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Dogs - January 2007

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When they drink, their ears get sopping wet and since its about 8 degrees and below here, whats the best way to keep them dry so they dont get so cold? Is there any way?

2007-01-24 17:42:02 · 9 answers · asked by Koozie 5

I have a stray cocker spaniel/basset hound mix. He was brought to me after he took up at a friends house and he's been here for almost 7 months.

He's got really attached to me and comes to me but when any body else comes in the house (usually males) he runs and acts scared, also if anyone besides the people that live here go to pet him and won't look at them and he'll turn his head and start shaking really bad and usually gets up and runs to a hidden place the first chance he gets.

I have another dog that is very social and loves barking at everyone LOL but if she's barking he still won't stick around he'll run and hide. It's not only with people, if he hears just a little sound like something falling on the floor he runs and hides.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas of what this might be and how to cure it any advice would be helpful THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! :)

2007-01-24 17:38:18 · 4 answers · asked by aliciamarie88 2

When I'm older I'd like to do a fulltime job working with dogs and dogs only but nothing medical to do with them either. I would like to do something involving training them. I live in Western Australia.
I want a job with a decent income. If there is such a job tell me if I need to go to TAFE or uni for it or if I should do anything else to prepare for it first.
Please help!

2007-01-24 17:37:45 · 7 answers · asked by Shivi 1

I have just read some more info on my pup.

It states in a few diff. places that rough playing with them, teaches them it's ok to use their mouth's "sometimes", and doesnt train them correctly, because who's to say they wont use their mouth's when they're older and bigger (yike)?

So, should I have myself, and my husband stop this type of play, and is it too late since we have done this several times already?
Also, it says I things I have been reading, not to play tug-of-war type games because they win this game by using their mouths??

Ugh, now Im confused, I thought this type of play was fun for pups??

2007-01-24 17:27:24 · 15 answers · asked by Kimberlynne 4

Any idea's.... my pug is now a little over 5 months old and she is just not getting the whole toilet training thing, like she sleeps in the laundry over night and i put paper in there but she will always go on the paper and if i take the paper out she will just go on the tiles and i literaly have to keep her on a leash inside cause if she needs to go she will just go... I take her out all the time, she goes outside then when she comes inside she goes again, she as a routine time that she eats and a time that she sleeps but the toilet thing is like all the time.

2007-01-24 17:15:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my puppy is a 2 month old Pomeranian and he keeps biting me and my family i tell him no in a scolded voice but still bites i try not to play with him but he follows me everywhere and starts biting my jeans what do i do to prevent him from biting people?
i have some toys for him to play but he would usually only bite people

2007-01-24 17:12:15 · 20 answers · asked by Alan L 2

Today she hasnt had a stool. She is sitting next to me and she acts as though a drunk person would. She will look at me holding her head up then she will start wobbling like she cant hold any more then she starts like falling asleep. She has done nothing but sleep all day.Shes never acted like this. Shes about 6 months old. and she wont respond to her name. But if someone comes in she gets excited for a min. then all over again does the same as above. Any help. I cnat take her to the vet now soo anything plz.

2007-01-24 17:11:07 · 16 answers · asked by crystalripsmith 2


a man goes to zoo
there is only a dog there
it was a shih-tzu.

2007-01-24 17:00:34 · 8 answers · asked by popeyethesadist 5

most territorial over a person? over land?
whicj dog is the most aggressive/violent?

2007-01-24 16:59:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My experience is an hour walking, a half hour lounging, and a half hour running. Does this work for a medium build dog with way too much energy for a dog exercised every day?

2007-01-24 16:50:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have done a lot of research about Intraspecific coprophagia, or when a dog eats other animal's feces. Most of the solutions, unfortunately, are in reference to making their own fecal matter taste bad by buying powders, adding pineapple to their diets, etc. My question is, when they suffer from Intraspecific coprophagia, or eating OTHER animals poop (and rolling around in it), what can you do? I have a puppy - 10 months old - that is a small dog (which are said to be more common perpertrators of this nasty habit), and he has recently gotten into the habit of rolling around and/or eating feces from other animals. He has never eaten his own feces. Any suggestions, other than stop taking him to the dog run and the beach?

2007-01-24 16:48:33 · 9 answers · asked by ami6580 2

it's only been 5-6 days since my shih tzu puppy had a bathe.
But he smells so bad! and it's fur is dirty.
I love my puppy with all my heart but I really can't stand the smell. Everytime I pick him up my hands and clothes get stinky.
I know I'm not supposed to wash my puppy often (i was advised to wash him once every two weeks). But is it ok to wash him today? I'll dilute the shampoo and it's moisturazing shampoo. Do you think it's ok?

