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Cats - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

I love cats with all my heart, & have visited this section often for a year; I've gotten great responses from my answers & of course that makes me feel good. Before you answer, I'd like you to click on my avatar TO CONFIRM ME. My question is: What would you do if someone cloned you? I mean, really, how do you feel you'd handle it? I've been stalked for 3 days by someone using DRAGON, & claiming I'm the imposter & to report me. The answers under MY NAME have been too bizarre to quote, & Yahoo has removed almost all of them, but this clone keeps going? I've tried cleaning out the cloning & this person craftily posts like two civil answers, & then reports me as a violation when I respond? I have a background in psychology & suspect this person has some serious issues. If you felt you were dealing with a psychopath, honestly, what do you think would be the best approach? I like to help here when I can. Many people "know" me.
But new people? I'd truly appreciate your thoughts. Thanks much!

2007-02-22 11:50:04 · 10 answers · asked by Valac Gypsy 6

I don't want to traumitize her, but she has long fur, and I think something stinky is tangled in it. She has a few knots in her bib fur as well. She is so cute and sweet, but I can't be within a foot of her right now. Should I just wait for the stench to go away?

2007-02-22 11:46:27 · 17 answers · asked by Antonia 2

I have recently started to attempt to walk her. Half of the time she tries to slip out of the collar,and half of the time she sits in the grass.She will barely ever actually walk.
When ever people would ask me I was trying to walka cat I would say,"Well,it's nat fair that dogs get to go outside and cats get cooped up all day in the house."But now I think I am starting to get why no one ever walks cats...
So have you ever tried to walk your cat,and what happened?Or what do you think of the idea of walking a cat?

2007-02-22 11:38:40 · 28 answers · asked by nicole b 1

We have 2 boxes, one for each but the kitten uses both. My oldest cat refuses to use a litter box that was used by our kitten. So she ends up relieving herself next to the litter boxes. We clean the boxes everyday and she continues to do this. Any Ideas?

2007-02-22 11:28:36 · 11 answers · asked by Nicole H 1

My cat who is nine years old has always been very healthy, no problems at all. Recently she has been sitting right in front of the heater even when it is warm throughout my whole apartment. Do you think she is just cold? Or could this be a sign that there is something wrong with her?

I know this question has potential to sound stupid but I was just wondering and my vet is out of town right now...

Thank you!!

2007-02-22 11:27:44 · 12 answers · asked by aly 5

2007-02-22 11:11:02 · 9 answers · asked by jrob 1

how come i am feeling sad because my cat had ababies and i used to love them and someone took them away to like away from me and i also have a cat yellow one missing and im alwasys thinking about it and the babies disapeared in like december 06 and what do you think happend to my yellow one im sooooo worried like everyday im sad and i cant think about nothing else exept my pet what can i do

2007-02-22 11:05:44 · 6 answers · asked by German queen Bosnian princess!!! 2

My kitty has runny poop. It's about 6 weeks old. I just got him and hes been pooping like this since I got him on Monday, February 19, 2007. It makes noises when he goes to the litterbox. I don't know but it seems very uncomfortable when he goes. He also goes all the time. My sister owns his sister and she goes poop the exact way. I feed him wet food mixed with dry, could this be the problem?

2007-02-22 10:56:10 · 11 answers · asked by krazykronix 2

Is the clumping type work good?

2007-02-22 10:45:10 · 20 answers · asked by coach 1

2007-02-22 10:44:10 · 9 answers · asked by Raven 5

Give me some ideas that really work on the odor.

2007-02-22 10:42:26 · 7 answers · asked by coach 1

The price can be $800 - $1000 for a cat or dog, respectively. I love my one cat, Blaze, (I have three) and I want to do this and keep him forever! My wife says "over my (hers-not mine) dead body!" Well, I will really miss my wife when she goes! Just kidding. Seriously, if you had the money, would you freeze dry your pet to keep until the day you die? I am very serious about this question. Thank you. frjk

2007-02-22 10:32:40 · 12 answers · asked by frjk 1

I purchased a Bengal kitten this weekend and brought her home. I have been trying to make her comfortable but I have 1 problem. I set up her litter box and she has not used it on her own. I have never had this problem with any of my other cats before so I dont know what to do. Last night I had her on my bed with me and she urinated on it. I took her to her litter box and put her in it and she did her business. I thought she would now know this is her bathroom but I went home today and there was nothing new in the box. The breeder that I got her from was using wood pellets and I am using a actual litter. Could it be that she does not know what the litter is? How do I get her to use the box, it is not like a dog that you can potty train. PLEASE HELP!!

