We have a 3 yo Cocker Spaniel who we bought privately when she was 9 wks. My daughter had been terrified of dogs, so we bought a smallish one from puppy to help overcome her fear. But at 9 wks we took the dog (Ebony) to show n tell at school. It snapped at one of the children. We have 7 children and constantly have children coming and going. While Ebony is great with our children and us, any strangers, especially young children she can bark vigorously at. She can go up to them, be all nice, then all of a sudden can turn and bite with a very angry growl. She has done this to about 3 or 4 visitors, all unprevoked. We were going to take her to the RSPCA & kids were upset so we had her desexed hoping this will help. B4,she has stayed at a boarding kennel twice, when we've been away & they thought she was a beautiful dog! So are we doing something wrong I thought. But I still feel nervous when we have visitors, especially kids, so she goes in the laundry, which is unfair. Undecided
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