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I have a almost 15 year old cat. She is still as playful as a kitten. I have 2 worries: 1) she is always thirsty, she used to drink out of the toilet b4 we put a water bowl next to it. She'll take a long drink then come back 5 min. later 4 more. 2) she has a bump on her back. we've taken her to the vet and they popped it but it always comes back.

2007-04-23 13:17:12 · 6 answers · asked by Matt 2 in Pets Cats

6 answers

First of all, it sounds like your vet is an idiot (pardon me if I'm wrong). The lump on the back may be vaccination-site cancer. Take her to another vet and have them biopsy it.
The thirst may be renal failure. Ask them to treat this as well (or ameliorate it with drugs etc.). Buy a 'petmate' fountain and keep the toilet lid closed. It's a good sign that she's still playful. Have you checked into homeopathic treatment for cats (once you have the vet's diagnosis)? There's one in Australia called 'all species healing' but there are others elsewhere as well, depending on where you live, I suppose.

2007-04-23 13:46:59 · answer #1 · answered by lkpo 2 · 0 0

You should be worried. At 15 years old, your cat's increased drinking could be a sign that her kidneys are failing. A cat increases its water drinking when its kidneys are no longer acting efficiently as filters. Because poisons are building up in her bloodstream and are not being excreted as much, she drinks more water in an attempt to flush them out. She also could be suffering from diabetes. You should get her to a vet quickly and describe these symptoms, along with information about what her diet is and whether she has gained or lost weight. No idea about the bump on her back ... ask the vet what it is. I suspect the water drinking is more of a problem than the bump.

2007-04-23 20:22:21 · answer #2 · answered by Tracey T 3 · 1 0

Diabetes in cats causes them to drink a lot, and this is treatable, but they still need to see a vet. If your cat had a tick on him they leave a bump when removed and the bump will most of the time go away on their own. Where you said it comes back I would think it is a bothersome but not fatal cyst. Ask your vet what it was that they popped and ask if it's common for it to keep coming back. You have the right to know whatever it is that they are doing to your pet and why they are doing it.Good Luck

2007-04-23 20:38:00 · answer #3 · answered by islandgirl0521 4 · 1 0

Take your cat to another vet. You should ask around...maybe a friend can recommend a good one. The vet may suggest either blood and/or urine tests to see if there is kidney failure, and check on the lump on its back. Then, you can discuss options when you know exactly what is going on.
I recently had my 16 year old cat put down...her kidneys were failing. It did help to find out for sure, ahead of time...that gave me some time to accept it and prepare. Good Luck.

2007-04-24 00:03:38 · answer #4 · answered by Thomcat 3 · 0 0

my cat drinks like a camel. but he's only 8. my vet told us he just likes water. the first sign of kidney failer is excessive water drinking. I've had 2 cats that have both died from kidney damage, so u do have to make sure thats not it. One of the cats started drinking alot but wasnt peeing. it turns out his pee was going into his system and was posioning him. my moms cat was recently put to sleep for kidney damage but first the vet put a pouch on his side and my mom had to fill it with water every few days cause his kidneys wherent working right. So just monitor your cats beheivor. if it changes much take them to the vet.

2007-04-23 20:27:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well idk maybe its her time to die

2007-04-23 20:22:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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