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Dogs - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

Is it normal for the recently whelped female to eat her pup that died?

2007-01-04 07:30:43 · 2 answers · asked by Connie & Ron F 1

My dog is about nine years old and he has always had gum problems, and now he is losing most of his teeth. Ive always bought the same food for him but I fear that it is getting too difficult for him to chew. What do I feed him?

2007-01-04 07:21:57 · 16 answers · asked by im_anffy 1

Whenever we walk away from the dog, he starts to wine and bark. I know that in the morning he's always well behaved. But around 2:30pm everyday, he starts barking like crazy. I think he just wants attention. All I need to know is how to stop the dog from barking.

We started to train him when he was a little puppy, and it didn't work at all for some reason. He's full grown now, and to old to train.

Another thing is we cant put a muzzle on him. He is a French Bull dog. French Bull dogs barely have a nose. It's too flat to put a muzzle on.

2007-01-04 07:17:12 · 4 answers · asked by Matt H 2

My new neighbours moan about everything, now they are picking on my dog saying he is messing in their garden and on the street. He is not the culprit and if he did mess in the street i would be the first to clean it up! He never ever gets into their garden as we have fences and gates to seperate them and my dog is never unsupervised as he is elderly and is always with me.
I got in from work today and had dog poo through my letterbox. They are the only people who have ever had complaints but its getting rediculous now. I phoned police but they cant do anything without witness or photgraphic evidence it was my neighbours. I have lived here for 6 years and never had this sort of problem before. How do i get this resolved, the neighbours rent the sort you can speak to, i have already tried that and just got abuse.

2007-01-04 07:16:05 · 19 answers · asked by AliG 2

I thought it was just humping but they are really haveing sex

2007-01-04 07:12:09 · 5 answers · asked by ray ray 2

I read somewhere that there are hot dogs that are actually made from dog meat. Does anyone know if that is true and if it is can you tell me where I can buy that? I always wondered what dog meat tastes like.

2007-01-04 07:09:57 · 8 answers · asked by Voice of Insanity 5

Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of a good home remedy or retail product from experience that works well for eliminating pet(dog) urinating indoors ? tks Joe.

2007-01-04 07:06:34 · 11 answers · asked by Good 2 Go 1

She is huge for a pup...pick of the litter, quiet in nature, very short nose.

I collect her on the 17th of January...

Also, its been 15 years since I had a puppy, my last rottweiler passed away about two years ago at the age of 13....if you have had a puppy recently can you remind me of some of the things that I need to know...

2007-01-04 06:57:35 · 19 answers · asked by skattered0077 5

I pick Boxer

2007-01-04 06:51:30 · 10 answers · asked by Softballis2cool 2

my little sister has a chihuahua it limps around the house...whhhy?

2007-01-04 06:45:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dad barely agreed to let me get a dog thing is he doesnt want to spend a lot of money so far cheapest puppy is around 450$ hes actually very cute too i'd buy him my self but i'm not yet allowed to have a job too young and still can't drive either

2007-01-04 06:45:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I am about to get a puppy and I don't really know what to do. Do I have to get it registered and I know it needs some shots. What does it cost and mean to have a dog registered? How do I know when it will need to go in for all its shots? Thanks

2007-01-04 06:43:02 · 16 answers · asked by C-Baby 3

B. Withholding human contact from an animal
C. Performing medically unnecessary surgery on an animal
D. Not confining an animal to its owner’s property

2007-01-04 06:41:25 · 21 answers · asked by sun_shine_me2003 1

I took my baby Capone back to the vet yesterday and the gave me more meds. Albon, Doxycycline,Metoclopramide,Metronidazole, and clavamox. Does anyone know side affects of these meds. Thery didnt run tests they just gave me them. They checked his temp, and listened to his chest and i think intestines. He is still just layin around and not wanting to eat so should i give the meds a couple day or what?

2007-01-04 06:39:15 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would like to know illnesses ect.

