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Fish - April 2007

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I dun have a filter so I intend on siphon the water out and the debris out every 2 days and give the fish a 20-30% water change...is this alright? its better than taking the fish out and getting a full waterchange the whole time? Oh yea, do I have to take the pump out to do the siphon/gravel vacuum?
I hope this will make his water clean and more happy...but I dun wanna freak the hell out of him either, please help me with some advice

2007-04-23 10:54:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay; so i got my brine shrimp to hatch (yeah) to feed my guppies with. However; brine shrimp live in salt water and guppies fresh water. So how do I get my little bitty baby brines into the guppy tank without throwing off the pH of the guppy tank? Thanks for the help my guppies will appreciate it a long with myself.

2007-04-23 10:29:14 · 4 answers · asked by dazed 4

2007-04-23 10:20:30 · 8 answers · asked by Susan H 2

We have a pond in our yard ... wev had it several years and have successfully raised catfish in it... The other day we went outside and there was about 30 dead catfish... Mostly little ones but about 10 big ones also... This has never happened before.. We havnt done anything different... what could be going on? We do catch them and eat them from time to time...

2007-04-23 09:52:55 · 13 answers · asked by MandiGurl M 2

seeing alot of different numbers flying around here, is a 50 gallon not big enough for 5 fancies?

2007-04-23 09:44:43 · 17 answers · asked by digby_by 4

i have a 29 gallon tank with an oscar in it and i just set up a 75 gallon tank for him i know that it must cycle but since i already have an astablisthed tank could i speed it up??

2007-04-23 09:35:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK. Yesterday i was bored so i went down to my dock (live on a lake) I saw this big bass, about 1 1/2 feet, so i was like yes im gonna catch it, so i rigged up a pole with six feet of rope, a small hook and tied it to the end of an oar, i didnt have bait so i fished with the gum i was eating....and guess what I CAUGHT IT

well now im worried he will die becuase he swallowed the gum, not the hook though, i let him go

will he be ok, or what am i just worring to much

please answer

2007-04-23 09:30:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just wondering if male Guppies are violent? And if so how can I stop them, I have females in the tank could that be why?Any help would be great.

2007-04-23 09:17:02 · 2 answers · asked by Tenielle M 1

I have a 55-gallon long aquarium, just finished cycling it. The temp is just below 82 F, pH about 7.5. It is filtered by a Penguin 350 and an Aqua-Clear 70, plus a bubble wand.

I have 4 dalmation mollies, 4 sunburst platies, 2 red wagtail platies, and 4 black mollies.

A couple of days ago, I did a 1/3 change with 2 tbsp salt per five gallons new water and AmQuel plus. I fasted them on the same day. Three days previously, I added the dalmation mollies.

I can't figure out why the black mollies got so distressed. They mostly rest on the gravel, and are about 5 days away from giving birth. There is no ammo or nitrite from the tests.

I want to know if I have put them through too much stress, and what I should do or not do at this point.

2007-04-23 09:13:37 · 2 answers · asked by TarKettle 6

I am practically a fish expert. I know that goldfish have no stomaches and everything they eat goes straight to there intestines so they need really acidic food. I also know do to there growable size they need insanly large tanks. I also know they need alot of oxegen and very clean water. I know all the myths about them(and every other fish). Some of which can be found here. http://www.aquariumcorner.com/bettas.htm and here http://www.aquariumcorner.com/goldfish.htm. But for all the other fish experts I was wondering if you guys think that tropical flakes would be acidic enough for goldfish. Not that I would ever give a gold fish tropical flakes. My mom sometimes does so I was wondering if I should just let it slide? Also if anyone has any guestions about any fish go to guppylog.com or google it if you need to. I am a member there and it is a great website. It started out for guppies but there are experts there that know something about everything fish. Great site with good people.

2007-04-23 09:03:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

(white spots on the fish body n fins)

2007-04-23 08:05:48 · 17 answers · asked by abc 1

2007-04-23 07:52:38 · 6 answers · asked by WADEKEN I 1

( that will sink to the bottom by itself....