2007-02-22 10:30:20 · 10 answers · asked by Lisa D 1

My tiger keeps on eating all my weed and he wont quit. It is like he has an addiction. Any ideas on how to get him off? Please help this is not even funny! It is not a joke either. I live in california sunnset bay.

2007-02-22 10:22:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-22 10:15:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you consider to de-claw your pet cat (is it painful for them?) or just provide them with a scratching post?

Would you consider toilet training them (to eliminate the stress of cleaning the litterbox)?

And what is the most effective way to toilet train them? (please provide step by step instructions).

Thanks! =)

2007-02-22 10:14:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went out and by him alot of toys he can play with but he dont want to play with them.

2007-02-22 10:02:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-22 09:58:38 · 7 answers · asked by fergie130 2

how can i get my dad to get me a cat?!?!???
i had 5 cats, and then my dad took 2 to the pound,
and one is going to die!!!
what do i do??!!?!?!?!?

2007-02-22 09:54:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our cat is 4 months old- we bought him in December. From recent phone calls with my parents, I know that he's been suffering from skin infections and constantly scratching his wounds.

I don't know what type of infection it is - my parents are not medically-minded. The doctor gave them some sort of medicine, but the problem is... our cat just keeps scratching and scratching until the infection becomes a wound! And as soon as the wound gets better, he starts scratching and scratching again >_<

Now, my parents are really stressed. They really don't know WHAT to do. Mum's tied a scarf around our cat's head/neck, but he still continues scratching and the wound doesn't seem to be getting any better.

My parents don't dare take him to get a bath because they are afraid of the consequences with wounds and such. And it seems to be a vicious cycle because our cat keeps getting more and more "itchy spots" on his body and the scratching gets worse and worse >_

2007-02-22 09:48:52 · 6 answers · asked by Flo Chen 2

my cat sleeps with me every night,if I shut the door,she will meow all night long,however,she chews/eats/nawls at my hair,not my scalp(and no, I do not have bugs,lol,also, I do not have hair spray in my hair,its freshly washed every night). Is this normal? If so,why does she do this?

2007-02-22 09:46:28 · 17 answers · asked by grmat 4

It has nothing to do with the weather. I brush him every morning. Sometimes his hair comes out in clumbs. Other times it comes out very little.

2007-02-22 09:45:52 · 4 answers · asked by precious4315 1

i HAVE AN (infestation} of some kind ( tick, lice larve, I don't know what it is. BUT NOW IT HAS SPREAD TO MYSELF.. HELP HELP THIS IS NO JOKE. PLEASE I NEED HELP NOW. MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS (sharonbear53@msn.com) PLEASE HELP ME....

2007-02-22 09:45:41 · 4 answers · asked by sharon b 1

Is it normal for a neutered male cat to spray? There has been no changes around the house Litter the same,no other animals to cause stress and no change of food. This is something new he has started. Any good suggestions to take the odor away?

2007-02-22 09:41:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, my mom has a big male cat right now, she wants to get a small kitten. Will an adult male accept a kitten in the house? Is it better to get a girl or a boy? Thank you.

2007-02-22 09:39:54 · 17 answers · asked by sandy02 2

My kitten tonka has feline leukimia , he's happy, playful, healthy . but he cant go outside or be around other kittys that arent feline leukimia positive so is there anything i can do to keep him happy and healthy ,is there anything to help him with his immune system , maybe give it a boost or something , change his diet , and keep him from getting lonly since he doesnt get to socalize with other kittys? anything will help!

2007-02-22 09:28:09 · 7 answers · asked by tonkakitty 1

feline aggression

2007-02-22 09:15:19 · 2 answers · asked by lisa 1

grinded orange peel throughout the yard. Does this work?

2007-02-22 09:14:34 · 10 answers · asked by dmo 1

shes acts very normal in every other way, i had cats all my life and this never happened, shes an indoor cat, and very sweet. please help me with answers sinse i can't afford a vet
thank you

2007-02-22 09:09:25 · 9 answers · asked by pepperlogan 1

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