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Cats - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

2007-03-05 21:50:23 · 8 answers · asked by thisisimp 1

my cat is always talkative to begin with but she has this new thing where she will sit outside my door anywhere between 3am-5am and just meow to meow. at night i even began sticking her food bowl out in the hallway in case she's hungry. she never comes in and goes to the bathroom either when i open the door. but if i let her in at night she doesn't sleep. she always bounces around on me and plays. how can i get her to stop because it makes me extremely tired.

2007-03-05 21:29:31 · 6 answers · asked by Kismet 7

There was a cat on the news yesterday, which was lost in Colwyn Bay, and was found 152 miles away in Scarborough. How do you think the cat went from Colwyn Bay to Scarborough?

2007-03-05 20:42:01 · 5 answers · asked by charmedandwelsh 3

liquid and blood at times. I have kept her pretty sedentary for a cat in one part of my house. I took her to one of the Spot clinics that do it for a deep discounted rate. I don't know what to do. I am beside myself. I love my cat. Yet, I don't hve the funds to take her to another vet!

2007-03-05 19:58:14 · 8 answers · asked by amazedmaize 2

Male cat, approx. two years old, came home and has a few wounds on him and I can tell that he is in pain. This is the first time that I have encountered anything like this re:any of my pets and I need to know what pain madication would be safe for me to give him?

2007-03-05 19:50:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

iff my grandaughter comes to stay(shes only a baby) my cat wont come in the house,even if its pouring down with rain,she just looks at me in a disgusting way lol, and runs off untill the baby goes home then she comes back in the house,

2007-03-05 19:46:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends cat is pregnant and has had 2 kittens already, both still born. She still has kittens inside her but isn't showing any signs of going back into labour any time soon. Does anyone know whether she is still in labour or how can we tell if the rest of the kittens are still born as well? What can we do? We took her to a vet but they said to wait and she'll have them in her own time

2007-03-05 19:09:33 · 7 answers · asked by cj 1

My cat has never purred...or atleast where I can hear her...I dont even hear my younger cat purr...could something be wrong with them or do they just not want to do it.

2007-03-05 18:26:15 · 21 answers · asked by zeandra2005 1

He sure dosen't act like it !

2007-03-05 18:25:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend's cat just had kittens and I am gonna bring one home when they are ready..... should I get a boy kitten to compliment the 2 females???? Both Roxy and Josie are 2 years old. Whats your opinion.....

2007-03-05 18:16:27 · 6 answers · asked by girlofoctober 3

kitten sleeping on my bed, goes on the floor, starts humping and throws up brown stuff?

2007-03-05 18:03:39 · 4 answers · asked by amedeobotta 1

See I had gotten 2 cats for my daughter.
When I got them they were a little bigger than kittens and they were always together until recently.
I took them out to my house in the country and one of them was no where to be found when it came time to leave, so I just took the one that I found, hoping that someone there at the house would find the other and hold it until we go and get it.
but anyway... now the one that I brought back isn't being himself. I dont know if it's just me but he seems lonely.
This morning he is what woke me up. He (the cat) was wondering around the house meowing loudly.
but when I got up he just went and found somewhere to sleep and stayed there most of the day and slept.
now he just seems to be "mope-ing" around.
what could I do? if my cat is indeed lonely.
I was planning on giving them away to someone else soon also. because my daughter wasnt quite ready for the responsibility of 2 cats.
any suggestions might help.

2007-03-05 17:48:23 · 16 answers · asked by preggo&luvinit 3

2007-03-05 17:46:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let me give you some back ground, last night my cat, Simba, got up on my bed like usual when I was going to bed. Usually he lays at the foot of my bed, but last night he decided MY pillow was a better option for him, I told him to move and picked him up and placed him on the floor. As soon as I did, he went over to a bunch of papers and started batting them around untill I yelled at him, he meowed and left the room. I turned the light on to see the papers and he had pooped! Rite there on the floor! He never has done this before, so was this out of a sheer temper tantrum? And has anyone else had thier cat react this way? He is 3 years old and I have had him sense August.

2007-03-05 17:14:18 · 2 answers · asked by ~*~Michelle~*~ 1

She is white, but the fur in the problem area is turning a reddish brown near the skin! I took her to the vet last week & she said she may have fleas & had me treat her with Advantage, even though she is an indoor cat & there is no evidence of fleas. Her condition is no better. I don't have a lot of confidence in this vet, but I have a Wellness plan w/ them & am stuck w/ them for a few more months :( Just wondering if anyone else has ever had or heard of this. She does not itch,chew, or bite at this area. It is only the middle of the tail, all of her other fur is beautiful & shiny. She seems to feel fine otherwise.I may have to get a 2nd opinion from another vet, even though I have the wellness plan,but I'd appreciate any input! Thanks.

2007-03-05 16:30:25 · 6 answers · asked by babydoll 3

Hi, My little siamese boy Neo is getting castrated on Friday. My questions are, do male cats suffer from much pain after the operation like females? Are there any shaved areas? Is there anything that I have to do before he has his op (no food night before or something?)

And most importantly.... will he forgive me??!!

