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Cats - February 2007

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Help!, my kitten (9 months old) wont drink water from his bowl! or any bowl for that matter....i tried to change his bowl......he eats just fine....he drinks milk fine......he only drinks water while its running in the sink, bathtub, or shower,or if its in a talll glass which he gets his head stuck in.........he hates drinking water from any bowls........i cant keep the bathtub running 24/7!!!!! help!!......what should i do????

2007-02-19 01:02:29 · 10 answers · asked by izzy animal maniac 2

Shes never liked Cat Nip. I was reccomended Valerina teabags to help me sleep and they worked.
When I was emptying my shopping bags my cat was going nutty over the box with the Valerina Teabags in she was dribbling and rolling about running on the box and clutching it to her body when I sat down holding the box she got on my lap. This is very rare. What does it make her behave crazy and is it ok for her?

2007-02-19 00:31:05 · 17 answers · asked by sarah090182woodhead 2

The rescue cat I'm thinking of adopting has a slight problem - when he goes to his litter box for a number two he sometimes misses the litter tray! He does get into his tray, moves all the litter to one end, but then somehow ends up with bum over the edge... and well, you can imagine! He's been tried in a covered litter tray, he stuck his bum out the door!

Have any of you wise cat owners had this problem, and solved it?! Could it be something to do with being traumtised? Or his age? He's kinda old, the rescue place estimate 10-15 years old...

Please help, I really want this cat but my housemate isn't going to put up those sort of shenanigans!!!

2007-02-19 00:30:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mum recently got a new cat. he is 8 years old and he is a lovely cat, but when i put my face up to his he wil lash out and scratch and bite. i cant pick him up or play with his paws and he will not let me tickle his belly which my 1 year old cat loves. i have had cats before but this one is not as friendly as the others. its probably because we did not have him as a kitten but i need to find out a way of getting him to be more tame.
any training ideas.?

2007-02-19 00:13:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a cat from my Mom through my aunt whot had to get rid of her cat. My dog has a new play pal that he absolutely loves and they get along great. The problem is my cat is approximately 5 years old and is not declawed. I've read that declawing a cat (especially an adult cat) is not the most humane thing to do. Does anyone know any alternatives that I have? The cat is really scratching up some of my furniture and I'm at a crossroads as to whether to have her declawed or not.

2007-02-19 00:06:27 · 17 answers · asked by Jeff S 4

2007-02-18 23:23:02 · 8 answers · asked by george grohan mendal 3

My cat has had this problem of over grooming herself for a long time and the vet said that its just her nerves. For the last 2 months she has been really going to town on herself and I just want her to stop. She is now bald on her hindparts and I've caught her in the act just chomping away. I've checked the area of the skin over and over again. There is no scaly areas, its not inflammed, and it doesn't smell ransid. Shes been eating the same diet and her enviorment hasn't changed other than me becoming pregnant. She isn't sick or lathargic and shes always been a indoor cat. Why does she keep doing this to herself and what can I do to make her stop??? I'm at a complete lost here!!! Could someone please help me out?? Thanks for your time.

2007-02-18 23:20:30 · 7 answers · asked by CeeCee19 4

My cat is unique looking, with a strong personality, and is much prettier than most cats I see on commercials, etc

2007-02-18 23:15:16 · 2 answers · asked by taknachance123 1

My cat likes to fall asleep on my lap whilst I watch "Two and a Half Men" and it doesn't matter what time of day it is. She always does it. Maybe it's the theme song or Charlie Sheen's voice?
She also sits on her stool and watches Takeshi's Castle.

Very sad I know but she is my best friend so I don't care.

2007-02-18 23:13:39 · 147 answers · asked by Dustbowl Blues 3

I have 2 6 month old kittens and they have been looking out the window forlornly. I have let them out a couple of times (only for 10 minutes with my supervision) but I would like to start letting them out more. I don't have a cat flap and I am at work all day. Is it safe to let them out all day and let them back in when I get home - therefore getting rid of the litter tray? If I get them used to this method will they need to go to the toilet in the middle of the night? so many questions.....!

2007-02-18 23:00:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you could please send me the website or links of where i can sample sounds of the cat species lynx. i need to know if thats whats been around my house or not .

2007-02-18 21:46:43 · 1 answers · asked by Green Grenades 3

Like a sedative? If not what advice do you have?

2007-02-18 21:22:19 · 9 answers · asked by Mike Stankiewicz 3

I am bringing home 2 new cats at the weekend and was wondering if anyone had any advice? Have had cats before but never 2 together. They are aged 3 and coming from a rescue centre where they were taken away from their owner because they had too many animals. They are quiet and timid at the centre because they don't like it there, but we have been assured they will become more outgoing once they have settled into a new home. Any ideas for how to settle them in as I've only had kittens before and not sure how older cats find new houses. Also, need to go and buy supplies, so was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things I might forget!

2007-02-18 21:22:01 · 12 answers · asked by Wafflebox 5


2007-02-18 21:17:26 · 11 answers · asked by david UK 4

Do all cats come from a single progenitor like dogs? What species was the first domesticated cat. Why are there so many breeds of cat. What is the purpose of that? I am a cat lover I just don't understand why there are so many varieties of domesticated cats.

