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Hello! I would like some feedback on an issue which is seriously straining my marriage. We live in a house, which is about 1900 sq. ft, We are currently a family of 5, soon to be six, with 2 big Weimareners living IN our house as well. They are 1 yr. and 4 mo. old. The female is 85 lbs, the male 104 lbs. To me, they need to be outside dogs, but my husband says that is white trash to have dogs living outside! Herin is our arguement. I grew up in the country, always had a big dog, but they always lived outside. He grew up in the city, had a Scottie in the house. The difference is, a Scottie is small compared to 2 weimaraners! I do not want 2 big dogs taking up limited space in our home anymore, especially not when a newborn comes. It's not fair to them, b/c they do not have free reign of the home, and not fair to me, because it's like having 2 extra kids to watch. We have no fence in the back yard (yet), and i would like them to live out in a kennel or dog house. Am i being unreasonable?

2007-03-08 01:31:04 · 13 answers · asked by Carrie C 3 in Pets Dogs

I would like a nice, big heated kennel/doghouse outside for them to spend time in, i would'nt just throw them out int he cold! I know they would be happier outdoors too. And i would not put them on a chain all day. THAT, i do not agree with.

2007-03-08 01:50:59 · update #1

P.S. one writer thought that one dog was 1 yr. the other 4 mo., no, they are brother and sister and both are 1yr4mo. old...going on a year and a half old!

2007-03-08 01:54:07 · update #2

13 answers

Sorry but i agree with your husband on this one. the breed of dog you now own is not one that does well outside all the time. These are expensive dogs in my part of the country!

Please consider an invisible fence system that way when your overwhelmed with everything going on in the House at lest the dogs can be let outside to run and play with your knowing they can't or shouldn't be capable of running off some where.

2007-03-08 01:37:09 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Golden gal♥ 7 · 0 1

Personally, I do not believe a dog should be kept outside unless it is a work dog that has been bred for just that reason (eg: Great Pyranees). I'm assuming you have had these dogs for over a year, and had them inside. To put themout now would be cruel and they could see it as punishment.

If space is an issue, then look into getting a bigger home. I know that may be easier said than done, but your family is growing and it may be time to look into a bigger place, anyway.

Weimareners are active dogs and need to keep that activity level up. You don't mention how old your other children are, but with a baby on the way, will the dogs still get enough attention to keep them happy? If not, maybe it's time to find them a new home.

I've added a link to a Wikipedia site. Scroll down a bit and check out the behaviour disorders they list. The first one is that this breed of dog is prone to separation anxiety.

2007-03-08 02:31:53 · answer #2 · answered by Paula S 3 · 0 1

I am going through a very similar problem. My fiance' is a country boy, and I am a city girl. We have a great Pyrenees pup (a very big dog) and are currently in the process of rebuilding a 1900's farm house. We're squished between living at his parents farm house, and my city apartment. Him and his entire family believe that they can just let the dog out and run. However trucks are always speeding down the road, and I've done a lot of research on the breed, they cannot be outside w/o being in a fenced in area, they also allow her to beg, jump, and receive food whenever she pleases. Its created a lot of tension between me and the family. Its my dog, and I want her raised differently then what they're doing.

But i need to come to a compromise. Perhaps you & your family could do the same.

If your dogs are well trained, and know their boundaries...you've already said they'll have a warm place to stay...and you don't feel like they'll be in any danger from things like cars. It should be perfectly fine turning them into outdoor dogs. Try starting the process slow, so your husband can see that the dogs will be perfectly fine, and even happy outside. Another bonus would be if you turned the dogs into a working dog. The Weimaraner's are amazing at hunting, tracking, retrieving, pointing, watchdogging, guarding, police work, search & rescue, and agility. Giving the dogs a "job" to do outside will create a purpose for them, and make them a lot happier. Don't forget to give them extra love and affection.

The best of luck to you and your growing family!

2007-03-08 02:22:22 · answer #3 · answered by Norsk 2 · 1 0

I myself like to have Animals Inside whether a Dog, Cat, Bird, Small animal...etc...But, I dont think you are Being Unreasonable at all. Aslong as the Dogs have Adequate Living Space Outside where they can get Exercise, as well as a Safe Shelter. Then they should be Fine. One thing about dogs being outside though, is Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
You have a 4Month Old Puppy and he will still need Much Training to become a Well rounded Good Dog. Just some things to think about.

2007-03-08 01:40:33 · answer #4 · answered by birdluver24 1 · 0 0

In my oppionion (and I am a dog lover) it is obviously having an affect on you and the well being of your family. I would go crazy in your situation, there is no reason your dogs can't be outside. I also grew up in the country and all the dogs stayed outside. Just because you are having them stay outside doesn't mean you won't take care of them. A fenced yard with a nice warm dog house is fine for them, and it will save your sanity. If you had a two lb Chiahuahua my answer would be different obviously. It sounds like you are responsible and your dogs would be well cared for outside.

2007-03-08 01:58:13 · answer #5 · answered by crissyk24 3 · 0 0

I always feel sorry for dogs that are in houses or apartments all day, especially dogs left all day on their own when their owners are at work.
I agree with you. The dogs should be able to spend time outdoors, not just walks round the block or occasional trips out at weekends.
However, if you let your dogs become "outside dogs", do make sure they don't annoy the neighbors.
And as for the "white trash to have dogs living outside" comment from your husband ... if you're not hurting anyone, including yourselves, and not hurting the dogs, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

2007-03-08 01:43:04 · answer #6 · answered by Alex 5 · 1 0

I understand your concern but to take two dogs used to living indoors and putting them out in a kennel is next to cruel. Weimeraners tend to be cold natured and the outdoors is not really suitable for them. If there was some concern about the safety of your children, that might be a different story. Maybe you can confine them to a certain part of the house.

I'm a country girl too, but my dogs are part of my family and they live inside. If you absolutely can't live with the dogs, it's probably best to find them a home where they fit in. Please don't put them outside on a chain...it will make them restless and mean.

2007-03-08 01:39:53 · answer #7 · answered by Nasubi 7 · 1 1

I can understand where you are coming from because weimaraners are large dogs. I only have one and he needs alot of room in the house. Explain to your husband that the dogs would be happier outside rather than inside cause the need so much exercise that it would be good for them.

2007-03-10 10:26:53 · answer #8 · answered by Weimaraner Luver~ 4 · 0 0

Absolutely not unreasonable at all. In fact, you make more sense. If these dogs are not "outside" dogs then it may be time to find them a new home. I love dogs, but I love children more and their needs come first.

2007-03-08 01:39:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why did you get dogs if you don't want them to part of the family? Although I think that dogs can spend much of the day outside if they enjoy it, I don't believe that should live outside. They are not wild animals. You made all your choices and now all of a sudden it's not fair to you??

I suggest surrendering them to a rescue.

2007-03-08 01:40:46 · answer #10 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 4

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