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Health - 18 July 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

im 13 years old but i got my first period today like yestarday i got awful cramps but i decided i couldnt be getting my first period because my body isnt that devolped...i mean my breast r really small like size AA maybe less my hips r not round but i have pubic hair sooo how could i get my period when im not devolped yet???

2007-07-18 03:05:09 · 8 answers · asked by **chocolate** 1 in Women's Health

what are some tips and things that i can do to help me fall asleep, like i heard that if u rub the temples of ur head in a circular motion one way like fourty times then do it the other way, it can help ur brain relax, any other tips like that or suggestions?

2007-07-18 03:03:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I have two kittens and did not suffer from allergies until i bathed them (they are now shedding). Its been days and I cant stop sneezing but I cant begin to think of giving them away. Is there any way my body will build some type of immunity to them?? ?

2007-07-18 03:02:39 · 5 answers · asked by ThinkTink 2 in Allergies

I've had my period for 6 days now, today is the 6th day. This is about my 5th time having my period. Anyway, today is my 6th day and this morning when I wiped there was nothing then a little bit later it started coming out, but there's not alot. It's only a little bit. Do you know when this is going to end, and is this normal?

2007-07-18 03:02:37 · 14 answers · asked by Susan 3 in Women's Health

when you are at the beach does the water effect it at all? or is it exactly the same? should i do anything differently?

2007-07-18 03:02:27 · 5 answers · asked by kels21333 1 in Women's Health

She just ate canned tuna fish that had been sitting out about 12 hours. I caught her in time, so she only had a little. Should I take her to the E.R. now or wait to see if she gets sick? I am freaking out!

2007-07-18 03:02:20 · 4 answers · asked by deva s 3 in First Aid

Ok i got answers saying that i was throwing that bile cause i wasnt eating!!! i eat everyday .. i love food... ha ha and the night before i had ate Boat n Net ...So if i took a prego test and it came out negative and i didnt throw up cause im starving myself what else can it be ??

2007-07-18 03:01:43 · 2 answers · asked by ginamommygarcia 1 in Women's Health

I get depressed easily...?

I have just entered a new town to complete my graduation...staying in a hostel I really don't know anyone around there and the few friends I have are frm college and moreoever I am a shy person and it takes me time to get used to new people...I feel like a total outsider frankly.

2007-07-18 03:01:27 · 16 answers · asked by neo_12212002 2 in Mental Health

what foods can i eat that doesn't make me fat??? aside from vegetables.. any suggestions??

2007-07-18 03:00:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I have never had the desire for kids. My husband feels the same way. Why do people force their tired oppinionated argument that i have to have one? No one listens when I speak or give my reasons? Leave it alone already!!

2007-07-18 03:00:43 · 19 answers · asked by Danielle 2 in Diet & Fitness

the first day of my last period was june 28th. my cycle is very regular and i had unprotected sex with my fiance july 15th. was i most likely ovulating then? i cant figure it out. what are my chances or being pregnant if i was?

2007-07-18 02:59:15 · 8 answers · asked by jnnybartos 2 in Women's Health

Before I go on an interview, I get very nervous, and I feel worthless. I feel like I cant do a job, especially when they pay alot of money, I feel like i dont deserve it. I really freak out and when the day of the interview comes, I try to be pleasant, but Im sure I look nervous. I never really know wat to say. Can anyone help me plz?? How do i leave the anxiety behind, and ACT the part?

2007-07-18 02:56:26 · 5 answers · asked by J. Lee 3 in Mental Health

two weeks ago I thought I was pregnant because I'm feeling dizzy and I'm getting hungry now and then, on the 16th I saw my period, I went to the Doctor he made urine test for pregnancy, sonar and check my sugar level, no pregnancy and my sugar level is normal I still feel dizzy. I thought I am pregnant because I have pregnancy signs like my breast they look bigger, I'm not sure about the skin but it looked changed as well and my left leg is painfull please help.

2007-07-18 02:54:32 · 5 answers · asked by slander 1 in Diabetes

No matter how much you wash, no matter how clean you are, you can always wipe behind your ear and whatever comes from back there smells!

