Forgive me for presenting my argument without much support, but I feel legalizing marijuanna (sp?) would help the government and the country in so many different ways:
1.) It's clinically PROVEN to be less harmfull then cigarettes, and not even as addicting, people who smoke it all the time, aren't addicted, they just have nothing better to do.
2.)If the government controlled and grew the herb, they could make a fortune off taxes.
3.)Clearing marijuanna would allow authorities to focus more on the real dangerous, and more traffiiced drugs such as heroin and cocaine.
4.) It could easily be monitored with programs similar to the legal alcohol limit, and making it readily availible would control how much people use, and partially eliminate the allure of it.
And for the record, I've personally NEVER touched the stuff, but I see nothing wrong with it.
Anyway, anyone have other points? Or do you disagree totally? I'm open to all thoughts.
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KLD it.