2007-04-23 07:51:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

because some people really like buying the fish from there it was convient for me.

2007-04-23 07:33:32 · 16 answers · asked by mspurpler 1

I have a yellow angel fish and a black and yellow angel fish. Not sure if their boys or girls but they will lock lips and shove each other. Not sure if they like each other or dislike each other but i currently have them seperated and they go up to the divider and jump at each other. Its hilarious! Has anyone had similiar experiences?

2007-04-23 07:32:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have a 150 gallon pond, that will be in the sun a good part of the day, I live in Maryland, so it's not super hot here, but we will have some weeks in the 90's...Am I going to have to figure out a way to keep in the shade ..

2007-04-23 07:30:11 · 10 answers · asked by trudyredhat 1

It's a 2.5 gallon plastic Spongebob tank. We are definitely not overfeeding but it gets cloudy and very disgusting looking after only a few days. We love the fish but had no idea the water would look so gross all the time.

2007-04-23 07:23:19 · 7 answers · asked by cjm 3

why is my fishtank water cloudy when i have had the tank 1 month i have changed the water properly and have 22 fish in it and feed the fish once aday and the filter is set up properly

2007-04-23 07:22:10 · 15 answers · asked by tommo o 1

many fish food recipes include shrimps. but i am wandering if i can use other ordinary fish flesh to feed aquarium fish.

2007-04-23 07:19:57 · 6 answers · asked by fish 1

Fishy, a zebra danio, has been my baby for over a year and a half now. Since yesterday, I've noticed his balance is a bit off. His tail is trying to float up, every time it does it he fights to keep it down. It never gets too far before he gets it back down, but I'm really worried. I recently changed him and his room-mate another zebra danio (female, had her for about 8 months) from their ten gal. tank (I know they are spoiled) to individual 1 gal fish bowls in preparation of moving back home from school. I changed the water while switching them over (not a total change). I got a bit worried a while ago so I did a 1/4 change and added a tiny bit of salt (not enough to harm). If anyone has ideas please help. Fishy is my first surviving pet (had a beta from wal-mart that lasted less than a week) and I don't want to lose him yet.

2007-04-23 06:54:35 · 2 answers · asked by 80sredheadchick 2

2007-04-23 06:52:36 · 10 answers · asked by lottie200322 1

I have several tank but i have always wondered why my bogwood is discolouring my sand at the bottom of my tank. The thing is, I have cleaned it and soaked it when I first bought it two or three weeks back. I always remove the sand and replace it with washed sand. I hope it isnt harmful to the fishes, although no complaints from them but I am am always curious and want to have my tank tip top shape. Thank you all x

2007-04-23 06:52:06 · 3 answers · asked by Dr_VIP 2

my teacher said that i should fed my fish blood worm ONLY, because that type of fish eat that food, but can i fed her normal fish food? That what the man at the shop said!

2007-04-23 06:19:32 · 15 answers · asked by Emma 2

hey people just wondering somthing, has anyone here had any luck with ANY puffer in a reef tank. I love puffers but i've always been hesitant to add any because i know how they like to chow down on shrimp and crabs. I know there is often exceptions to the rules i was just wondering if anyone out there has had any luck.

2007-04-23 05:58:33 · 3 answers · asked by orestes19832003 2

Hello all heres my plan please offer insight if you got it.
I have a 75 gallon tank and some fish to move. The drive will take place over night on may 8th. The duration will be around 12-16 hours. I want to keep most all my water. In order to do this I plan on using hundreds of zipper ziplock bags to double back 3/4ths of a gallon each to keep the water from sloshing out of cheap rubber made tubs. As for the fish I was gonna get some over sized fish bags to house more room and air per fish. In order to maintain temperature I was gonna float these bags in a cooler and drill a hole in top of the cooler to drape in a heater for the pool of water. I would make sure that the bags had no wiggle room to minimize the jarring of the bags. Now the most complex part of this transport is the cooler and heated pool of water... Do i need this?

2007-04-23 05:35:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


please tell me your story! thank you

2007-04-23 05:35:22 · 5 answers · asked by Moore55 4

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