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Law & Ethics - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

With the illegal war in iraq and suplying weapons to israel to blow civillians up do people here think blair and bush should be tried as war criminals. If theres a war with terror then howcome the inmates at guantanamo arnt classed as prisiners of war, and is tourchering them a war crime?

2006-08-25 22:30:45 · 25 answers · asked by Jabba_da_hut_07 4

x-girlfriend repossessed $14,000 vehicle with $600 remaining due. Vehicle in her name for financing purposes, however ALL monies were paid by me. All personal property, including equipment/tools used for gainful lively hood were removed as wel and not returned.Intends to sale truck and might keep all monies received. do I have any legal venues? Any suggestions or facts?

2006-08-25 22:22:08 · 4 answers · asked by cpfasullo 1

i travel there. dont want to get in trouble

2006-08-25 22:02:33 · 8 answers · asked by DWHM 2

NEW YORK -- City health officials are investigating the death of a baby boy who was one of three infants to contract herpes after a rabbi circumcised them.
Ten days after Rabbi Yitzhok Fischer performed religious circumcisions on twins last October, one died of herpes and the other tested positive for the virus, according to complaint filed by the health department in Manhattan Supreme Court.
The complaint, reported in Wednesday's edition of the New York Daily News, also said health officials later found a third baby who had contracted herpes after being circumcised by Fischer in late 2003.
Under Jewish law, a mohel - someone who performs circumcisions - draws blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand, but Fischer uses a rare practice where he uses his mouth.
Fischer's lawyer, Mark Kurzmann, told the Daily News that Fischer was cooperating with the investigation, although it's unclear whether Fischer submitted to the city's request for a blood test.

2006-08-25 22:00:01 · 9 answers · asked by Buda B 3

who paid him $10,000. She doesn't live with him and they agreed on a divorce in 2 years. After that there are 2 other women lined up to do the same..what eventually will happen to my cousin?

2006-08-25 21:55:17 · 17 answers · asked by viewAskew 5

I THINK YOU PEOPLE ARE WILD....you want to blame Bush for every single crap that goes on.....how about this...I THINK SOMEONE NEEDS A REFRESHER:
The last pig of a democrat....
1 Somalia ( Remember black hawk down)
2 He invaded Waco (nice job killing religious extremist)
3 Oklahoma city bombing
4 Saudi Bombings in Dahran
5 1st world trade center bombing
6 USS Cole incident
7 Lobs a few cruse missiles at Bin Laudin
8 Almost gets himself impeached because he can t keep his member in his pants .
9 Not to mention his failed policy toward North Korea
10 8 months after leaving office we have the worst attack since pearl harbor. While GW Bush's administration should shoulder the majority of the responsibility from that attack .
Clinton also take blame for 1 failing to deal with the 1st WTC attack and his administrations failure to see the preparations for the 2ND

Seems to me the democrats did do such a bang up job running the country last time . NOT!!!!!!!

2006-08-25 21:25:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

smoking is just as dangerous as using a mobile phone or eating a burger/sandwich at the wheel whilst driving. so why should'nt it be banned ?

2006-08-25 20:43:09 · 38 answers · asked by minty 4

2006-08-25 20:26:52 · 6 answers · asked by lolapurple 2

she was interviwed at school(16 at the time) and told what everyone else had said concerning a fight which resulted in a serious injury and charges agnst two males of attmpted murder and felony assault.she was there at the party (not at school) no one told her she did not have to talk to the detective and now the D/A wants her to testify because he says her stories don't match(Dad was with her for the pretrail interview) and she may be under possible penalty of perjury. If he is using her prior statment taken under duress in the principals office without rights or parent consent, should she take the 5th on the stand to avoid any possibleappearance of perjury-she was not under oath at school or at the hearing however why risk the chance that the D/A doesn't like what he hears now?

2006-08-25 20:07:09 · 8 answers · asked by footyffan 1

Uk bloggers especially

2006-08-25 19:48:06 · 3 answers · asked by bluedart 1

When my daughter goes for visitation with her mother the grand parents are Jehovah Witnesses and have been telling my daughter that I worship Satan because I celebrate
X-mas/B-days/Halloween. My daughter is now affaid to celebrate in these events because she thinks that she will die and not get to go to paradise (Heaven).
How should I deal with this problem?

2006-08-25 19:38:58 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Do children have the right to choose their own religion?
If so: At what age? Under what circumstances?

2. Do foster children 'enjoy' the same rights as legal/natural children? (if not, what are the differences)

3. Are Children's Legal Rights --regarding the issue of their choice of religion-- the same in all 50 states, or are they different in individual states?

