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Dogs - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

planning on getting one..

2007-01-04 16:07:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 9 month old dog has two main problems that I can't figure out how to deal with:
1) His house breaking. Even though I feed him twice a day, he'll still go potty in the house long after his previous feeding. He also will not go the entire time we leave him alone, and then as soon as we walk in the room, he goes to the bathroom.
2) He tears up paper. I have that sour apple stuff that I've sprayed on pretty much everything else so he doesn't chew that. But anything paper within reach, he tears up.

2007-01-04 16:07:09 · 9 answers · asked by me41987 4

im going to get a pittbull puppy and his 3 weeks old.. you's think he will be ready to take home??

2007-01-04 16:01:16 · 15 answers · asked by clos 2

My dog vito, is about almost seven, and he's been missing since we I got home from school. he's ran away before, but Im afraid, that he ran away, and died. :( What do you think a dog of that age would run away for?

2007-01-04 15:47:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

We gave her a beautiful place among our pines, and her companion was my 7 yr old shepherd. She was 14yr old, my husband & I had the dogs b4 we married and they got along great when they moved in with us. Rex, was not with us in the living room during the euthanasia, but we let him in afterwards and he was so pitiful, and sad. He is grieving badly and misses her, he was with us when we buried her and he went there today with us and pawed and dug a little with his paw. Why does he do this, if he knows she is gone? I hurt so bad for our loss & her buddy.

2007-01-04 15:46:42 · 7 answers · asked by bex920 3

2007-01-04 15:38:46 · 22 answers · asked by Jarih 3

I am getting a boxer pup, and curious of the key differences between a male & female, if any.

2007-01-04 15:37:17 · 10 answers · asked by Dr25 3

how much smaller is a teacup maltese then a regular maltese?

which 1 is better and why?

2007-01-04 15:30:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents have a new one and i'm alittle concerend about how big it will get in comparrison to my 2year old daughter!

2007-01-04 15:29:06 · 6 answers · asked by danie_190805 2

Tonight we adopted a 4-year-old female shetland sheepdog (though she seems very small compared to our last sheltie...she's only a little bigger than our mini schnauzer, who also happens to be small). She's extremely sweet and well-tempered, but also extremely shy. Also, I was told she was kicked at her previous home on more than one occasion, and probably suffered more abuse than that that we aren't aware of. Tonight when I took her outside the first time, she got very skittish, and it was all I could do to get her to come back to me. We tried to take her out again later, but she would bolt whenever my mum or I were closer than like a yard away or made sudden movements. We finally managed to run her into a corner of our backyard, but when I reached to pick her up, she bit me. It was obvious she wasn't doing it just to be aggressive. She was just completely terrified. I didn't know how to respond. I just picked her up and took her back inside. (Question in additional details.)

2007-01-04 15:28:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took him to the vet and they gave him drops that didn't help. Now where his eye was leaking on his fur, there is a patch there that is just skin now. His eye is half closed a lot and he paws at it sometimes. I have taken him back to the vet but they just gave me more drops which still didn't help. Any suggestions?

2007-01-04 15:28:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you allowed to have a small dog in a mall if they're in one of those dog purse things?

2007-01-04 15:14:50 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2

if u like them tell me and give me a website if u don't Y?? Also PLEEEASE ANSWER MY OTHER QUESTIONS.

2007-01-04 15:10:55 · 16 answers · asked by Pretty Mommy 2

i need help to find out how i can get one if anyone knows where i can get one please let me know. thank you

2007-01-04 15:08:21 · 9 answers · asked by princess 1

She is a cattle dog with reddish brown spots. She has a red circle around one eye and a large one on her back. Her legs are white with reddish spots. She has a luxurious coat-very cute.

2007-01-04 15:00:29 · 23 answers · asked by dsrspring 2

I guess he didnt like the airplane, because when we opened the crate I saw blood on his pillow and his paw was all bloody. He doesnt seem to bothered by it, he isnt limping or anything, it just looks like a bloody raw paw nail. What should I do? I vote for him just to walk it off.

2007-01-04 14:58:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dog got angry while my ssiter was pulling it out under her bed and bit her.. it bled....is that safe?

2007-01-04 14:51:19 · 13 answers · asked by The Punisher 4

I'm going to get a dog when im 13 and im 11, im going to get a chihuahua male that is already neutered and has had his shots, my mother knows that i am responsible enough but she wants to wait till im 13 (so that I can be more responsible with housework and stuff and so I can havemore time for it cause when im thirteen i go to a new school which I get out earlier from) ive treid so much to make her change her mind about getting when im 13 and letting me get it now but its not working. My mom says that I can only get a dog when im 13 or if my friends dog is having pups (which there not) or if the dog is free. I asked if I can look in penny saver and get one since they have many ads but she said no... i feel so jealous watching my friends playing with there dogs... how do I make time feel shorter and faster? Like dogs are what I live for... so help me out how do i make time feel short and fast???

2007-01-04 14:49:08 · 12 answers · asked by Shannizzle 2

She will be 2 in July 07. SHe is only 41 pounds and very fast. White markings on all four legs, under body and some beside her nose. She also had spots of pink on her underside mixed in with the white fur. I have added a pic for you.



2007-01-04 14:47:21 · 26 answers · asked by Jess X 1

We have a beagle that was in a pen near a house (30 feet) that burned down. The dog showed no signs of injury, just seemed scared when we got to the fire/ashes 5 hours later. Three days later the dog seemed to be in pain with several tender spots on his neck and one side. We took him to the vet and the vet thinks the dog was burned even though his hair was completely intact. The vet shaved several tender spots and now they have become open sores and are getting larger after 4 days (we're returning to the vet tomorrow). Could a dog's skin burn like this with no visual damage to his hair or is something else going on with our pet? PS-New tender spots seem to be appearing on his other side 8 days later. HELP!!!!!

2007-01-04 14:46:16 · 6 answers · asked by JP 1

She was just at the vet 2 weeks ago, and she was fine. Now there is hair missing and the skin is pink. She is black haired and her paws are black too, the pads I mean. But the one foot seems to be irritated. I WILL take her to the vet tomorrow. But any thoughts on the cause so I can sleep tonight?

2007-01-04 14:44:33 · 9 answers · asked by keg1889 2

2007-01-04 14:43:30 · 5 answers · asked by bethybug 5

2007-01-04 14:39:55 · 9 answers · asked by acrossfromthebeach 1

Ugh... its disgusting but what does it mean when a dog eats its own feces???

2007-01-04 14:33:50 · 8 answers · asked by Birdie 4

2007-01-04 14:33:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-04 14:31:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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