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Dogs - January 2007

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Was walking with my dog this evening and a dog that I pass every day came up behind me and bit me and really sank his teeth in. Now I have to have the rabies shots. Sure glad it is not like long ago when they were given in the stomach. I do not know if the dog has had its shots or not and I would not believe the owner if he said it did.

2007-01-05 01:09:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to buy a Golden Retriever puppy so that I can train it properly and get it used to children ( I have two children.)

I want a pedigreed one so that I know that it doesn't have any problems.before I start.

2007-01-05 01:01:58 · 6 answers · asked by lothlorien_priestess 2

I have just been reading about the girl that died because of one. i know its illegal in the uk but is it in Ireland, i think it should be.

2007-01-05 00:47:08 · 9 answers · asked by Molly 2

Do Dogs see in black and white or in full color?

2007-01-05 00:33:55 · 13 answers · asked by Softball Lover 24 1

I have heard the poodles are good for people who suffer with dog allergys, just wanted to know if anybody who owns a poodle is ok with this breed if they have allergys as my daughter has allergys to dogs and i was thinking of buying a poodle pup. she is ok with my mums dog that is a schnauzer but i wouldn't want that type of breed.

2007-01-05 00:08:22 · 8 answers · asked by Chris S 1

Been to vets said it shouldnt be too long until pups arrive!
Yesterday she has a clear mucus hanging from her vagina then nothing at all until today when she has been really unsettled and vomited twice in the house and garden lots of movement in her stomach and shes following me all ov er1
Does anyone have any personal expericenes with these types of symptons and how long it will take for the onset of labour kindest regards kelly xx

2007-01-05 00:01:20 · 12 answers · asked by destiny_alight 1

i color her hair and infact i forgot her natural color. i think that she was a dalamation but now she is purple and i can't tell what do you think?

2007-01-04 23:55:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean i thought i heard my dog say ,"i am so happy I AM YOUR FATHER."

2007-01-04 23:32:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is very playfull. A miniature dachound,chocolate brown of colour. Almost 3months old.

2007-01-04 23:30:49 · 23 answers · asked by FranzeL 2

I am on income support and I C A as I look after my ill wife: we have a dog who is showing signs of being unwell. We understand that vets have some sort of arrangement with the social for payment can anyone tell me how it works and what we must do to get a form or whatever it is that is needed, as we can't afford vet fees on the pittence we recieve.

2007-01-04 23:08:37 · 17 answers · asked by davey 1

2007-01-04 23:06:50 · 14 answers · asked by trevor g 1

2007-01-04 22:52:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 13 year old daughter, Amy, wants a pup. She has researched MANY breeds for almost a year and she has decided that she would like a German Shepherd or a Labrador. She is very responsible and very committed to getting a pup. She has offered to pay atleast half (or all) of the price of the pup when she saves enough money. She has told me her reasons why she wants a dog and that she will look after the dog for the next 10-15 years of it's life. She knows that I, nor my hubby or her brother will be taking on the responsibility and she has agreed. She knows that she will be the one walking, feeding, grooming, training the dog and she knows that. The dog will cost $600-$900 depending on the breed and she knows all health problems etc.
I'm just not sure whether to agree to the dog or not. I think her decision of the GSD is good as she will be walking it and it can be a great watchdog and can protect her shall anything happen. A Lab probably wont due to their friendly nature.

2007-01-04 22:43:32 · 21 answers · asked by Jennifer O. 1

Roughly X thanks

2007-01-04 21:51:58 · 8 answers · asked by C 3

2007-01-04 21:39:08 · 7 answers · asked by sianshadyeddie 1

I have a Jack Russle dog ..who is very ill..it has a enlarge heart ..vet said his heart has grown large ..wasn't eating it was nearly skin and bones thank God started to eat a little now ..but will never recover I dont think ..now he started to store water it's bloated like a baloon..vet has been giving him 6 type of tablets 2 times daily ..but not helping any ..he is 14 years old ..every week i take it to a vet.. the vet looks at me as to say ..why are you still bothering ..vet gave it 2 to 12 months
to live ..the dog dose nothing but stay in its bed all day and night .he will only go to the garden to do its buisiness..
Idont know what to do ..can you help me to make up my mine ..i am very confidant person and made live saving decisions in my life without blinking an eye with the UN forces ..this one beats me ..i am torn to sherds..

