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Dogs - March 2007

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I have 2 dogs about 1yr old and a stray puppy was dumped in our yard. We are keeping her. Our female dog likes her. She plays with her and is learning when she is too rough. Our male does not like her. He growls at her when she tries to play and has even snapped at her cutting her a little bit. We freaked out! He is slowly starting to play with her but he still growls. What can I do to help situation?

2007-03-08 02:55:21 · 10 answers · asked by Cash, Gage and Jax's Mom 4

Or could somebody possibly tell me how you pronounce it?


2007-03-08 02:54:56 · 2 answers · asked by Unhinged.... 5

My Boston Terrier (spayed female, 1 yr old) has always had a sensitive stomach, where she threw up frequently as a pup, but it seems to have gotten better. I switched her and my Italian Greyhound (spayed female, 2.5 yrs old) to a food for dogs with sensitive stromachs. I feed them Canine Caviar Lamb and Pearl Millet Adult. Is this something I need to worry about for the rest of her life, or because it seems to be getting much better, is it something she can possibly grow out of?

2007-03-08 02:54:10 · 2 answers · asked by jwix04 3

I have a maltese/shihtzu so his hair is pretty straight with a very slight wave.

I have some clippers that are normally for humans. Is that okay? And I planned to use a #4 - i read 1 article talking about a #10 could they mean pet clippers? And do I use the same number all over or will I need shorter ones for other areas such as his legs and feet?

2007-03-08 02:47:59 · 3 answers · asked by love777 1

Teach a dog to roll over?

My black lab's about 10 years old but you would never know by seeing him, he looks and acts like a puppy still. But has Never learnt to roll over! He knows, sit, stay, lay down, give paw, speak, up/jump but has never managed to get roll over. I've tried with treats and he just looks at it and doesnt actually move for it. I've also tried gently rolling him over when he was laying on his back but he just stands up.

Does anyone have any ideas how to teach him this? Also play dead, does anyone know how to teach this too?

2007-03-08 02:47:34 · 7 answers · asked by Bex 2

My puppy is almost 8 months old and often messes during the night when she goes to bed. She doesn't do it in the house at any other time. She goes out for a walk last thing before bed. Help!!

2007-03-08 02:40:12 · 16 answers · asked by Mimi1 1

2007-03-08 02:34:28 · 4 answers · asked by sherry c 1

I mean, they are! We have been searching for them for ages and can't find any apart from ones from the US and way up north (I live in London). I mean, compare the bichon frise to a maltese! Basically the same dog only with different hair-dos! Yet bichon frises are everywhere and are about £350, wheras malteses are NOwhere, and cost approx £1500!!!
Any dog people know why? I want a maltese more than a bichon frise!!!!!

(I prefer their hair-dos which is why lol)

2007-03-08 02:32:33 · 6 answers · asked by Marzipan_girl 2

Found the most beautiful dog and we just started noticing worms in his feces. In the process of making an appt for the vet, but just wanted to know the cause and seriousness of the condition.

2007-03-08 02:30:28 · 7 answers · asked by dangerously_inlove_01 1

Under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, local authorities have the power to issue dog control orders on dog fouling; keeping dogs on a lead in certain areas; excluding dogs from certain areas; and limiting the number of dogs a person can walk.

To keep abreast of dog control orders being introduced accross the country, the Kennel Club has set up a dog owners group, KC Dog. The group is free to join and you can sign up at Crufts, or by contacting the Kennel Club.

2007-03-08 02:24:51 · 3 answers · asked by Kennel Club Experts 2

I just got my first puppy ever and am having a time of it getting him to stop biting me. He leaves my wife alone for the most part (she has had dogs before and has tried to coach me as to what to do but it doesn't work for me). he is a 3/4 Lab 1/4 wolf mix. Is there any training hints that you can give me to break him of this annoying habit as well as any other training tips or websites that have them. Thanks!

2007-03-08 02:18:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are your thoughts about a the raw diet for dogs?

I have a maltese/shihtzu 12 weeks 3.5lbs good for him too?

What are the real benefits?

2007-03-08 02:11:48 · 11 answers · asked by love777 1

Any of you groom/cut your dog's hair yourself?
I am thinking of taking clippers to my dog's hair myself. I like my dog's hair kinda log so I was thinking of using a number 4.

Any suggestions about cutting, clippering, cleanup, anything about making it easy for me and my puppy?


2007-03-08 02:01:59 · 12 answers · asked by love777 1

She is at 55 days today (3-8-07). I have called two different vets. They just say to watch her closely, so I have taken off of work this week. One also said that this might be her normal temp. and that all dogs temps. are different and I shouldn't be worried. Are there any more experienced chihuahua breeders that might have any advice to give? Thank You!

2007-03-08 01:55:58 · 8 answers · asked by kdmnem75 2

2007-03-08 01:53:08 · 6 answers · asked by Tiko 2

2007-03-08 01:50:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have 4 puppies which are ready to be homed. Two are being picked up tonight. My question is...Should the mother be there to see them leave? I've heard stories that if they are not present they will spend the rest of their lives looking for their missing pups?

2007-03-08 01:50:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would love to know what it is like to be a designer dog breeder!!!

2007-03-08 01:50:35 · 4 answers · asked by mur 1

My dog has been in spain and france for over a year now. He has his PETS passport and his rabies vaccination would be due in uk next year, but in france and spain they want in annually. does that mean that uk might not allow for me to bring the dog back? defra said that after 3 months they become residents of the country they are in and will have to be up to date vaccinations according to resident country. But would they know when i took my dog abroad? do they scan the microchip when leaving the country? (i can't remember what they did when we left) should i just say that he's only been away under 3 months? anyone any suggestions?

