They look exactly like limpets-see link-> They are the ones in the picture on the left. They are all over my tank, and are climbing up out of the water-stuck to the sides of the tank, and all over the rocks. They feel hard on the outside, and are almost super-glued to the sides of the tank. We took all of our fish out of one 30gal tank, and into this other one. The former tank-even though it has been empty for about a month now-also has these things in there-stuck to the sides of the tank. I can't tell if they are alive or dead now...but I have looked up fish lice, and then came across this photo-which is exactly what they look like. I am still not convinced-alot of things could look like those right? I just want to know exactly what they are. Alot of fish have been dying off recently too, but I don't see any of these things on the fish.
8 answers
asked by
Little Jeannie