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Dogs - January 2007

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I have a 9 month old puddle - havanese mix. He weighs 15 pounds and eats a little over a cup of food a day. He was changed to a stabalization food. I changed by mixing his puppy food with the stabalization food. He always seemed to run to his bowl as soon as we filled it. I did this for about 3 weeks. Now he has changed his eating habits. He doesn't always come running, and in fact, he picks at his food. He does end up eating all of it but he comes and goes when eating. He is just not as hungry anymore or should I be thinking of new food? As a young puppy we changed he food as to not bore him with the same food. Any ideas?

2007-01-04 06:10:04 · 9 answers · asked by 2steacher 2

How good of an idea is it to send a dog around with a crystal ID tag instead of the standard metal?

At first glance I though "Wow, perddy..." and then though "Wouldn't that be breakable?" but serious, when is there going to be that much force on the tag?

Any body with experience? Anyone just know if it's a bad idea or a good option?

I ask because I cannot picture a scenario that the tag could be broken in. Even *god forbid* getting hit by a car wouldn't do it I don't think.

2007-01-04 06:09:47 · 2 answers · asked by mandy 3

i have a beagle he is 9 months old and i was just wondering if i should feed him once or twice a day

2007-01-04 06:05:11 · 17 answers · asked by marken27 2

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment, and I have two dogs, one is 7 months old, the other is 9 months. THe 7 month old puppy is chewing up my deck. I was leaving them in their crates during the day, to crate train them. But they are getting to big for their crates, and we have a huge deck, so I thought I could leave them out on the deck. We recently laid down low grade outdoor carpet, bc she was chewing up the wood on the deck, and we thought she wouldn't be able to chew up the carpet, but I was wrong, after less than a few hours out their, she chewed a whole in the carpet. What can i do to stop them from chewing, bc I want to be able to leave them on the deck.

2007-01-04 06:02:10 · 14 answers · asked by jacquelineleeca 2

I have three dogs, but one dog( Labador Retriever mix with Chow Chow to stop chasing and going after the other dog (Full breed Weimerainer)? The other dog (Foxhound mix with Shar pei) is usually alwys there to stop the fights. Could it be jealousy?

There all female.

2007-01-04 06:00:37 · 11 answers · asked by Christy♥ 3

I was just wondering if Neosporin it safe to use on dog ear rashes?

2007-01-04 05:59:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want somewhere i can trust and somewhere i won'tbe paying 1000 dollars. But i def want a puggle or a puppy similar that will stay small...any suggestions??

2007-01-04 05:58:49 · 7 answers · asked by jenn_gen719 2

I am interested in buying a yorkie some time this year but ilive in an area where there are no stores or breeders so i was wondering if anyone knew any sites where i could find a yorkie breeder.

2007-01-04 05:57:22 · 6 answers · asked by Alice Cullen 4

i have heard that there is 4 dangerous dogs does anyone know what they are i know pit-bulls and rottweillers but i dont know what the other two are

2007-01-04 05:56:02 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dog is a mix---16 pounds about 2 years old. Any guesses???



2007-01-04 05:49:17 · 28 answers · asked by jim_whitepants 1

my dod had puppies 8 weeks ago. We still have one puppy left and she does still suckle from her mum but as she is now on solid food it isn't very oftern. My dog is still very protective over the puppy and happily feeds her. I have tried discouragung this but it is difficult. My dog has lost some hair around her rear end and obviously still has sagging boobs. Will she start to get back to normal or will she have to wait until she is seperated from her puppy. She is healthy and happy with no problems. We are thinking of keeping the puppy. Her pregnancy was an accedent and she will be spayed as soon as she is back to normal.

2007-01-04 05:45:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

the unimpressed agent. "Okay, Sport," the guys says to the dog, "what’s on the top of a house?" "Roof!" the dog replies. "Oh, come on..." the talent agent responds. "All dogs go ‘roof’." "No, wait," the guy says. He asks the dog "what does sandpaper feel like?" "Rough!" the dog answers. The talent agent gives a condescending blank stare. He is losing his patience. "No, hang on," the guy says. "This one will amaze you. " He turns and asks the dog: "Who, in your opinion, was the greatest baseball player of all time?" "Ruth!" goes the dog. And the talent scount, having seen enough, boots them out of his office onto the street. And the dog turns to the guy and says "Maybe I shoulda said DiMaggio?"

2007-01-04 05:42:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We got a puppy a few years ago. She is mainly a pom, I think. Beautiful dog, but I think she's mixed. Here's a few photo's, see if you can help?


2007-01-04 05:41:11 · 15 answers · asked by shantelsanptaniya 1

Okay so a little girl gets killed by a dog so WHY are innocent dogs getting taken away from their owners and shoved into cages? Possibly even put down if there breed is found out to be a banned breed.
I don't find this fair at all. Does anyone agree with me?

