there have been a minor crack down on such brothel chains in Northeastern regions of U.S. However the crack down has been just a scratch on the tip of ice berg. The root of this kind of korean female sex work industry is rooted far deeper than that. There are those who do out-calls solitarily from any location they want.
This has pested and poisoned American men and American families. Uprooting this problem will not only benefit Korean females, but should benefit Korean males too for it should help in changing the images of Koreans both m and f. For those who want to help law enforcement help in Korean female brothel crack downs, does anyone how to report

2006-08-26 03:26:48 · 4 answers · asked by brit hk1997 dimsun 1

This is about what happened on August 10th with my sentencing. I got lucky! Instead of my lawyer, who was running for the same vacant seat for Distict Judge as the Judge's husband , they had another lawyer step in. So that helped! Also because I had surgery on my neck about two months before sentencing I had my surgon write a letter stating If I got pushed around in jail I could possibly get paralysed so, the Judge put me on house arrest for 4 months.The Judge waived all fines and cost and I received NO PROBATION!! The super bad thing is the tether cost a lot of MONEY So let me be a lesson for all of you DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. It cost too much when you get caught and you could possibly kill someone.

2006-08-26 00:34:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems to me, that they are mostly sensitive to their own feeling and necessities, but they are tend to forget and stubborn of 'anything' and 'anybodies' else but themselves, is that correct ?

2006-08-25 23:45:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-25 23:41:20 · 9 answers · asked by G.I noel 3

in 10 - 50- 100 years, you get cloning sorted, can a clone stand for president, if the origional, or a clone allready has been? Should this bill be put through asap, they could be harvesting the bush families dna s we speak, is bush forever a idea that creeps you out as much as it does me.. I only mean all this half seriously, but for the sake of a quick 1 line bill.... no clone can be president, or no originals of a clone..... why not make it law..

2006-08-25 22:52:49 · 23 answers · asked by yeah well 5

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