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Fish - April 2007

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2007-04-22 07:41:14 · 2 answers · asked by Laurenzo O 2


What kinds of fish can go together with angelfish?? We have a 72 gallon aquarium and we have just set it up. we are going to let it cycle for about a week, and we are just wondering what fish they can go with so that we have some kind of idea of what to buy.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, too.



2007-04-22 07:28:54 · 11 answers · asked by Cassie 2

I bought her 2 days ago and all she does is sit at the bottom of the tank and sometimes she floats like she's dead but she isn't. I also have a male beta in the tank with her. He doesn't flare or chase her around the tank. Does any1 have any idea what is wrong with the female?

2007-04-22 07:08:26 · 2 answers · asked by Armychick 1


2007-04-22 06:49:34 · 1 answers · asked by george 1

I have 2 black tetras and 10 neons, 1 of each of these look to be pregnant (making 2), they have swollen bellies. 1 prefers to swim stationary (not moving around the tank much, the other continues to shole.

the tetras are kept in the same tank as many different fish including a guppie and mollies, coolie loaches and siamise elgie eater.

I have read up on breeding tetras and they suggest nilon mops, I don't have one, would something else work?

will I need to seperate the pregnant tetras from the rest of the tank or will I have to sepetate all the tetras from the rest?

I have never bred tetras and the last one I had, that I though was pregnant died years ago.

if I separate them will I need a new tank or will a dipped net work? (net suspended it the water)

Any help would be greatly apprisiciated, I don't want more of my fish to die, just because I didn't know what to do when they decided to beed.

2007-04-22 06:49:16 · 4 answers · asked by Astra 2

Ok lost a shark and a vtail grouper this week. My ph has always read low 7.8. All other parameters are 0 except nitrites which are in between 0 and .25 and the nitrates that are most likely .25, but theres a bunch of nitrate absorbers in the filtration systems on the tank. Honestly its just hard to read since you have distinguish shades of yellow. It looks to me as if its 0. My KH test indicates its closer to 200 ppm and im adding kent buffer to stabilize my ph. My main question is whats killing my fish. The shark was stressed for quite some time (theres two of them). Towards the end she was flashing hard on one side with no signs of external parasites. My v-tail just turned up dead hid most of the time ate once may have just been sickly in nature not sure but because they both died so close together Im really curious if the ph could of caused it. If anyone has some ideas on why this is happening other then i have water quality issues please let me know.

2007-04-22 06:29:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not sure how the siphon thing works...I mean I know how to start it and stuff...but I'm not sure whether my tube..thats kinda thin, gonna have the strenth to suck out the debris at the bottom. Also do I do the siphoning with the fish in the bowl?

2007-04-22 06:02:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Archer fish Arnold is pining. He broke his bow last week, and I have not been able to source a replacement. I put a clown fish into his pond to try and cheer Arnold up, but to no avail. Arnold ate him!!
Anyone have an idea?

2007-04-22 04:56:43 · 2 answers · asked by glenn g 1

Why is my barb keep rubbing itself against flat surfaces, i mean there is nothing on it as far as i can see


2007-04-22 03:52:27 · 4 answers · asked by $tArGaZeR 1

2007-04-22 03:11:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am designing a backyard fish pond for goldfish and/or Koi. The wintertime temperatures average around 26°F (-3°C) in my region. How deep will the pond have to be in order for my fish to be able to survive the winter?
I am worried about the safety of having a deep pond with children around. How can I make it safer?
Are there any other alternatives to prevent freezing without having a deep pond?
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!

2007-04-22 03:05:15 · 5 answers · asked by lorelei.siren 3

Hi, I recently had a shark too causes unknown. Theres two of them in there but only the one was breathing heavy and swimming restlessly. It would continually flash its self against the sand pretty hard normally on one side of its body but had no sign of ich or any other external parasite that I could see. Any Thoughts?
Second I had a V-tailed grouper thats only been around for a week or two that just turned up dead in the tank. He never really did take to eatting only saw him eat one shrimp in his time with me. He was about 2 inches long and just turned up dead. From what I know their supposed to be tough in terms of fish and the panther grouper I have (never bullied this guy) is doing great. I checked for external parasites and found none.
Lastly, got two eels (chainlink and snowflake) that used to get along but now they dont. Just curious if anyone knows how to curve the chianlinks aggression towards the snowflake. Im about to buy a cattle prod lol. Thanks for your help.

2007-04-22 00:45:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i live in india so its really hot...there's sumthing thats got to with temperature also... so..plzz help!!

2007-04-21 23:47:28 · 15 answers · asked by megha 2

I have been told that there is a fish that changes colour whilst it is asleep but I can not remember the name of the fish. Please help so I can rest!

2007-04-21 21:52:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

can i put brick instead of flat rock in my aquarium for Oscar

2007-04-21 21:26:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, I bought some rosy red minnows from petco 3 days ago in hopes of using them as feeders to feed my 2 red ear sliders I have but unfortunately they have not been eaten.

I find it strange but at the sametime it is their first time of given feeders and they might have to take sometime.

I thought I had 10 of them but now theres 8 of these rosy reds. I believe I had 9 to begin with but i'm not exactly sure. I feel kind of bad that these fish are used as feeders to feed larger fish and turtles, so at the sametime I'm also glad that they are now living peacefully with the turtles.