4. What government offices have this kind of information -- name/s please.

Thank You!

2006-08-25 19:15:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boss said that because the mom pays tuition and the dad doesn't, then the mom has sole right on the private property of the school. But, I think the dad, who has joint custody, has a right to access his kid anytime, and we can't legally stop him. (His visitation hours are weekends, but does that mean he can't legally see his kid on our private school campus if my boss doesn't allow it? Does paying tuition and/or permission of the private property owner override the dad's right to access his child during the week?

2006-08-25 19:06:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-25 19:02:50 · 6 answers · asked by Veronica V 1

It wasn't like that when Clinton was in office

2006-08-25 18:38:48 · 19 answers · asked by james w 3

have before i am forced to move? does the notice have to be a written, verbal or does it matter? my home is a manufactured home so does that have any effect or are forecloser laws still the same as usual?

2006-08-25 17:44:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

All the other justices get in on the act, asking questions, challenging the lawyers arguing in front of them to defend their positions. But Justice Thomas never says anything! You can check this out at www.supremecourtus.gov - pick any transcripts you like. I've looked at dozens of them but I can't find his name once. What gives?

2006-08-25 17:42:22 · 8 answers · asked by banjuja58 4

any country which belongs to eastern part of the world. the answer should be related to political science. i need it for me term paper..tnx

2006-08-25 17:39:25 · 2 answers · asked by miss Chuvaness 1

any country which belongs to eastern part of the world. the answer should be related to political science.

2006-08-25 17:37:24 · 1 answers · asked by miss Chuvaness 1

My friend (yes, really my friend, not me. He is too lazy to post this) has been in possession of some lolicon anime (which involves younger girls in comprimising situations. Almost animated child porn) for some time. Recently a law was put into effect banning this in the United States. If he was caught with it, would it be illegal, because he has had it for a long time, or should he go throw it out? (Yes, I know it is bad stuff. I want him to get rid of it. I was just wondering if it is still illegal. Please no answers just about the wrongness of it.

2006-08-25 17:36:01 · 19 answers · asked by Cruts 2

my supervisor sent an email to the staff about being late and leaving early (again by like five min). the problem is the entire staff is there an hour before he walks in. and really does shutting down your computer 5 minutes early really make a differenence? the commute for him and actually the others are like 15 minutes tops. my commute is like 2 and half hours and I get to work an hour early.i have heard he said he did not care if a plane fell from the sky in front of your bus or car.... he has started spying on us too.

2006-08-25 17:32:23 · 16 answers · asked by spiceybooger 2

The Dallas City Council is trying to pass a ban on pants that hang too low. Is this completly ludicrous or a step in the right direction? Is this more important than our rising crime rates, the increase in illegal aliens or the fact our fire fighters and teachers are very poorly paid compared to other large cities? Are sagging pants worse than wearing gang colors or women exposing thier cleavage or satanic clothing? I think Hitler would be proud, we pick up his smoking bans, force kids in to uniforms like he wanted and now a city wants to ban a style of clothing, i thought we won WWII

2006-08-25 17:20:29 · 4 answers · asked by rare breed 4

I'm very concerned about this. I want an ample chance of finding a clean husband.

2006-08-25 17:13:18 · 15 answers · asked by livininthemoonlight 1

The male is 2 years and 1 month older than the female, the sex was consentual, not rape. Is it still statutory rape?

2006-08-25 17:06:05 · 6 answers · asked by Jorge 1

It seems that much of the bloodshed in the middle east is rooted in the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. When there was hatred, discrimination, lynching and Klan terrorism in the Southern United States it was cured in large part by force integration. Could that be the answer for the middle east? Arab children could be bused into Jewish settlements to go to Jewish schools and Jews could be bused to Arab towns to go to school with Arab children. They would grow up together, fall in love and marry each other and peace would come to the middle east. If diversity is our strength , it should be Israel’s strength too.

2006-08-25 16:57:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The states interest in the education of a child shall be limited to the requirement that the parent shall provide an education which will enable the adult child to provide for his or her own housing, clothing, board, and medical expenses.

The law shall not be construed to require parents to report to, present test scores or other records to the state or to any organization except as ordered by the courts. Nor shall this policy be construed to require that children attend any school or educational program wether public or private.

The burden of proof for all educational neglect cases shall lie with the state.

2006-08-25 16:51:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Specifically music downloading. I dont want to illegally download music, but I need a excuse to download free music.

2006-08-25 16:50:30 · 2 answers · asked by I run with scissors 4

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