2007-01-04 21:15:13 · 35 answers · asked by JJ 7

2007-01-04 21:10:13 · 43 answers · asked by ஐsummer girlஐ 2

Hi I bought a puppy 6 months ago and was told by the owner that he was a Jack Russell . I got the owner to sign a receipt stating that it was a jack russell and that he was in good health etc : Which he is thankfully . However he isnt a jack russel terrier . I think and Im not 100% on this one . But I think he is a Airdale Terrier , Which grows to be alot bigger than youre average JR . What do you think I should do ?
I dont neccassarily want to get rid of my pup as he is lovely and I really dont know for sure what he is apart from he isnt a JR .But I wouldnt mind getting this Lady in trouble some how ? Advice please if you can thanks

2007-01-04 21:01:03 · 16 answers · asked by C 3

My cuz is a real dog fan!! she has dog pics everywhere and lil dog toys.She plays like a dog too!! But one problem...She's allergic!!! her mom says no to any other animal... What should i do? ( She wants one from me because Im a breeder^^)

2007-01-04 20:52:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm really happy with my boyfriend, and i really love him. thing is he has a dog one of those little white ones bischon frise. i swear she hates me! she pushes my hand away when i cuddle him he doesn't notice but it really upsets me. i feel like i'm second best to a dog! he brings it everywhere with him and it's really starting to bug me. Help!!!!!!!

2007-01-04 20:41:19 · 19 answers · asked by Amy 2

We live in a small london garden flat but would like a low maintenance dog. But what breed of dog and how can we ensure that it has the best quality of life given we are out all day and can't take it for long walks in the evening

2007-01-04 20:40:20 · 29 answers · asked by Tim 1

My pug eats alot and she even eats my other dog's poo. She is definitely not hungry as I fed her more than the normal intake.

2007-01-04 20:31:13 · 8 answers · asked by Tonto 1

This is the most serious question i have ever asked, so please help me? I have two standard poodles, and they have just come to my house after their retirement as breeders. I love them sooo much, and i have known them all my life, as i used to work at the breeding place. When me and my mum go to work, the dogs go into a kennel in the back garden/yard. But they bark and bark all day long, or one does, and the other one joins in from time to time...
They have done it twice in a row now, in two days, and we have been reported to the council, as there is a council estate backing onto our house. I love them so much that i couldn't let them go. But my mam is taking them back to the breeding place to be rehomed, so then they wouldn't even be there!
I am crying now and cant see the keyboard, i love them too much, and so does my mum, probably more than me. I will be in the house today but i will put them in the kennel to have one more chance, incase4 i can save them any tips to stop barking??

2007-01-04 20:16:07 · 13 answers · asked by Dog-focus-uk website 1

Ok first off my dog shes a chihuahua and 2 years in september shes a teacup and shes always chaising her tail and biting it and she stares at it and she starts crying like something is wrong and im wondering if its possible she has a problem .. like doesnt want her tail (lol) also shes a girl and i thought girl dogs DONT hump things!? she recently humpd a teddy bear she usualy attackas and plays with and shes humpd my arm a few times after sniffn on my ear and trying to lick me she only does it every once in a while but she isnt in heat or anything she just does it out of no where? so liek what does that mean ? why does she do these things?

2007-01-04 19:51:53 · 2 answers · asked by cali_chick_ssk 1

My mom-in-law passed away in November 2006 and her 3 dogs are now living with us. They are used to visiting us, but I'm worried that they are grieving a lot. They would usely stay with us for about a week or two, and we can see they starts wondering when they will be going home again. They eat well. Any advice on how we can maybe make the grieving easier for them or do we just leave them to realise she's not coming to pick them up on their own?

2007-01-04 19:22:39 · 15 answers · asked by Charmaine V 3

2007-01-04 19:20:32 · 5 answers · asked by Sopwith 4

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