I'm 12 years old and here's the story.
When I was 5 the orthodontist started expanding my upper jaw, then stopped when I was about 6. I got a bottom expander a LONG time ago (3rd grade, I beleive) that I don't even notice anymore. I got top and bottom braces in the beginning of 4th grade, had them for about 6 months. Maybe thats when I got the expander. But then again, maybe it's a retainer. It's just a wire that loops around the back of me lower teeth, then connects in the back. You can't see it when i smile or anything. Well, yesterday, I was eating those little pretzel bite things from Pretzel On A Stick. I felt something hard and I thought it was the loose tooth that I had on my right side. However, I felt and it was still there, so i assumed it was a peice of salt. When my friend and I got to the gym. I was using my tounge to feel around my mouth for some reason. I felt a somewhat jagged adge and looked in the mirror. My tooth had a HUGE chip out of it, and a crack down
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