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Cats - January 2007

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Can anyone find me a pic of a marbled blue tortie lynx siamese cat...i cant seem to find one.

2007-01-29 03:08:54 · 3 answers · asked by alecnaaron 3

I adopted two cats that were severely abused by their previous owner. I have had them for several years and was able, through love and tenderness, to get one of them calmed down enough to where she is now a lover. The other cat is a major problem. When it is just me in the house, she is timid at best. She lives to be right next to me but if I touch her or pet her in way that bothers her, she will attack me. When my boyfriend is home, she is so afraid of him that she will hardly ever come out of the corner and if he goes hear her, she will attack him with clwas a teeth. When friends/family come over, I have to lock her up or she will hiss and spit at them and attack them. She then gets so mad that people are over that she will attack her sister viciously sometimes drawing blood. I took her to the vet and the vet gave me anti-anxiety meds for her but they arent helping. The vet told me to consider euthanizing her but I am not sure I could live with that. Any suggestions? Thanks

2007-01-29 03:05:54 · 14 answers · asked by bbyblueiii 1

I have read alot about it on the web and almost everyone asks how it will affect the cats longivity. I have not seen an answer to this question. Does a heart murmer mean that my cat will have a shorter lifespan?

2007-01-29 02:24:11 · 11 answers · asked by Pat C 1

When I got my kitten spayed, she had a reaction to the anestesia. She has come a long way, but is not 100% back to what she was. She still has a hard time running, she cannot jump, and when she gets excited or nervous, she has a hard time controlling her head movements. The best way to describe it is that she looks like one of those bobble head dolls. The vet suggested I give her a half vitamin B complex with 50mg of thiamin everyday. He said this should help with her brain development. Has anyone heard of this before? Also, she just stopped eating dry food last week. She used to eat it fine, and now not at all. I waited a couple of days, but she was too stubborn for me. I broke down and now am feeding her canned food twice a day. The vet put her on a vitamin supplement, and I am mixing some dry in, but she really is not eating that much of the dry. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks!! :)

2007-01-29 02:23:32 · 7 answers · asked by vnorg 1

2007-01-29 02:02:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My coworker has a cat who seems to have a real mental problem. He's always been well treated, and he's about 2 years old now, but he's got a split personnality thing going on. One minute, he'll be affectionate and sweet, and moments later his ears are back, his tail is twitching and he'll take off and run over the furniture, knocking stuff down and if you get too close, he'll hiss at you, swat at you, etc.
We've made an appointment with vet at the end of this week.
Any ideas?

2007-01-29 01:57:22 · 6 answers · asked by Zoe 6

any one know if they will

2007-01-29 01:52:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm asking this since my aunt has a female cat who she think is in heat. So, she is keeping her INSIDE. this cat also has a 4 month old kitten that is a male so my aunt was worried that the kitten could get the mother pregnant.

2007-01-29 01:47:06 · 5 answers · asked by Just me. 4

Sometimes, tehre is just a little pink showing and it is cute. Others, his tongue just hangs out about an inch or so, at its quite disturbing. I usually just touch it and it will go back in.

2007-01-29 01:40:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the first time ever I have terrible skin, this started about 2 weeks ago and I have only had my kitten for about 3 1/2 weeks. I do not want to get rid of the kitten (my daughter wont hear of it) but I dont know what to do about my skin, it is really bad. I am trying to keep the kitten out of my room but this is difficult as it means my door must constantly be shut - the kitten will also start scratching and banging the door to be let it.

2007-01-29 01:35:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

For an agressive cat can a dog grapser be used? Or are gauntlets better?

2007-01-29 01:21:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bubbles has been with us for two weeks and I've noticed tht a patch of hair about the size of a quarter in gone, the skin is pink with what looks like a small blot of blood on it. Advice.

2007-01-29 01:05:29 · 9 answers · asked by Emerald Jones 5

2007-01-29 00:46:03 · 9 answers · asked by Tara F 1

Saturday morning when I checked on the cat, I saw a stain on the rug. It appeared to be blood. But I didn't see it the night before. It was a small red stain. I don't know how it got there. I've inspected both cats twice for cuts anywhere and didn't see anything. Do you have any ideas on how it got there?

Marshall seems to be less active and eating a lot, and drink a bit of water. He seems to be gaining weight. I don't want him to get fat. Wylie seems to be fine. Is there any way to put him on a diet, while give the same cat food to Wylie? Did stress make him that way? How do I get him to be more active to lose weight?