2007-03-08 01:42:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

how would you report phoney registration of dogs and stop people from selling dogs for top dollar and making a big prophet from them.

2007-03-08 01:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by pam_bowling2003 1

I am going to adopt a Boston Terrior. His previous owner left him because his left eye was damaged. Any ideas? Any good names?

2007-03-08 01:34:45 · 22 answers · asked by Tafffy 1

I’m not talking about whether or not they make good pets (because I’m sure they do), but about your opinion of the phenomenon itself. About the practice of breeding two specific breeds together to “create” a new “breed,” and people actually accepting it as such. Traditionally, this is not how breeds were created. Different breeds were often bred together to develop new ones, yes, but it was usually many different breeds, and it was done over a number of years, carefully, to reach a new breed, usually for a specific purpose. Breed A and breed B were not just “stuck” together to get breed C. It seems to be getting more and more popular, and you even have people insisting that one day, Goldendoodles for example, will be “real” recognized breeds by the AKC, and similar organizations.

2007-03-08 01:34:08 · 16 answers · asked by Mandy 7

can I still charge a small adoption fee for my troubles?

2007-03-08 01:32:40 · 10 answers · asked by valerier925 1

Hello! I would like some feedback on an issue which is seriously straining my marriage. We live in a house, which is about 1900 sq. ft, We are currently a family of 5, soon to be six, with 2 big Weimareners living IN our house as well. They are 1 yr. and 4 mo. old. The female is 85 lbs, the male 104 lbs. To me, they need to be outside dogs, but my husband says that is white trash to have dogs living outside! Herin is our arguement. I grew up in the country, always had a big dog, but they always lived outside. He grew up in the city, had a Scottie in the house. The difference is, a Scottie is small compared to 2 weimaraners! I do not want 2 big dogs taking up limited space in our home anymore, especially not when a newborn comes. It's not fair to them, b/c they do not have free reign of the home, and not fair to me, because it's like having 2 extra kids to watch. We have no fence in the back yard (yet), and i would like them to live out in a kennel or dog house. Am i being unreasonable?

2007-03-08 01:31:04 · 13 answers · asked by Carrie C 3

She hasn't ate grass on any other trips I have taken her out on. Today her tummy was making funny noises and when I took her out she grazed on grass. She is in her last week of pregnancy, Unlike what I have read she hasn't thrown up afterwards, any idea's why she would eat grass. Just upset tummy could it be a sign she is going to have the puppies soon?? What do you think

2007-03-08 01:29:42 · 6 answers · asked by misstea 1

My eldest child is 4 and keeps raving on about wanting a puppy and my youngest is just 20 months.Personally i would prefer a labrador/retriever as i know these are great family dogs and soft around children but on the otherhand i know how big these breeds get so i am wondering if there might be a smaller breed out there which would have the similar temperment as a labrador etc.Any ideas would be much appreciated.Thankyou

2007-03-08 01:20:05 · 32 answers · asked by leedslass 2

I have a runt puppy who is 13 days old today. He is about one third the size of the other puppies and is both bottlefed and mom feed. He is starting to open his eyes and even tries to stand. The problem is I have noticed that one of his back legs looks like it turns in really bad. Also, when he tries to stand he falls on his side and can't seem to get back up. Will this possible correct itself as he gets bigger or is this something to be concerned about. Also is his size difference to the other pups normal for a runt? I have nicknamed him Rocky because the little guy is such a fighter.

2007-03-08 01:19:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a wonderful show quality young male (8 months) Sheltie who is gettining anamorous with our 10 mo. old female. He isn't even getting close to penetrating but my concern is that the female is way too young to get pregnant. She hasn't gone into heat but what if she does and we don't notice it right away? We want to breed them both. The male will be a Ch. and the female probably won't but she already has her CD title and will get her first agility title very soon. She has 2 legs for her CDX. It is amazing. With his looks and her intelligece, we know we'd have desirable puppies and have consulted with breeders who agree. In otherwords, I'm not getting them fixed until their first litter. At 8 mos., can he get her pregnant if she goes into heat and we don't notice? They are best friends and are constantly kissing and cleaning each other and are inseparable so it's going to be hard to keep them apart for a few weeks but is it necessary yet? Also, they are both indoor dogs.

2007-03-08 01:17:28 · 7 answers · asked by SHELTIELUVER 3

He likes to jump up on everybody. If you pet him he thinks its okay to jump on you afterwards. And its not that he needs someone to pay attention to him because we pet and play with him all the time. He is spoiled rotten he goes where ever we go and he is very friendly. He is 3 years old and the people we got him from said he was never abused. But the way he jumps on us I think he was abused its like he is looking for more attention. We would never hurt him in way so shock collars are out of the question. He gets plenty of exercise we take for a walk everyday plus we have a large fenced in yard. He listens very good you tell him to sit he sits, you tell him to lay down he lays down but you tell no when he jumps on us he doesnt listen and 2 minutes later he jumps again. Please help us with this.

Thank you Oldman

2007-03-08 01:16:14 · 7 answers · asked by oldmancripplecrotch 3

I have 2 American Bulldogs and have never carried insurance on them. I spend roughly 1000.00 to 1500.00 a year on them. Would Pet insurance even be worth?

2007-03-08 01:14:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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