2007-01-24 16:41:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I caught my boxer trying to "woohoo" my wolf. I yelled at him and he hauled butt. He is smart but he is an a**. He knows right from wrong, he knows not to do wrong if we are looking, so now that he knows this is wrong he will not let me catch him again. But If I get him fixed will he still try to act like a male with her? I'm not getting her fixed, she is my sweet baby.

2007-01-24 16:38:34 · 16 answers · asked by mommyof1.3kids 2

I don't know what to do!

My mum said I can have a puppy, or I can breed rabbits. I have 1 rabbit and 1 dog. If I breed rabbits, i get 2 rabbits,(male and female,duh). If I get a puppy, It would be from a shelter and probly a Border Collie X. If I breed rabbits I get to raise baby bunnies and sell them for a profet. If I get a puppy, I get the joy, love and loyalty from a dog...

2007-01-24 16:37:41 · 12 answers · asked by animal_crazy_sam 3

I've tried and tried and tried to fully potty train my 3 year old chihuahua. I will be the first to admit that she is utterly spoiled!! She'll wake me up in the morning and ask me to take her out, and she's pretty good at that. BUT, when I'm not looking, and she wants to be sneeky, she'll go on the carpet! I was wondering if there was a 'home remedy' for something that you can spray to keep her off of my carpets that I've had to replace two too many times!! H-E-L-P.....

2007-01-24 16:28:43 · 4 answers · asked by .:MELI:. 3

thanks for the response and inquiries about the
puppies.They were two puppies,Lisa and Lindy.
Lisa was taken two days ago by a very loving family in
Maryland and now,Lindy is also ready to go.
Have you been wanting a great little companion
you can take anywhere? If you have been looking for
that perfect little girl-this is the one.This little
girl is 13 weeks old and weighs 2.4 lbs and will
be about 3.5 to 4 lbs in adult.Lindy is beautiful;
full fluffy hair coat; short cobby body style; ears
starting to stand. Non-shedding.Wonderful personality;
fun, playful and loving. AKC registration.loved and
socialized with people especially kids and other pets.
The best possible care in raising; Vet supervision,
quality food, all vaccinations current and regular
Below is her recent picture,and i hope you will
it.The puppy is a female and called Lindy, i will
like to know the following from you.
-Are you from a Christain background?
-Have you ever had a dog before?
-Do you have children and/or other pets?
-Are they well socialized with dogs and other pets?
This is just to ensure that the puppy is in save
hands and don't fell bored at one time or the other.To
have this puppy,you are only required to pay for her
shipping cost. which is $230,and my wife and i are
prepared to fly her immdiately to you in a convinient
day that you will decide.
I am from Arlington,VA and presently volunteering in
the Republic Cameroun as a missionary with the
Lutheran Church.So i will be shipping this puppy from
the Douala International Airport.I will gladly make
the shipping arrangements with the help of the pets'
Director of the airport if you are able to answer me
the above questions and assure me that you will be
able to provide love and care to this puppy.When i
will come back to the states in 6 months time i will
like to come take a look at the puppy.I absolutely
have no time to offer in caring for her right now
because of the nature of my job. i have many
difficulties in sending this babies to a loving home
for a couple of days now because of the nature of
things going online but i will prefer you call if you
are willing (011)237 536 6266. To have her
airportpick up,you will be required to send me your
phone number,full contact address and the name of the
nearest airport to your locality where you will pick
up the puppy with no delay as she arrives the
airprot.I will also like to know what times work for
you for the pick up,as i would not like the puppy to
arrive the airport and stay for a while before you are
able to pick her up.Well i will end here while hoping
to read from you. Happy New year.

2007-01-24 16:23:38 · 16 answers · asked by Jamille S 1

I have a pomeranian that I got from a friend because it was dropped off at her house and she couldn't take care of it.

It's an older dog and she smells horrible. Her breath has this horrible smell also. I brush her teeth and also give her a bath with deoderizing shampoo, which doesn't help at all.

She also has horrible mats but I can't take her to a professional groomer because I don't have her shot papers, they are still with the original owners.

Also, I've tried all kinda of flea treatments with her, even the ones from the vet, and she still has them and they won't go away.

Her behind also gets clogged up alot and I'll have to clean it out for her.

She has mats bad too all around her behind area, around her ears, and her front part of her body, below her head.