2007-01-29 00:24:29 · 12 answers · asked by Kristen H 6

Every morning about 2am my 8mth kitten wakes me up by fealing the need to sleep on my head. She either lays right down or needs at my face or neck w/her little sharp claws. i can toss her to the foot of the bed where the other cat is but she keeps coming back. because of my daughter i can not lock her out of our room. if people sleep over i find her locked in te bathroom in the morn.

2007-01-29 00:11:23 · 8 answers · asked by Crystal S 2

I have to be careful to not let any important paper be where whe can get them. She doesn't eat it that often she just tears it up. Anyone have any idea of how to stop her.

2007-01-29 00:04:32 · 17 answers · asked by Katrina M 1

should i buy her a computer? I keep thinking she is trying to give me a hint or something.. And if so, what brand and what size? I recently bought her a slip and slide for the garden but she got really scared of the water and she scratched the plasic... I don't want her to ruin her new present.

2007-01-28 23:09:31 · 11 answers · asked by calista_lachapelle 2


Thanks to everyone for your comments on last question. She has been to the vets, checked over and been given Frontline to kill the ticks (which are dying and falling out)

The only thing is, ive noticed wherever she has been sitting there are little tiny spots of what looks like blood. What is it? Is it something to do with the ticks dying?

2007-01-28 23:04:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

no silly replys please as im scared, hes freaking me out. why is he doing it.

2007-01-28 23:00:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

are they going to be freaked out? will they settle ok? what can i do to help them settle in and how long will it take. these are indoor cats only.

2007-01-28 22:21:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is almost all white with the exception of a greyish brown mask , with a really bushy tail , almost like a squirrel's tail. He already weighs about 15 pounds and has the sweetest and most affectionate personality. He is just stunning. Does anyone have any ideas how we could get him in commercials??

2007-01-28 22:08:54 · 4 answers · asked by ssmithblueskies 2

when my g/f or her daugter walks in the room she acts like she hates me and hisses at me but when were alone in the house she wants me too scratch her stomach and back and she lays on me and with me in bed but when everyone gets home she starts hissing and acting like i was beating her to death?? whats her prob.

2007-01-28 21:09:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

like she wasnt doing nothing and looks at you like "well how did i get in here" and meows realy loud as if to say i "swear i wasnt drinking from the faucet" why would she do that?

2007-01-28 21:06:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems as though my female cat is having trouble peeing. i dont know for sure but Im getting worried. Twice now she has gone to the litter box and sat there with her tail up, for like 10 minutes and when she leaves theres only 1 or 2 drops. She doesnt seem to be in any pain, and shes acting her normal self, but Im worried. Advice please? Could it be anything besides UT?

2007-01-28 21:05:50 · 10 answers · asked by GiN 2

She is now completely naked on her belly, the insides of her hind legs and one of her toes.
There have been no changes in her diet or living arrangements and she appears to be very content and relaxed. I also own another cat who does not have this problem so it doesn't appear to be anything environmental like fleas or anything.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions.

On a side note, when I was a teen I had a different cat who, after we had her fixed also began chewing her fur off and gaining a significant amount of weight. She eventually broke herself of the chewing habit and her fur eventually grew back.

2007-01-28 20:30:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-28 19:50:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have already reported this question to Yahoo Answers as "abusive," but nothing was done about it. i'd like to know why questions like this are allowed to remain? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ajm4uwSOZqzJ14zPtMj3TC7sy6IX?qid=20070124112853AAC19kd

2007-01-28 19:04:12 · 14 answers · asked by melon_rose 2

i saw my boy trying to mate with his sister. i don't think she is in heat yet, since she doesn't have the normal characteristics( she is not howling or rubbing herself up against anything). i haven't spayed them yet because my vet told me to wait until the end of February to do it, but i think that i'll have to do it sooner now, i'm very worried about my baby girl getting pregnant. I appreciate all your answers, no rude comments please. Thank you.

2007-01-28 17:51:45 · 18 answers · asked by sony 1

cat was like no other i have seen=-short tail-but not a complete bob-maybe 4" long spotted not striped or patched looking-must have weighed 20 lbs and 'meow' was loud

2007-01-28 17:43:05 · 5 answers · asked by doggy mama 1

Please help me their is no vets open around here at the moment and my cat after being missing for just over two weeks has come home very sick, skinny and with a sore leg!!! He is hiding behind my fridge and i don't know what to do!!! I have given him a bowl of milk with an egg in it he had a tiny bit while i was pretending not to look!!!

2007-01-28 17:33:44 · 17 answers · asked by bec 5

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