2007-01-04 06:37:20 · 2 answers · asked by ROSEMARY B 1

A. livestock C. pet animal
D. transmission of

2007-01-04 06:37:14 · 2 answers · asked by sun_shine_me2003 1

I really want to have a dog but was brought up to believe that it's unfair to have a dog and leave him alone. I'm away at work from 8-6 Monday to Friday, and my husband works from about 10-7 but usually has two week days off (He works weekends).

I would walk the dog in the morning and at night and would be with him all weekend. Right now he's in a rescue center and my logic is that it's better he have a good home and be left alone for a few hours than be killed.

What do you think...Am I being selfish!!

2007-01-04 06:36:51 · 16 answers · asked by jackiemm 2

I've had my 3 yr old rescue dog for a little over a month. She is crated during the day. She used to avoid being in the crate while I was home, now it's the only place she goes. She rarely comes out. She also doesn't get excited about eating the way she did when I first got her. She's been through a lot in a month, guests visiting, and an overnight trip that included 6 hours in a car. This behavior has been going on for about a week or so. I also own a cat and she and the cat only get along so well, with the Cat often swiping and hissing at her. Should I be concerned?

2007-01-04 06:27:55 · 8 answers · asked by Dan A 1

i'm actually fearful of him "going under". give me pros and cons of either or..............thanks!!!!!!

2007-01-04 06:27:53 · 9 answers · asked by scotty 1

The breeder we bought her from said he was breeding her 3 to 4 x's a year. I wondering if this is possible and is this harmful to my baby. I would never put her through that kind of punishment. I believe this guy was just a puppy factory. Any help would be appreciated.

2007-01-04 06:24:45 · 9 answers · asked by Vernon D 1

Is 8in1 Corti-Care Hydrocortisone Spray with Aloe Vera a good product to use, on dog's inside ear rash. I've had some people tell me, it really stung when they put it on their dog, and I've had some tell me,that it really helped and did not sting. My vet recommended Benedryl Cream, but it doesn't really work. Do you think I should try this spray ?

2007-01-04 06:20:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to have one, but they are so expensive on the internet sellers.

2007-01-04 06:19:49 · 11 answers · asked by ka_rat 1

for a project on animal grooming, i need to know which equiptment is needed for grooming this type of dog, as well as a couple of examples of the breeds

2007-01-04 06:19:10 · 14 answers · asked by dafttart2001 2

I have 2 miniature dachshunds and they are both 4 years old. I previously lived in an up stairs apartment so they are trained to go potty on puppy pads. They never missed and never tried to go potty any where else except where they were supposed to. Now that I have moved they have been trying to go in locations where there is not even a puppy bad near by. I have used the same training techniques that I used previously to train them and I feel like they have had plenty of time to adjust. I did move into a duplex so they might smell the old tenant’s dog's accidents but I have used the vacuum powder and all of the repellent/cleaners that you can buy at Pet Co. Do you have any suggestions or input?

2007-01-04 06:19:00 · 5 answers · asked by akaweetweet 1

I have a Basset hound that is almost 7-years-old. Over the past couple years, he's developed these lumps on him. Mostly on his back. They don't seem to bother him. He has one now on his leg that he's gnawing at and I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, but I was curious as to what it might be. I'm afraid it's going to be something bad. He's my "baby" and just want to know if anyone has any ideas.

2007-01-04 06:18:51 · 16 answers · asked by S 5

My dog has developed a very picky appitite. I know she isn't sick, bc she eats anything but her dry dog food. How do I get her to eat it. She eats chicken mixed w/ it, but she leaves most of the dry food. She eats wet food, and same thing, she leaves most of the dry food. And she is still very active, she isn't lathargic at all. She \just seems not to like her dog food anymore. She used to eat like there was no food left. But now she wont touch the stuff. Should I switch her dry food? But she has a sensitive stomach, and the dry food she is on now, she can handle, I am affraid anything else will just give her diarrhea. What should I do?

2007-01-04 06:10:42 · 12 answers · asked by jacquelineleeca 2

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