2007-02-18 20:23:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cat has magnesium crystals in his urine and a bladder infection. Despite the treatment of two antibiotics and a strict wet and dry food diet, he is still ill. I have been told that food does not play a role in bladder infections and crystals forming but I feel it may. Is this true?? Does anyone know what is the best option for my cat at this point?? If surgery to widen his tube can be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary than I would love to try those options first. I just don't want to put my cat through any more pain and discomfort that he's not already going through now. Are there any other options?? Or is surgery his best answer?? Please help me. He's never become fully plugged but he never gets better. What can I do?? I don't want to lose him! Please plase help me...

2007-02-18 20:14:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got an 11 month old siamese cat just over a week ago.He has settled down great but unfortunately nookie doesn't seem to want to hardly drink.I have tried things like putting water in his food which just made him leave his food and i am trying something which is working a little bit as he seems to like to drink a small amount of running water from the bathroom basin but i would be grateful for any other ideas

2007-02-18 18:51:21 · 8 answers · asked by marvinandjennifer 1

he loves to lay on my chest, but he's always getting up, kneeding my shirt, and laying back down again, only to be up and doing it all over again a few seconds later. why does he do this, purring while he's doing so?why does he only do it while i'm at my computer desk at home?

2007-02-18 17:41:24 · 4 answers · asked by kelleygaither2000 1

its just floating around as he blinks....should i wash it out or let it be?

2007-02-18 17:27:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 8 yo cat Maggie was fine yesterday. This morning she's acting funny. She can only seem to walk a few steps without stopping. She acts like her back legs are hurting and she cries as if in pain. She'll eat and drink but can't seem to control her bowels and keeps making messes on the floor. I've been babying her all day. I have 2 other cats but they've been leaving her alone today. Anyone have any idea what might be wrong. I called the vet but everyone is closed on sundays so I'll have to call this morning. I'm freaking out and I keep checking on her every 1/2 hour - hour. I'm afraid I'm going to find her dead.

2007-02-18 17:24:24 · 8 answers · asked by cutemountaingirl76 2

My distant neighbor has a baby kitten aprox 4 months of age. They are neglecting it, and it isnt getting enough food. Basically its eating from the garbage outside, and begging neighbors for food. She even left it outside during a really bad snow storm-when the news insisted all animals be kept indoors because they will freeze to death.

The kitten is elft outdoors 24/7, and it is not even fixed either. There are thousands of stray s beating on it all day..

I want to take the kitten, and give it away to someone who will care for it properly without letting them know it was me. Where we are they dont enforce the law about these types if crimes. In order for her to get in troubel she'd have to have like 20 of them in bad shape at the same time. I,e Hoarding them.

Is is wrong? Is it my place to save this kitten? Or should I mind my own business?

2007-02-18 16:41:09 · 39 answers · asked by chicata25 4

I was just wondering. Cats attack anything smaller than themselves, and if my cat were bigger than me, I am not sure if he would still let me pet him, or if he would just eat me. Anybody know?

2007-02-18 16:09:47 · 16 answers · asked by cari anna 2

My cat is over a year old and yet she is still teething [or else she is evil]. However, she only teeths on me . She will suck and chew on my fingers, and try to run away with them. She chews on the back of the couch where I sit and she kneeds [sp?] and drools all over one of my stuffed animals.
When my mum goes to try to get gnawed on, the cat will snub her.
Is she just in love with me and my stuff? Or is she just cute and crazy?

2007-02-18 15:38:25 · 6 answers · asked by Annie 2

We plan to move to a new home next month. What ideas or suggestions do you have to make the move easier on my 2 cats? They have both lived here since they were 5 weeks old but my older cat has been here for 2 1/2 years when her and I moved in here. The new home is a LOT bigger than where we are now. I want to make this transistion as easy as I can for them.

Serious replies only please. They are like our kids and we dont need stupid answers.

2007-02-18 15:21:50 · 8 answers · asked by Lucky Me 6

I am so scared to cut my cats nails but the vet wants way more than i can afford.
How do I cut them and what is the best thing to use.
Sorry but I just got him and his claws are long he is about 8 months old.
Don't mean to sound stupid just don't want to hurt him.

2007-02-18 15:16:44 · 21 answers · asked by crazziegrl14 5

2007-02-18 14:55:53 · 8 answers · asked by Mark S 2

My cat likes to eat alot. I feed her a can of catfood everyday and also eats the dry cat food often too. Sometimes, I give her cat treats. At nights, when I'm sleeping, she would go through the garbage can and only eat the chicken and leave the bones all over the floor.

What is your diagnose? I think she has tapeworm in her intestine. If not, maybe she has high metabolism..

2007-02-18 14:54:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

he started spraying or spotting? He was fixed when he was very young..so why did he start 2 and 1/2 yrs later??? How do you get him to STOP since that is what neutering was suppose to do?
HELP!! The dead center of my bed seems to be his favorite spot, but closing the door only makes him go for the carpet! Now what????? No changes AT ALL have happened in the house, so I don't think it was a stresser that started it. I need to figure out how to STOP this, getting gross with 3 little kids in the house.

2007-02-18 14:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by wornoutby3 2

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