2007-03-05 16:28:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what ever your beliefs are please my Master G can use all the meditations, prayers, thoughts, etc he can get right now he is very low and in hospital on a drip - thank you xx

2007-03-05 16:19:36 · 18 answers · asked by MinX 2

I am the proud "mom" of a female pittbull. Today, we introduced the cutest kitten into our family. Once the kitten saw the dog, she was hissing like crazy. I would hate to get rid of one of my pets, so is there a way to make them friendly?

2007-03-05 16:01:29 · 7 answers · asked by theslam2005 3

She adopted me, full grown cat weighed 3lbs and looked like a skeleton. She seems to stuff herself (we give her free choice 2 food) like it'll be her last meal (it's been a whole year since we found her) every time...then she barfs it up about 30 mins later. We've tried soft food, real meat, dry cat food, doesnt matter what it is, she still barfs. We've cut down how much she gets (little portions) but she'll still barf. She doesnt do this every time she eats but does throw up about once a day. I'm not sure if it's a hair ball or not but she hasnt made any hacking noises for one recently. Any suggestions, especially froma vet or vet tech on what to do? P.S. She had a canine tooth just recently pulled that was loose and the barfing had stopped for a week but its back again...not as bad as it was but still....

2007-03-05 15:45:16 · 16 answers · asked by Miss_MountinM 2

I saw a really cute kitten at Petsmart today. He was a gray tabby and kept meowing at me and rubbing his body against the window as if he wanted to be scratched. But the problem is I already have two kittens, 5 month old and 1 year old tabbys..... so should I get another one? will they get along??????

I had a gray tabby kitten before but it dissapeared somewhere!

I really really want to get this kitty but my parents might not approve......

2007-03-05 15:33:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I came home from work today to find little blood spots on the floor. I checked my cat and noticed he is missing a nail...the bleeding stopped, there's a little nub left and he's walking just fine but is there anything I can/should do for him? Will it grow back?

2007-03-05 15:32:22 · 7 answers · asked by GJH 1

She has already had 2 kittens... And I think there at least one more kitten inside of her. And the last kitten she had was 10 minutes ago and I'm starting to wonder if she is going to be okay... PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME IF SHE IS GOING TO BE OKAY... HELP

2007-03-05 15:20:27 · 18 answers · asked by Carrie W 1

im just a kid, and i dont know what brand of cat food i should buy. also, is store brand cat food good for them?

2007-03-05 15:11:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our male cat is a little over a year old. He plays & sleeps in a nylon tent-like cube. Today, he tried to drag a blanket inside of it with his teeth - it was the funniest thing. I didn't know that cats liked to make beds (like dogs). Anyway, I ended up having to help him get it into the cube and he is enjoying it. =^...^= They really do think and plan - I wonder what they'd say if they could talk!

2007-03-05 15:01:27 · 7 answers · asked by Lake Lover 6

she always scratches me...*tear*

2007-03-05 15:00:03 · 8 answers · asked by mey mey 1

My cat gave birth to two kittens, since then one has died, about six weeks ago. We are in the process of weening her with a formula suggested by vet. But i have noticed that the mother's nipples just one actually, is very swollen with milk. Now the kitten still feeds but not off of that nipple. i have tried to force the kitten to that nipple but she is uninterested. I have read that if you leave the mother alone with no food or water for at least 24hours the milk can absorb into her body agian. I wanted to know if there are anyother things i can do before an infection may occur. Thanks

2007-03-05 14:58:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a siamese cat and she has a SENSITIVE stomach, even though she was a stray, she still coughs up hairballs from time to time and i want to know if whiskas has many fat foods in it and i should change.

2007-03-05 14:50:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

For some weird reason, right when I'm about to go to bed, my cat loves to come up to me, smell my arm, wrap himself around my arm, stab his claws into me and starts biting and scratching me with his hind legs like crazy. I push him off, and he just stares at me, his tail goes crazy, and he pounches at my arms again. It's really really annoying, and I'm tired of getting new bloody scratches every night. Anybody know why he does this??? He only does it to me, only to my arms, and he does it at night when I'm about to go to bed. I keep pushing him away, and he just keeps doing it. Declawing is wrong, but he's really pushing it!!!

2007-03-05 14:48:18 · 13 answers · asked by gothic_marionette 2

i am not stupid
just worried Need a "vision" about a missing kitty?
Kitty still missing since last thursday
need some one with visionary powers or any suggestion
i have recently been given a half himaylayn kitty..she is 10months old and not too use to people. i have had her in another room way from my other cats.........she was under the bed, the dressors, not in thecloset... door has been closed..cant find her. there arent any holes in the room and window is closed........not holes in the bed ......i have taken all drawers out of the chests .......i have even moved every thing int he attached room where there are washer -dryer...etc... have put out food and litter pan........ no results. its like she has just vanished. please any one with any type of answer and or "vision" psychic or other wise please help. i know she is hungry i am afraid she will die.

2007-03-05 14:13:02 · 9 answers · asked by sevenandthe_raggedtiger 1

if I got a kitten what do i need to be prepared for?

plz help me! i have 2 big dogs that are very very sweet, but my chocolate lab can get kinda excited and pounce on something new and cute!
I have an older dog who is a boy and he is overweight, and can get really grumpy if you mess with him!

it is just my parents and i if we get the kitten, then my 2 dogs!


2007-03-05 14:05:50 · 8 answers · asked by mickey 1

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