I know she was in a meth lab and that's why she was sent to the other owners and she's never had a real home and now she's happy but her hair is horrible.

Any help appreciated. Thank you so much!

2007-01-24 16:18:24 · 16 answers · asked by aliciamarie88 2

Attached to the question I just asked....I have a friend who also owns a German Shepherd...around the same age....this is goig to sound outragous. I was over at her house with my dog. We went for a walk and her pup wasn't listening to every command perfectly, she came inside and went to smack her pup, but the smacking turn into frequent one after another swings to the head....the dog was yelp barking even after she decided to stop, the pup ran into a corner peed and she chased it as it was cowarding then she started again.....I know this was wrong but I really didn't say anything cause I wanted to keep my head attached. What should I do....as I don't want her to loose her dog. Even after she did that the dog still comes to her....jumps all over her....when I asked her why she did it....she said "the dog will either forget or forgive me"????? is this true that dogs are forgiving. He still listens to her but more attentive. What should I do...I was crying when i left her house.

2007-01-24 16:08:11 · 11 answers · asked by Ruby 2

i really want a small dog andi live in chicago i have no ideah were i could find a good breader,en expensive is 300-400

2007-01-24 16:05:51 · 11 answers · asked by eboni b 2


2007-01-24 16:02:59 · 2 answers · asked by Holly 5

what's the average cost of having a dog trained for things like potty training and barking(i live in an apartment). how much am i looking at spending up front not counting the cost of the dog.
all shots
food and whatever else there may be.

2007-01-24 15:56:20 · 7 answers · asked by tire_tracks_tar 1

i have this report but i cant figure out this question.

2007-01-24 15:47:46 · 10 answers · asked by jennifer l 1

On Saturday I took my puppy to the vet to get her shot to treat her sarcoptic mange (scabies). They also gave her a vaccine for Bortella.On Tuesday night she started throwing up and having trouble breathing. The paper they gave us said that some reactions for the Bortella vacc. would include those and we should take her in if this happens. So today, Wednesday, I took her in first thing in the morning, the doctor said it couldn't be from that. He told us it was Parvo, but she has gotten a vaccine for Parvo already. But he wants to get her tested for it. So what I want to know is it possible that she has Parvo????

2007-01-24 15:47:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My puppy keeps like making this weird noise like a hiccup but I don't know if that is what it is. She is running and playing and acting normal but I'm kind of worried.

2007-01-24 15:41:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I plan on taking my dog to the vet on the first when i get paid, but I was curious what to do until then. he itches his sides often, (sides of tummy area, and underneath), and caughs to where he sometimes wants to throw up, beyond normal hairballs, since I've gotten him. (still new to me). anyway, he also had worm issues, and I've been using a liquid dewormer. any ideas? it would be much apprecaited to find the possible cause, and solution!

2007-01-24 15:37:49 · 9 answers · asked by bettyboop24 2

Bailey is almost 17 weeks old. I got him at 10 weeks...he hadn't had any vet care. He's since had his first two rounds of puppy shots, including lepto, and has had two rounds of Strongid. He's currently on Interceptor and Frontline. He is some kind of mix...everyone (including my vet) thinks he has a black lab body, and a Beagle head & ears. He started paying a lot of attention to his bottom last night, and he didn't eat as much as usual today. He is still drinking, though, and is happy to eat treats. I tempted him to eat some food by mixing a little baby food into it, and he lapped it right up. My biggest concern is that he is licking his bottom like crazy, which is unusual for him. And there is a metallic smell coming from his bottom. He isn't having diarrhea, either. I'm calling the vet tomorrow morning to see when they can see him, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas... I've read a bunch of posts, and am worried that the metallic smell might indicate Parvo...

2007-01-24 15:34:40 · 20 answers · asked by DanaB 1

my lil dog drank a whole cup of very sugary sweet tea by accident, could it harm he r if so what are bad signs I should look for!!!???

2007-01-24 15:30:07 · 12 answers · asked by southernQT 1

my dog has dry skin and she shedds alot

2007-01-24 15:25:15 · 10 answers · asked by ammbannock72 1

I give a treat to my puppy everytime he goes outside to go potty. I think he figured me out. He went #2 twice in 5 minute interval. So I had to give him his treat twice.
And I take him out to potty about 4 times a day...
then I also give him a treat when he runs to me everytime I say "come here!"
I am not sure if I'm spoiling him too much. I am afraid he won't eat his doggy food because he gets used to the taste of his chiken flavored treats.
what should I do? Should I cut down on treats?

2007-01-24 15:23:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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