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Cats - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

Someone tried to tell me that mother cats pick up their kittens by the scruff of the neck because it releases something in their brain that makes them sleepy! I thought that sounded a little strange. I thought they just did it to move them around. Which is true?

2007-03-06 04:10:49 · 13 answers · asked by Kassie 2

How many cans of wet cat food are sold in the U.S. each year?

2007-03-06 04:10:20 · 3 answers · asked by quixotic_man7 1

recently it seems one of my cats has been peeing, i found a couple of spots, why?

2007-03-06 04:10:17 · 3 answers · asked by CATWOMAN 6

after many months of searching for a reason as to why my cat was pulling out his hair violently and breaking open his skin until it became affected... not to ment 3 lb weight loss in the last 4 months, yestarday the vet said she thought he had autoimmune skin disease and by the looks of him that he is really suffering, I agree.. we originally thought he had OCD and that was why.. we treated him for allergies, dermatitis, fungis, fleas, and even depression.. the cost has been great, both financally and emotionally and yestarday she said she wanted to observe him for a few days, but agreed that we needed to make a desicion about euthanizing soon.. because she is sure he will die either way.. Its a hard desicion to make, we are so attached to him, my four year old has wondered where he was all day.. has anyone else ever had to make this desicion, and any advice would be great!

2007-03-06 04:01:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 03:57:56 · 10 answers · asked by tooteebug 2

Alright I've asked this q one other time and got a bunch of yahoos and got no help except for a couple of good answers. My cat Kiki is about 23 pounds and 3 1/2 feet long all streched out. He is on diet food and is actually just a big cat. Anyways we have the biggest litter box ever made and he still tetters on the edge and just dangles his but over the litter. He also doesn't cover his poo. We figure he has the technique down we just need to switch madiums. Has anyone successfully toilet trained an older cat? I would fill the bathtub with litter for him, but i still need to bathe.

2007-03-06 03:47:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's getting ridiculous! i have a male and two females. they are all great cats, except for they try to spray everywhere! even when i'm standing there looking at the boy, he still does it! at first the females were just wiggling their tails and nothing was coming out, until she'd been been trying for awhile, then was able to do it! i've tried squirting them with water as they are doing it, i clean up with a product specifically made for that, and have a black uv light to find spray i cannot see(cat urine glows in black light). nothing is working! i am moving into a new house soon, and these spoiled kitties are going to have to be outside only cats, because i will not tolerate that extemely bad habit in my new house. i know why they're doing it and that it's a natural behavior, but i cannot stand it! please tell me if there is something...Anything that will break them of that habit!

2007-03-06 03:34:28 · 3 answers · asked by maryjane 1


two weeks ago my cat went missing. this is a cat that would not have wandered off on purpose. yesterday a woman seen our ad in the newspaper and left us with this extremely frightened and timid cat. this cat looks alot like merlin, my cat, although it has no collar. it has the same markings on its chest and abdomen that merlin had, although these markings are noticeabally whiter. so i'm wondering, and i know this sounds stupid, but can cat's fur turn whiter in times of extreme stress?

2007-03-06 03:32:06 · 8 answers · asked by hzhz07 1

2007-03-06 03:01:21 · 31 answers · asked by kassie 1

2007-03-06 02:59:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My kitten is about eight months old. I've had him for about five months now, and he loves me, and the rest of my family very much. He's spoiled, he plays constantly, and gets pet frequently. However, when ANYONE comes over that isn't me, my parents, or my boyfriend, he runs and immediately hides. And I have tried carrying him out to be pet by the strangers, but he squirms out of my arms and runs off again. The minute the visitor leaves, he comes back out into the open and is back to normal.

What can I do to socialize him to visitors?

2007-03-06 02:37:44 · 6 answers · asked by *LaUrEN* 2


I have 5 little kittens , they are about 5 weeks old, their mother seems to have no more milk to feed them, does any know when can I start feeding them? and what?

2007-03-06 02:35:00 · 10 answers · asked by Lara 1

2007-03-06 02:34:49 · 19 answers · asked by dmed01 2

My new vet says three months. Isn't that too young, I thought it was 6 months to spay a female cat. Would you tell me when you spayed your kitty(at what age)? Thanks a bunch. Also, have you ever heard of certain shots that would give a cat cancer!! My sister-n-laws cat died of cancer and her vet. (different than my vet) said it was caused by the shots he received?????What??? Have you ever heard that???

2007-03-06 02:22:57 · 10 answers · asked by justwondering 2

my two cats are not yet a year, and have just started going into heat. Im am considering getting them spayed and Im not looking for an opinion on getting my cats spayed..ive heard enough of that..Im Just wondering if there is an age limit on getting spayed?

2007-03-06 02:18:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 01:58:52 · 14 answers · asked by laurie11uk 1

2007-03-06 01:49:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two female cats, that I keep inside. I also have my garage fixed up very nicely for them to run around and play in. Its a two car garage. I also, maybe once a month let them out in are fenced in back yard to play. Is that wrong?

