I do not like Chihuahua's at all. We had a teacup for 2 years , until a friend keep begging for it, so i gave it to her. I was happy to se it go. It was my husbands dog, and it was soooooooooo NEEDY.
It slept on him , had to be touching him somewhere or it would sit and cry. When he was not home overnight due to being in the hospital the dog drove me crazy, and i got no sleep, nothing I could do would make him stop. I guess i just like bigger dogs.
This dog was so jelious that when i had our daughter and brought her home he was mad, He would pee on anything that the baby touched it could get too, like if i dropped her blankie he had it marked before i could pick it up. He would steal her passifiers not sure how he got them, i thought i was loosing them until i found 9 of them under his dog bed...... UGH
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