my friend's 3 month old puppy has a lump behind his left leg. It's rather large (since he's such a small dog) and is squishy as if it is filled with a liquid. I asked her if she ever took the dog to the vet for it, and she said no. Now, that puppy came from a liter of puppies we bred, and i know he got that lump when he was around 6-7 weeks old. When we gave her the dog, we told her to get that checked out IMEDIATELY, and she didn't. I'm worried about the puppy. He seems very healthy. He eats, and plays as much as one of his brothers (my friend took two pups) but i'm still worried. I told her to take him to the vet and she said she would this week. Anyone have anything similar happen to their puppies? any idea of what that lump could be?
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