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Cats - April 2007

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What am I going to do cuz its starting to get warmer & i want to start walking around in shorts & sandals. I try spraying her with the water bottle & she will stop for a few min & then do it again. She is definitly stubborn ....hopefully she grows out of this soon!

2007-04-24 04:14:54 · 25 answers · asked by Lola 1

my cat ate my baby rabbit now what exactly can i do?

2007-04-24 03:29:33 · 13 answers · asked by diemooieen 1

I thought I was supposed to be the superior creature in the relationship between cat and human - how wrong was I?!!!

Cracker (my cat) is totally in charge all the time! I really noticed it last night when he was snuggled up to me in bed. I really wanted to move as I was uncomfortable, but I didn't in case I disturbed him!!!!

But he thinks nothing of walking all over me and nibbling my ears when I'm sleeping!!

Anyone else owned by their cat?!

2007-04-24 03:13:51 · 114 answers · asked by sammi 6

Or is it just a common color pattern? (Black, with a white stripe down his nose that continues under his chin, and to his belly, white tips on all the paws, too.) He's adopted from the shelter, and a real sweetheart, but now, I seem to notice lots of others with similar coloration, and was just curious... Thanks!

2007-04-24 02:45:06 · 8 answers · asked by Robin W 3

We have two indoor cats - 6 years old.
At night (after we fall asleep of course) our cats will start screaming and attacking each other. Last night when it woke me up, I ran out to the kitchen and there was a cat outside looking in. My two had their fur standing up on end, tails puffed out, and they were growling at each other. They will actually start fighting each other and we will have to break it up. This is the second spring in a row that this has happened, so I know that it has something to do with spring - any other time of the year they do not do this. And I need to point out that ordinarily my cats do not ever fight each other. They are best friends that sleep together and play together (litter mates).
So my question is...to prevent my cats from killing each other in the spring, what should I do? I've read about spraying citrus outside to keep the strays away - does this work?? Please help.

2007-04-24 01:34:04 · 9 answers · asked by jillygoat11 2

Our beloved family cat recently passed last wk.So we got a 1yr old unfixed male cat, over the weekend, who needed a new home. He seems very friendly, but scared . All day he is very quiet and hides, but right at 10pm, when everyone is asleep, he begins to cry, and howl, and it continues consistently all night until morning. We have a small home, and nowhere to put him so he will be out of hearing range. He is keeping both us , our 5 yr old , & our 1yr old baby up during the night. Also, I think he is spraying in this liter box. Three times now, there has been a god awful smell coming from his box, it stinks up the whole house,and takes 3 or more hrs to go away. We took him in knowing we would not have the finances to get him fixed for another month. There are NO low cost clinics near our home. I dont think I can do this for another night , much less a whole month, and I dont think my hubby will let me. I feel bad about it, but think I need to find him find him a new home Today.

2007-04-24 00:56:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat Jasper was in a car accident 5 days ago. He had a head injury & broken jaw. His jaw has been wired & he has no brain damage. However he also broke his pelvis in 5 places. The Vet has not performed surgery as the fractures are well aligned & should heal with rest & time.The real 'downer' on all this good news, is that the Vet fears some of his pelvic nerves may be damaged, either severed or just compressed with tissue swelling. He now has bladder/urinary retention with overflow incontinence. He cannot come home until his bladder works (time can heal the nerves) and if after 2-3 weeks he still has this problem- they have suggested that he is put to sleep as the condition is not compatible with quality of life.He is such a brave chap to come through so much trauma & survive and I don't want to give up on him. I am really hoping that there is someone out there who has had a cat with a similar problem that recovered. Just need a bit of hope to cling onto Folks!

2007-04-23 23:11:57 · 6 answers · asked by Sheila M 1


I have 3 cats who have always gotten along great. One of my kittens was at the vet over the weekend and was very sick - and still is sick but slowly getting better. I brought my kitten home last night and he went up to both my other cats and they both hissed at him and wont let him near them. Isn't it true that cats will hiss at a dying animal? Any advice is appreciated :(

2007-04-23 22:32:02 · 5 answers · asked by erinboberin21 2

2007-04-23 22:17:52 · 7 answers · asked by me 4

My brother has a 6.5yr old cat who has spent his life outside most of the day, coming inside for the night at dinner time. He never received complaints past until the last couple of weeks. The people in the house a couple of doors down are blaming my brothers cat for attacking their cat on 3 occasions, causing $800 in damage, having never witnessed any attacks. Their cat had its stomach ripped open and they blame my brothers cat, even with the vet saying he thought it was a dog attack and didn't believe a cat could have caused those injuries.
Since they have come and complained on the weekend the cat has been kept inside for over 2 days only been let out for 30mins over both days, and she complained when he went outside for potty break today.
He has never killed a bird or drawn blood from a human, he is the most pleasant cat.
What can we do cause if we let him out they complain and the husband has threatened to kill my brothers cat if he sees it on their property. Need help please

2007-04-23 21:57:36 · 12 answers · asked by brat 5

We have two female (neutered) kittens around 10 months old. Around three months ago a little black tom showed up and started playing with our girls. Then he started letting himself in (he was strong and determined enough to force the magnetic catflap). Then one night he stayed in all night. The next day we went door to door to find his real family, successfully. We found out his name, that he was two months younger than ours, and also came from a litter of three. We told them to come by and get him anytime, which they did twice. But gradually he (now neutered too) kept spending more and more time at ours, and now he is a fixture. We never really encouraged him - its the girls, not us, he spends time with, but its like we have a third cat now. Will he grow out of it? Will our cats stop tollerating him? Do we tell his other family that he has left them? They'll be upset, but it can't come as much of a surprise as he must spend NO time with them. Advice appreciated.

