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Fish - December 2006

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I have a small 10 gallon aquarium and it does not produce much algae at all. I need it to have some algae as I have an oto...and I don't want him to starve. I have just normal light bulb lighting, not flourecent. Can I keep the light on at all times or will this hurt the fish (no plants, just 5 guppies and an oto).

2006-12-18 19:01:59 · 9 answers · asked by Jamie J 3

Ok, I started to get algae (diatoms) in my new aquarium after about 3 months. It's been fully cycled since week 3 or 4 (I know, very quick cycle...TLC for freshwater aquariums works well!). I have 2 male and 3 female guppies in there now since about week 3-12 (added a few at a time). Yesterday I added a oto to the mix to take care of the ugly algae. my question is...i keep aquarium salt in my aquarium (1tbs/5 gallons) and I dont know if this is ok for the oto (being that catfish don't have scales.) Also, I am worried that I won't have enough algae after a few days for him to live off of...what can I feed him other than natural occuring algae? What other helpful hints about otos do you guys have?

2006-12-18 18:29:25 · 5 answers · asked by Jamie J 3

Does any body know how to cure pop eye?How about salt or hot water to erase the disease in the tank gravel?

2006-12-18 18:05:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-18 16:08:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today When I was giving my filter an hour break.Then when I plug it,it doesn't run anymore I'd try adding water to it but still dosoen't work.Is it broken?I only used for 3 months

2006-12-18 15:34:37 · 6 answers · asked by Schooling fish is my favorite 2

I have a ten gallon goldfish tank. I've noticed it before, but it's never been quite so bad. The front panel of glass is bowing quite badly. How do I fix this?

2006-12-18 15:01:23 · 7 answers · asked by Ryan 2

i have a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering how many oscars i could get for it? i was think ing like 4 tiger oscars. wut kind of back ground do they like, rocks, plants, or a lil of both. i was going to get them tomarrow. and i was thinking of getting convict cichlids with them so i could have them breed then feed the babies to the oscars.

p.s. plz answer all the questions

2006-12-18 14:44:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-18 14:42:12 · 4 answers · asked by Chuck & Christy N 3

I just got 4 Cons about 2 weeks ago and they have already spawned. How often do they lay eggs?

2006-12-18 13:42:37 · 4 answers · asked by laalaalaa 3

I have a dwarf frog with bloat. Tonight, my fiance and I aspirated her for the first time - and we'll most likely have to do it again next week. To do this, we've had to order needles online (since here in PA you can't get them from a pharmacy without a prescription). So, between all the supplies to save her, we've spent well over $50 - and that's not including any meds. Everyone thinks we're nuts for doing so - "It's just a frog! Flush him!" his mom said. And I almost passed out after I got the needle in her (I seem to have developed a recent aversion to needles).

So how far have you gone to save a fish or aquatic frog?

2006-12-18 13:41:43 · 6 answers · asked by birdistasty 5

My pair of cons just spawned and the fry is about day old how fast will they grow and should I remove them?

2006-12-18 13:38:41 · 1 answers · asked by laalaalaa 3

I have had my male betta fish for a while now and he was always very active and enjoyable. But recently he has not been swimming around as much, or responding to me. Is there something wrong with him? What can I do? I have not noticed any other signs of sickness i.e. spots, bloating, etc.

2006-12-18 13:34:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

im looking for play sand or any other type of sand for my freshwater aquarium i was told to look at home depot i looked online and couldnt find it and my local pet shop doesnt have any.

2006-12-18 13:15:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


i have a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering what kind of oscars i should get and how many? petsmart has 2.5" oscars of all kinds. what do they eat and how much? what other fish can go with oscars?

2006-12-18 12:47:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This doesn't seem normal...I bought aqua plants at Petco and stuck them in the gravel in my betta's tank. He loves them because he can swim in and out and hide in the leaves.
Recently, though, something really weird happened. The aqua plants are breaking off, sticking to the sides of the tank, and leaving bright green sludge. (looks like someone dumped green ink down the side of the tank)
The fish doesn't seem to mind, but it looks absolutely disgusting. Is this normal? Should I pull the plants out and replace with fake ones? (I bought the real thing b/c they are softer and are supposed to help regulate the water)

2006-12-18 12:02:27 · 7 answers · asked by missd1975 3

Properly set up tank, disease passed through about two months ago. Prior to that the guppy in question gave birth every 28 days. What is wrong? Also, no babies have survived except one from the first batch of three. Have taken care of them properly, but they all get fin rot and die. Have added medicine. No go. Help!

2006-12-18 10:46:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a betta in one and 6 goldfish in the other.The tanks are just for feeding.

2006-12-18 10:03:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really want 1 or 2 oscars but I only have a 10 gallon tank. Will oscars not grow really big if they are kept in a smaller tank? I saw some at Petsmart that were only about 2-3 inches long. Anyone that knows anything about them or has some please help!? Thanks!!

2006-12-18 09:55:37 · 8 answers · asked by death0rgl0ry13 2

they are fed microworms bbs and starting to feed fry pellets what do you guys think of size

2006-12-18 09:25:20 · 4 answers · asked by Chuck & Christy N 3


2006-12-18 09:06:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I purchased fish at walmart,6 neons,6 ghost shrimp and they had tail rot.I didn't notice at first because I had never seen tail rot ,I notice the tails and thought someone was nippy after my fish started looking the same ,guppies .....other tetras .I reseached it ,treated it but still lost more than a dozen fish .
I went back to Walmart and they were still selling sick fish ,all there pumps work and flow through all there fish tanks ,circulates to all systems ,Raised lot's of hell to medicate and stop selling them ,but they didn't ,they know they have a problem but don't care.I called animal protection ,health dept,Local news trouble shooters,all to no avail,Ky. is one of 15 states that don't have law regulating the treatment and sale of pet store pets.when calling animal control for more phone # 's I was told they have the same trouble with there area walmart and have talked to them several times,this has to stop!What now?imagine how many tanks they have contaminated.

2006-12-18 08:58:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-18 08:51:18 · 11 answers · asked by kristina m 2

I have a siamese fighting fish & one of his eyes is very swollen. It has been like this for a few weeks now. I read up on the internet & thought it might have just been something in his water so I have changed the water in his tank & scrubbed it out several times now but it is not getting any better.

Is there anything else I can do???

What is wrong with him?

2006-12-18 08:30:13 · 3 answers · asked by crazybree_007 1

Okay, I have a clear guppy "blonde" I think is the term. I can ACTUALLY SEE 3 baby guppies inside of her. They have white/clear eyes with black dots in the middle and I can see the outline of there body. She is a nice healthy, BIG female, but why is there only 3? Maybe more inside? Will she have them soon? Because her gravid spot is not square yet.

2006-12-18 08:07:35 · 3 answers · asked by None N 3

I have green algae gathering on the glass of my saltwater tank. It starts to show up in the high flow areas and eventually covers the entire surface after 3-4 days. I just cleaned my tank yesterday including a water change and today the algae has started again.

2006-12-18 07:37:44 · 4 answers · asked by bigstik 1

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