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Politics & Government - 6 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Bush is the most Moderat Republican to serve as president and has a history of working with Democrats. he extended an olive branch from the beginning. isnt it time you accepted cooperation for the sake of America?

2006-10-06 06:07:58 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

Why is it that whenever a "Republican" is confronted with an issue of their failure and/or misconduct, they refuse to take responsibility, choosing rather to 'throw to the wolves' their colleagues and subordinates or to excuse their actions by pointing to the unrelated misdeads of others?

The argument that they should not be held accountable because someone else did something wrong dosn't work for 5-year-olds. Why then are their followers so willing to accept from them what they wouldn't accept from their own chidren?

2006-10-06 06:07:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-06 06:06:46 · 14 answers · asked by Paris 1 in Government

2006-10-06 06:05:24 · 12 answers · asked by supercat 2 in Politics

"Without our two great political parties cuttin across economic and geographic interests, democracy as we kno it could never have been made to function." The author of this statement probably meant to suggest:

a. an important feature of the US political system is the broadly based appeal of the 2 political parties

b. each political party appeals to a different social class

c. there is no significant difference between the Democratic and Republican parties

d. only a 2 party system cna function in a democracy

e. political parties in the US tend to represent sectional interests

2006-10-06 06:05:23 · 4 answers · asked by bla[ 1 in Other - Politics & Government

my friend had people over and two of them left too see other people on campus and they were drunk. the cops caught them walking around. now one is in jail the other one ran. my friend wants to get him out but its 1000 dollars. i say just leave him in there...i mean its his own fault for leaving the appartment drunk...

he's underage,drunk in public and i guess fighting with the cops too

2006-10-06 06:03:58 · 15 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

do yall remember that movie about that marine who married a princess and he snuck her into the united states? what ever happened to them?

2006-10-06 06:03:25 · 5 answers · asked by ABC 3 in Military

A--"wanna buy some wood?"
B--"what about poland?"
C--"heckofva job"
D--"darn good intelligence"

2006-10-06 06:03:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why do you refuse to question the government?
Why do believe in the decisions made so whole heartedly?

I am not trying to insult anyone, just asking a question.

2006-10-06 06:02:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

In the name of saving/serving democarcy USA is attacking contries after countries? How to combat these agression of USA? Jointly or by Helkping Arabs/ Laden?

2006-10-06 05:59:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

I went to get my drivers licsense renewed and they informed me I had an outstanding ticket in a certain vehicle at a certain time. The problem is that I have never owned that type of vehicle, nor driven one. Now they are telling me I have to pay this huge fine and pay to get it reinstated in a state I don't even live in anymore. Can anyone give me any advice?

2006-10-06 05:58:12 · 10 answers · asked by aulnersgirl 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

my mom got her DL back in 1998 after several years (she thought things were finally cleared up)

well now her DL is suspended due to tickets back in 1991 ..

my questions is:
why did the DMV issue her a DL in 1998 if she still had outstanding tickets in 1991

now mind you she has previuosly renewed her DL w/o incident but now as of today 10/06/2006 they tell her she can't ..

the tickets and DL is all in the same state and general location
neworleans/ and out side parish

** just wondering if someone can explain things to me ..


2006-10-06 05:58:11 · 2 answers · asked by ♥ Lisa♥ 5 in Law & Ethics

would take over and stop this.

2006-10-06 05:56:21 · 20 answers · asked by pete.hodson1@btinternet.com 2 in Immigration

Was my father a criminal even though his intensions were good. And what does that make my family who is here legally because of my fathers illegal actions? Read below to understand my questions:

My father came into the USA back in 1968 illegally. He worked the summers in California as a farm helper until 1978. During these 10 years he risked his life every year because he would come back and forth every summer to spend some time with his family. While he was in the US he never once broke the law except for crossing the border illegally.

I come from a family of 12 (keep your jokes to yourself, cause i can already hear ya ignorant remarks). In those 10 years he saved enough money to bring all 12 of his children including his wife, legally!!!

All of my brothers and sisters work every day, we all finished high school and some of us went on to college. Aside from the occasional traffic ticket, we have and will always continue to obey the law.

Unfortunately there are immigrants from all walks of life that give us a bad rep. But in my fathers case, he truly came here so his children would have a better life. He was not thinking of how to scam the government of tax dollars, or health benefits.....only to make enough money to bring his children here legally.

I can't imagine what my life would be like in Mexico if my father wouldn't have sacrificed the way he did, and I cannot deny someone who is truly trying to have a better life.

My father was a good man, sadly he was not able to see all the good that came out of his great sacrifice....

2006-10-06 05:52:10 · 26 answers · asked by El Mexo 1 in Immigration

I spent two years there when soldiers fled to Canada. They will not be allowed to stay btw.
But now that Canadian troops are dying in the ME what if your troops went awol Would you love them as much as you loved the media saying how wonderful it was for US soldiers to flee to Canada.

think long and hard before you answer this one.

2006-10-06 05:48:35 · 10 answers · asked by CCC 6 in Military

2006-10-06 05:47:47 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

I heard few details, and I'm not sure what made me think of it, what happened? Maybe you have a link or something. I know Kanye made a mean statement or something. Just wondering.

2006-10-06 05:47:21 · 6 answers · asked by ticklefoot 4 in Other - Politics & Government

the vail is not the problem, its there to cause a reaction.
how many second gerneration indian girls wear traditional clothes, not many, the third will wear less. if you come to this country embrace dont disgrace.

2006-10-06 05:47:01 · 28 answers · asked by pete.hodson1@btinternet.com 2 in Immigration

to paint grafity in the mexican side expresing my thoughts about the wall of the shame?

2006-10-06 05:45:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I need a reputable source that tells me how many cities (100,000 people or more) there are in Latin America and the Caribbean. A list would be a bonus.

2006-10-06 05:44:26 · 1 answers · asked by So I says... 1 in Other - Politics & Government




Real Americans care about the issues and know we are winning the war on terror.

Iraq and Afghanistan are become countries of freedom.
Now we need to stop killing babies and protect our morals and values from the liberals!!!!

2006-10-06 05:43:51 · 21 answers · asked by buffman316 2 in Politics

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