2007-03-06 01:21:43 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would hope to see them in a safari park or zoo within driving distance of London

2007-03-06 01:16:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 7 week old male unsterilized male kitten, every time he uses the litter box, he does his usual stuff, but then doesn't cover it up. Why is this? Will he do it when he gets older? Or will he do this as an adult?

2007-03-06 01:15:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two female cats, not even a year yet. One has been in heat for almost 2weeks now, and Im pretty sure has, if possible, pulled the younger female cat into heat also. This is both of theirs first time being in heat. To my point, I also have an older female cat, that stays outside by choice most of the time. She is also the mother of the younger female cat. Lately, I have been seeing a few male cats outside of my house. I thought, it was because the older female was in heat, but I then realized she was not in heat. Could my inside cats be attracting male cats outside? They never go out. But they play in my garage, which is fixed up very nice for them. (they are very spoiled :OP) Could they be attracting male cats from inside? And can they pull each other into heat, such as females can do on their menstrual cycle. And are they in pain???

2007-03-06 01:04:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My aunt is somewhat of a homebody, lives in a one bedroom apt. has three cats, and she is a pack rat!! Her house does'nt stink, but she has cat toys, cat houses and crap everywhere!! I called her the neighborhood cat lady, you know how every neighborhood has one of "them".. do you think i insulted her by saying that?

2007-03-06 00:59:45 · 21 answers · asked by ziggy 6

I have two female cats, not yet a year. The oldest, by a few months, has just recently been in heat. Probably at the very end of it. *Is it possible she could have pulled the younger female cat into heat? I have just noticed the sign of her being in heat. Constant meowing, and arching of her back. *Is it pain full? *Are there any home remedies, or something I could do, to help? They seem to be extremely bothered by this. Also, are inside cats supposed to be spayed? Thanks.

2007-03-06 00:50:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the street where I own a business there are wild cats. I look after them, tame them, find good homes for them, or keep them myself. I've been looking after a kitten for three months and I think she's about six months. She'll come to me for food but won't let me touch her. She's been stuck on a roof for four days and I don't know what to do. There's a tree and a wall near the roof and I think she should be able to get down. I given food and water to her and tried in vain to get her to come to me. The roof is part plastic so I can't get up. People have said that I shouldn't feed her or give water so she'll come down. This is Spain and it's quite warm and I'm afraid she'll weaken if no water is given. She's sooo distressed and I don't know what to do. In the UK I'd ring the RSPCA for advice but over here I feel like I'm alone. Any genuine advice or numbers to ring in Spain for help would be wonderful. Thanks

2007-03-06 00:43:03 · 13 answers · asked by Bella 2

My 10 month old DSH cat named Luke went missing sometime on March 3rd. He is an un-neutered, not-declawed, outside cat. He has nevre done this for over a day. It's been a total of atleast 3 days. His twin brother, sister, and other two brothers(dogs) are really sad. Espically Logan(his twin). We have put up flyers, posted on Craigslist, Petfinder, and Pet911.com we even called the animal shelter and asked if they brought in/picked up a cat that matched his description, they said they brought in one ran over cat that matched it apparently. We do not think it was him as he doesn't go far from home, the place where that cat got ran over was a LONG two blocks. We have only known him to stay in our yard, on-top of roof(house), and in the grassy field(behind our house) and we think if he did go past that, not all the way to a busy road. He is fairly young & fast so even if he did(which we doubt he did) I'd think he could get away.
Any suggestions? I have aniexty,depression,ocd&hewasmy...

2007-03-05 23:47:06 · 10 answers · asked by crazygolucky 2

My house cat escaped yesterday and I couldn't chase after her (I'm 31 weeks pregnant!!) - she was behaving as if she was in season until about 4 days ago, could she still have gotten pregnant even if she was no longer behaving like this when she escaped yesterday?

She was close to a male cat, they were playing, and then they disappeared and she shot through the window about half an hour later. It was only yesterday but how soon and how do you tell if the cat is pregnant?


2007-03-05 23:44:22 · 4 answers · asked by Krissyinthesun 5

I have five cats, of various ages, and have just adopted a six week old kitten. I have three female cats (all neutered) and two entire Toms. One of my Toms (the younger of the two, but mature) has just attacked the kitten with a ferocity I've never seen before. They are both OK, but all the other cats have gone wild and the baby is terrified (now snuggled in my jacket, and spitting at anything that moves). He came from a house with lots of friendly cats, and mine all get along well, so why do they hate him (they have accepted kittens before), and how do I resolve the issue?...

2007-03-05 23:38:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone told me that a mother cat cat will start to reject their kittens when they get to a certain age. Is that really true? And why?

2007-03-05 22:34:18 · 7 answers · asked by stace! 2

My cats fight, claw wallpaper jump on bed, bring things in from bins (like carboard packing ) and moan. They making it impossable to sleep if they locked out the scratch at window and meow and i work i need to sleep plz help me...

2007-03-05 22:03:29 · 11 answers · asked by sheepish18uk 2

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