My main question is...when and will these fishes have babies? or are they even going to? are they too young to have them now? I'm new to the fish community

I find them very cute and easy to have, ever since I noticed that the turtles won't eat them I bought some some food. I've been feeding some "Nutrafin Goldfish Flakes" twice a day and they seem to love it, eating them very fast.

thank you for your time

2007-04-21 19:02:51 · 2 answers · asked by Moore55 4

I have an Aqua-Tech filter in a 10 gallon tank w/ 2 mollies, 2 tetras, and one betta. The problem is that it seems to create quite a current for the fishies. I've seen some of them struggle sometimes. There is no adjustment on the filter to make it less powerful, but I noticed that the pipe that takes the water into the filter can be loosened...and when I do that, I can basically adjust the power. I don't know if this is safe because I dont know how fast the water is being filtered when I adjust it. And its only a 2 week old aquarium so I'm sure there will be a few more spikes. But loosening the pipes a lil would cause less stress on the fish. It seems like a catch 22 to me, but I'm sure someone w/ more experience can answer this :).

2007-04-21 17:30:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My betta splendens - Juju - was in a small 1 gallon bowl. Everything was fine - he never had a disease, always ate, etc. But for some reason, I decided to move him to a 10 gallon tank. I do everything - check for spikes, check nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and chlorine. The tank has a filter (aqua-tech), a heater, and a pump. Originally, the betta didn't have tankmates, but now he shares the tank w/ 2 tetras and 2 mollies - he gets along fine w/ them. The problem is that ever since I moved him to the tank, he's been eating less (went down from 4-6 pellets per meal to one or two). He even did this when he didnt have mates. I don't know if he sees the food (it was closer in the gallon, so it seems like it would be easier). I've really tried to feed him...even turning off the filter and the pump when feeding him to help him see the food, but its so hard for the poor fish. I know that he's hungry because he starts nipping on the tetra food and spits it out bc he doesn't like it.

2007-04-21 17:22:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Malu is a fantail goldfish. She is sitting in the top corner of the tank, only moving occassionally. All her fins are flat. She only eats a very small amount. She has been like this for about a month. I have tried medicating her with Pimafix and Melafix according to the aquarium store advice and the bottle advice. I have tried salts. I change her water 20% once a week. The water levels are normal. The water is filtered and airated. Her mate is fine, he is eating and growing and seems really happy. I just dont understand what could be wrong. She was happy for the first 3 months in the tank. I dont want to her to die. I have had fish for years and have never had this problem before. What else can i do? Please help me!

2007-04-21 16:54:55 · 11 answers · asked by norti19 1

my betta fish has a white spot under it gills, on he bottom of its body. its small and i know what the common diseases are and i dont think its one but i was just wondering if ne one knew why it was there. i think its supposed to be there because hes perfectly healthy

2007-04-21 16:51:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 10 African Cichlids and 2 Plecos in a 39 Gallon tank, each cichlid an average of 2" in size. I've had these fish for about a year now. So the local petsmart was remodeling their store and said that I could have all their old fish decorations for free. I got a bunch of rocks and plants. I'm thinking this is awesome. So I took all the plants (about 5) and soaked them in hot water for about 15 minutes then planted them in the tank. Afterwards, it seemed the fish were excited and exploring. This was yesterday afternoon. Today is about 11:00pm and I'm noticing that they are sluggish, hiding and not eating anything, very unusual for them since they are very active and aggressive fish. I'm worried it may have something to do with the new plants. Can anyone offer any wisdom on why this is happening?

2007-04-21 16:40:30 · 5 answers · asked by Justin 1

We Were adding Jungle Bowl Buddies to the fish bowl and then Tetra Aqua, Aqua Safe to the 10 gallon tank. We tested the water today and the levels are as follows
pH 8.4
Alkalinity over 300 ppm
Hardness 300 ppm
Nitrite 3 ppm
Nitrate 40 ppm
We went to the local pet store and got some
Aquarium Salt to reduce the Nitrite and the hardness,
Tetra, Easy Balance to stabilize the pH and Alkalinity levels it also reduces nitrates and phosphate,
Kordon, AmQuel plus mainly cuz it removes the nitrite and will remove the chlorine and chloramines but it also helps with nitrate and ammonia.
We added 1 T salt, 1 t AmQuel, and one cap full Easy Balance to the tank all at once. The levels never changed and the fish flipped out so we took them out, Washed the tank out with the salt. Then tested the water the Nitrate was 20 ppm and the Nitrite was 0. I then added 1 T salt (should have added 10 t) and one cap full Easy Ballance. Hardness still 300 Alkalinity over 300 pH 8.4. What should we do?

2007-04-21 16:28:40 · 4 answers · asked by Kris 1

can he still mate if his thingy got bite off

2007-04-21 16:03:18 · 2 answers · asked by Susan H 2

I have a 29 gal, that is well cycled and has good water quality. It has no fish in it right now, these are the fish I was planning to get. Please tell me what fish they would be compatible with, how many to get, and if they will get along.
- African Butterfly Fish
- Angelfish
- Dwarf African Frogs
- Hillstream loach or butterfly loach
- Any others?

2007-04-21 15:38:44 · 6 answers · asked by Dani K 2

it is about 20cm long and it lives in tropical water and can only be put in with cichlids and other large fish.

2007-04-21 15:32:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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