2007-01-04 05:36:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok some of you may have noticed in my answers that my husky pup count went from 4 to 3 and now I'm down to only 2. Let me explain..I had two sets of brothers and sisters..I took the two brothers in to the vet on day for routine visit and thier shots..it's easier on me to take them in pairs since they are getting larger. Visit was fine..took them home and a couple of days later they started acting sick so I took them back to the vet..They caught parvo from the vets office...i was so mad..The vet gave me the option of buying the meds from them and treating them at home and thats what I did to make them more comfortable..sadly my two boys ended up dying. A week after that I took the girls for their shots and one of the girls ended up getting mange from the vets office. he told me that it would cost a couple hundred dollars to fix and it wasnt certain that it would worked..I'm switching Vets..i bought Happy Jack kennel dip from a feed store in town to treat the mange

2007-01-04 05:33:04 · 11 answers · asked by eightysgurl04 2

my dog is a lab/chow mix and the only time he diggs is in the rain and soo when i find the hole it has stoped raining and the dirt that came out of the hole has been washed away... how can i stop him from diggin? he is too smart to catch him in the act. thats how i broke him of everything else..

2007-01-04 05:22:23 · 13 answers · asked by hannah h 2

I come home last night and my dog is acting funny. When it stands up and tries to walk it stumbles like its drunk and throws its head around like its chasing a fly or something. It can barely walk i have to almost hold her up. She is pretty old i have had her for about 13 or 14 years. Any of this sound familiar.

2007-01-04 05:09:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 05:08:04 · 17 answers · asked by ฿ęŊ 3

I recently got a Boston terrier puppy. I go back to school on the 8th. He'll be in the crate from 8:30 - 10:30 - my friend has agreed to come let him out for a pee break, but after that he'll be in the crate again from 10:45 - 1:15. There is absolutely nothing else that can be done to maybe have a second outing between 10:45 -1:15. After that he'll be out and about - only put in the crate at night and if I must do something for a short time during the evening. So besides sleeping at night the total crate time will be around 4:30-5 hours maybe 6 depending on how busy I am and traffic.

2007-01-04 05:01:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is kept inside and just goes outside for her exercise and playing in her large fenced yard. She howls are squirrels and you name it. I know its her instinct I realize that but the neighbours dont. So I want to hear from beagle owners themselves as these dogs are unique with their hunting techniques. Will discipline training help completely and those that have beagles what useful methods can you share. I bought the citronella collar harmless lemon scent to stop the howling...Lilly ignores it completely :-( Help!!!!

2007-01-04 04:55:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 04:55:50 · 15 answers · asked by sdfcvoh 2

She is about 16 pounds and about 2 years old? Any guesses? Her photos are at http://photos.yahoo.com/jim_whitepants.


2007-01-04 04:53:52 · 9 answers · asked by jim_whitepants 1

Our dog bit our son (an infant boy) twice, and had several other nips at other children - he is a border collie, not a typically agressive breed, but does have some fear agression and is not socialized with children. I took him to the best agressive dog trainer in town and he recommended to put him down. Adopting him out in our state would make us liable should he ever bite anyone, and being honest with people really makes them not want the dog anyway. This breaks our hearts. He's only 4 yrs. old. So....would you take him for euthanisia and kill him, or would you take him to some ranches/farm land, and set him free???? Neither sounds right, but the idea of killing him is just so hard to grasp.

2007-01-04 04:48:12 · 21 answers · asked by justintime 2

how do i affectively teach my dog to stay in one place? thanks for any help

2007-01-04 04:45:00 · 8 answers · asked by Krazyk78 1

White with one brown covered eye.

2007-01-04 04:44:08 · 24 answers · asked by seevers1 1

and i was calling her pets name and my friend scolded me telling me that i was talking to her dog realy loud and scaring her ! and i was not , i was talking in a normal voice ! and then she says that , i dont know "dog talk" , i felt really bad, i mean i have 2 cats , so i know how pets are, and i would never say that to her, when she talks to my cats - what do you think ? was she in the right to tell me something? even though i wasent even talking loud to her dog ?

2007-01-04 04:40:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an 8 month old Sheltie and everyone tells me I should get him spayed. I don't see why. I don't plan to breed him and I feel bad for putting him in pain for nothing.

2007-01-04 04:35:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 3month old puppy who follows me around all the time... He plays very well if I'm in the same room, but once I get up to move or use the bathroom he looses interest... he'll stop what he's doing to get up and see what I'm doing (even stops eating), then sits by my feet until I sit back down. He even likes to climb on me playing with toys and stays really close, even sleeps on top of me, as if I'm going to leave and never come back. I don't want this to become a habit once he's grown a little and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I've tried a few times to seperate myself from him by sitting in a seperate room or going outside to let him be free, but he'll just sit by the door for a while and then curl up and take a nap until I get back. I give him a lot of attention and show him lot's of love, so I know he's not lonely. I just want him to be happier and independent when I have to cook, clean, use the bathroom, and study for school. Is this normal? And can you help

2007-01-04 04:34:59 · 24 answers · asked by Y.a.S.L 3

It can be anything. From Protective behaviour to Funny.

2007-01-04 04:30:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how can you find a breeder that breeds these poodles

2007-01-04 04:30:08 · 9 answers · asked by aaron a 3

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