2007-04-23 21:52:04 · 11 answers · asked by Linda 1

2007-04-23 20:49:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-23 20:47:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

no matter where in the house he is ,everytime we go to the bathroom the cat knows and has to push the door open and be scratched. what is this??

2007-04-23 20:31:47 · 14 answers · asked by juddanought 2

2007-04-23 20:31:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-23 20:30:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've had a white house cat for 9 years now. she's very aggressive. when she bites me,she's out for blood. i've heard this is dangerous. is that true??

2007-04-23 19:54:08 · 13 answers · asked by nungi 1

Im moving from Michigan to Florida. Im wondering if any of you have tips on how to help me make the move with 1 cat, I have a dog and i am aware i will be making plenty of stops. Its the cat i am worried about.

2007-04-23 18:20:38 · 11 answers · asked by Shawna 1

My old lady cat MOCA, 16 =^./.^= was just tested & the vet wants me to buy her the Hills k/d products only available at the vet. I do not agree with by-products in my pet products & also do not agree with a product that you can only buy at the vets office.
Are there any suggestions as alternatives to foods that would support kidney failure? It is lower in protein & there must be some other ingredients that support kidney function.
Are there any recommended products to increase the longevity of older cats? She is living with 2-3 other (1 lives at 2 houses) cats who are young, 1 1/2 , so I am also not sure how I will be able to keep their food separate.
Any cat tips would be appreciated too.

2007-04-23 18:03:29 · 3 answers · asked by Peace! 3

My cat, "baby" has been licking herself until she licks off the fur completely and the area becomes red and raw. She started doing this in her lower abdomen, between her legs...then stopped and moved on to the inside of one arm then stopped and moved on to the nearly symmetrical side of the other arm...she licks the areas constantly and is clearly bothered by them bc when you tell her to stop or call her name she contineus to do it. I have seen no signs of eggs or anything. At first i thought it was her litter bc it was only the bottom part of her body which would touch litter...but that didn't change anything. I went from clay to pine. I have been feeding her purina dry food and her mom - my other cat- they have the same diet and "mom" has no problems. What could this be? Can I try anything at home first BEFORE bringing her to a vet?
She seems happy and healthy otherwise and is eating/drinking/going to the bathroom like normal and is in a good mood!

2007-04-23 17:38:06 · 11 answers · asked by curiousPig 1

Why doctor do not have cat in their home?
Why do Chinese parent not allow their children contact with cat?
Do they know some thing from thousands years on obsevation?

2007-04-23 16:35:46 · 4 answers · asked by Vinie 1

when i first got my kitten siamese kitten(shes older now)..i was soo happy when i got it, she would jump on the couch and jus lay on my lap by herself, and fall asleep with me

and she would lick my forhead and rub against me..

but now i miss that(sad).. and do u think cause shes older now, she just forgets about that? and doesnt lay on my lap by herself anymore, and sleep with me and all she wants to do is be by herself and wander around now

why is this...i feel really hurt cause im wondering why is she doing this?

2007-04-23 16:32:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My one year old cat is hitler incarnate. We can't pick her up or even pet her. When we first got her she was so sweet and when she was pregnate she loved on us but after we gave the kittens away (kept 1) she has been a terror once more. I have scars all over my hands from trying to hold her. None of my other cats are like this, they are all darling lap cats but Dinah (Devil Cat) acts like a wild cougar! She has been pampered and loved all her life, she stays indoors and has all the ammenities a cat could ever need but she acts like shes been abused!! I want to declaw her but my aunt is an animal rights activist and won't let us. We tried to keep those plastic claw things on her but she just bit them off! PLEASE HELP ME!!

2007-04-23 16:23:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This sounds really weird, I will start off with that.

Okay, so my boyfriend said that his kitten has some teeny tiny little white things that have the consistency of a popped pimple. He found these after he pooped and it was on the fur near his tail and rear.. area... yeah his bum.

SOOOOOO the question is- what the heck is going on? Is there something wrong?

2007-04-23 16:11:56 · 2 answers · asked by BetsyLauren 3

brown fleas in tan carpet???
when i was studying and doing homework a couple of minutes ago and i saw a little brown flea bug hop out of the carpet onto my homework worksheet? my cat brings them in and i love my kitty but how do i get rid of its fleas
PS... the flea spray doesn't work very well!

2007-04-23 15:58:39 · 12 answers · asked by Amber G 1

I have a almost 15 year old cat. She is still as playful as a kitten. I have 2 worries: 1) she is always thirsty, she used to drink out of the toilet b4 we put a water bowl next to it. She'll take a long drink then come back 5 min. later 4 more. 2) she has a bump on her back. we've taken her to the vet and they popped it but it always comes back.

2007-04-23 13:17:12 · 6 answers · asked by Matt 2

2007-04-23 12:30:35 · 39 answers · asked by ♥♥xXJoRdanXx♥♥ 2

they have torn my sofa & love seat up from scrathing on it , i have ordered new furniture & i want to have them declawed.

2007-04-23 11:57:18 · 15 answers · asked by msglen 1

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