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Politics & Government - 6 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Wow, I saw the authors of this book on Charlie Rose lastnight. It is REALLY scary how Fox News, Matt Drudge, and the likes of Ann Coulter are changing how politics in America is being influenced by lies and deceit.

One area I really found interesting was what they call the "Freak Show". Ever notice the role Ann Coulter or any other Radical Right Winger guest (usually a talk radio person) plays on Fox News. They really aren't on there for their knowledge, but to be a wedge and fire up the Radical base. By being so controversal they stimulate action by all the Bush backers glued to the TV watching how to think. Thus, Freak Show.
Amazing how propaganda is rampant in America to win the war for votes.


2006-10-06 02:10:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


What do you think about the chance that North Korea will test a nuke on Sunday?

2006-10-06 02:10:03 · 4 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Politics

ok here goes, and im doing this for a freind. shes in big trouble......long story but she just violated her probation for the 3rd time and also got a new misd. charge. last violation (which she got a charge then too) she spent 30 days in county.....shes terrified that this time will b worse. does anyone know a way around it? any suggestions?

2006-10-06 02:08:43 · 3 answers · asked by crazyami 2 in Law & Ethics

the problem i'm having is that i need to get the audience attention because they are against legalizing it so do anyone know a good way to start off that will allow them to have an open ear?

2006-10-06 02:05:52 · 24 answers · asked by a_j2002 2 in Government

Local governments cannot involve to bargain about security affairs abroad while the actions of world politics affects the authority of localities for example the politics of terrorism and human rights violations impinge on local roles and affect the life of societies. However, only central governments are recognized to deal on foreign affairs. Why?

2006-10-06 02:05:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

if there's so many people saying they dont like seeing people in "their" streets screaming for rights, then why is there also so many screaming that "illegals" have more rights than citizens?

2006-10-06 02:03:48 · 21 answers · asked by el_oso_candeloso 4 in Immigration

i have a special boyfriend,we really serious together.. the thing is we are different races.. i am muslim and he is indian. we are malaysian, so in this country 2 different races cant marry unlest he or me convert to one of the races.. neither he or me wants to convert but no matter what we decide to marry. so now i wanna ask who ever from western side, is it possible if we settle there and marry without converting to any races?? i need someone who know about the law and please do state where is that country that ok with this.. please do help... thanx

2006-10-06 02:03:28 · 17 answers · asked by rluvy 1 in Law & Ethics

Poll question is half way down left side column......

2006-10-06 02:02:19 · 2 answers · asked by lost&confused 5 in Other - Politics & Government

In the uk it is not permitted to demonstrate outside parliament for security reasons. which is mostly accepted. However it is deemed moraly wrong for a policeman to arrest British Muslims for making threatening statements against westerners. I would like to point out I am in no way racist or a bigot. I do however find it incredible that Clerics can make damning statements against their host yet the police seem powerless to act, even if they are just metres away. If I, a British national was to make the same statements I would be arrested and charged with threatening behaviour, afray or ratial incitement. What does everyone think? Are we now too politically correct, or is this all fair to both sides.

2006-10-06 02:01:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What impact have past third parties had on American Politics?

2006-10-06 01:59:44 · 4 answers · asked by Eric Knows Best 2 in Politics

Isn't the whole purpose of feminism to further advance the equality of the feminine traits, not change them to become more masculine?

2006-10-06 01:58:21 · 20 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5 in Civic Participation

This lady I know has been charged with two counts of felony charges one of them being a fraud charge. This is what she had done, Her house was being foreclosed on, when it went to auction no one bid on the house (which i am guessing bought her a little more time) anyways during that time she found someone willing to pay her fifteen thousand dollars down on the house and then make rent payments to her each month after, then she sent in the morgage compay three thousand dollars in to catch up her payments thinking that it would be ok and the foreclosure would be dropped if it was caught up, so apparently the lady she sold the house to was told by her that she owned the house and had the title in hand. now the fifteen thousand been blown and the morgage company has found a buyer for the house and they have been to court one and their is two felony counts on her as of right now. Could their be any jail time over this? I think thats where she should be!

2006-10-06 01:57:24 · 5 answers · asked by bshelby2121 6 in Law & Ethics

This question was asked at the Dropping Knowledge event on 9th
September by Moise Marabout, 23, Agades, Niger.

To find out more about Dropping Knowledge check out our blog:

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To discuss this subject in more detail follow this link to the official
Dropping Knowledge website: http://www.droppingknowledge.org/bin/posts/focus/1978.page

2006-10-06 01:55:49 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Raise the minimum wage?
Allow medicare to negotiate lower prices with the drug companies?
Repeals portions of the Patriot Act?

2006-10-06 01:54:22 · 14 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Politics

If so, how?

If not, why?

2006-10-06 01:51:13 · 17 answers · asked by skeptic 6 in Politics

We really cannot afford to have stayed as long as we have. The country is not stabilized. Why not put them on notice to stop arguing with one another, and produce some results, tell them that our patience is not infinite?
Most Iraqis want us out. At some point, they must solve their own problems.
Or does our government intend to defy the will of it's own people and the Iraqis?
Nearly everything that the Bush Administration has denied has turned out to be true.

2006-10-06 01:50:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

All across the news programs they are talking about Dennis Hastert doing nothing with Foley. A lot of them are saying that Hastert doing nothing, will cause the Republicans to lose the midtem elections.

2006-10-06 01:50:30 · 11 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Politics

At the moment a male victim has to pay his abuser 18 years of 'child support'. [A bit like forcing gays to pay to go to 'concentration camps'.]

For those who condone rape; just turn it around and say that it should happen to women too. How's it sound now?

Fear does *not* stop an erection, and even if it could then Viagra would leave the man totally at the mercy of his attacker.

If the woman has a gun?

2006-10-06 01:48:56 · 11 answers · asked by smile 3 in Government

2006-10-06 01:48:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-10-06 01:46:17 · 26 answers · asked by SG 4 in Civic Participation

My partner and i have just brought our 1st house. We love the street and the area but 2 months after buying our house our neighbours brought a caravan and have put there tv,computer,dvd ,cd player out there as there little entertainment area which is right near our bedroom window. I have told the boys mother that his music is loud and she said she would get him to turn it down but didnt so i got my partner to go over one noisy night and tell the boy to turn it down so he did for a little while. My partner and i both work at 5 am and somtimes have a sleep in the arvo but we cant even do that because of his music. I also found out that his doing drugs in there as well. I dont know what to do because if i dob them into the police i know that he will knew it was us that dobed them in and things might turn narsty. And im worried because his in year 12 this year and next year when he finishes school he will be home on the dole doing nothing all day and night. Please anyone out there help us.

2006-10-06 01:44:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I watched Fox News and the Hastert press conference and I'm appaulded at the Democrats for being behind the Foley gay thing with the Pages.

2006-10-06 01:43:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-06 01:39:39 · 29 answers · asked by Andrew G 1 in Government

Is it wrong for a twenty seven year old man to create a child with a fifteen year old woman ? Should he be responsible to ammend this act, if so would it be a trade of people, money, water or oil if the child was to be adopted outside its heritage...

2006-10-06 01:38:45 · 2 answers · asked by lightwayvez 2 in Law & Ethics

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