2007-07-18 02:54:11 · 7 answers · asked by Rick 4 in Other - Health

2007-07-18 02:51:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Okay, here's the question.Please take no offense. I'm absolutely looking for an answer just out of curiosity:

I know that people in many countries wipe themselves after pooping, its actually washing with water in many asian countries. I find the western system gross and I think its not hard to have water in toilets, and this have raised some questions for me:

1) Doesn't the trash that holds all the dirty handkerchiefs smell or look gross in the bathroom?
2) Don't people smell? I know they shower everyday, but what if they poop in the middle of the day? Won't they smell when they make love?
3) Whats wrong with having water in the bathroom? What does west have against this "water" culture?
4) how come people are not infected with diseases? Isn't that a risk for women?

2007-07-18 02:51:36 · 12 answers · asked by Rachel 3 in Other - Health

2007-07-18 02:50:18 · 10 answers · asked by patrick o 2 in Diabetes

He is the type that is VERY deceiving and angry.He is very jealous and controlling over everyone.He can manipulate very easily and if he can not get you to go with his ideas then he will literally attack you verbally or psyhically.He is very into himself almost like he feels he is God and knowone can oppose him and heaven forbid you do.He has since the beginning of him and my mothers relationship tried to isolate her from me and my sisters.It's almost as if he is jealous of us for some reason unknown to me.He has tried to litterally replace us in her life telling my mom that since I am gone she can take my best friend on like she's her daughter.Every friendship they make with people is great and wonderful at first and then all of a sudden the friend is like the "antichrist" to them.They become the worst person in the world.He is also VERY vindictive and volitile when he turns.It has been a theory that my mom has border line personality, but I am interested to know what his disorder is.

2007-07-18 02:50:16 · 6 answers · asked by Amber 3 in Mental Health

What can I do? Everytime I'm taking classes that are not that easy I get these symptoms. I can't calm down enough to study my books. It really sucks. How to relieve pressure?

2007-07-18 02:49:04 · 5 answers · asked by Pie 3 in Mental Health

2007-07-18 02:47:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

i had a ct scan done almost 2 months ago for a pain in my lower right abdomen (which i thought could be appendicitis) but it came out as a normal study.....2 days later i was having tight pains in my chest and my left arm was numb for a little while...i started feeling like i was going to die and my breathing was a little short plus i was having heartburn symptoms also....my bro, which is a chiropractor, thought i was just having a panic attack....i have now been having small , weak pains every now and then on my left side on the pec area plus been under a lot of depression and stress about this....i went to an internist and had an ekg done (which was normal), cholesterol test (which was normal), bp was 128/70, and heart rate was normal.....the doc said i was too young too be having heart problems and thought it was stress related.....ive also been seein a chiropractor and gettin reg adjustments bc i have sublexation on my thoracic area and cervical area....whats the deal???

2007-07-18 02:44:03 · 3 answers · asked by that guy 1 in Heart Diseases

2007-07-18 02:42:59 · 8 answers · asked by moldey f bababy 1 in Diet & Fitness

I am a 25 year old female who's 5'7''

2007-07-18 02:41:57 · 9 answers · asked by 3 in Diet & Fitness

My files are spread between 5 different doctors at 2 different hospitals and one GP's surgery. And not one of them can tell me what's wrong with me. (I managed to guess that I have a problem with my immune system.) So how can I get my hands on 'em and read for myself?
(Live in England, by the way...)

2007-07-18 02:38:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

Or what is their problem??

1. Even in their mid twenties whenever they get in a fight with a friend, they call the friend's mother and apologize.
2. They defend even the bad people(for example Hitler) and put down the victims, even if the victim is their friend.
3. Thinks that someone who is smart and brilliant acts like a little kid and knows nothing, treats them like a stupid retarded kid, no matter how old that person is.
4. When their roommate waits outside for a ride, they stare at the roommate and stand out the door until they leave.
5. They watch cartoons and animated movies and talk in movie theatres, and laugh at situations that are clearly not funny.

2007-07-18 02:37:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I am 12 and 5"1 and a half and I weigh 140 pounds. Am I fat????

2007-07-18 02:36:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

2007-07-18 02:36:31 · 4 answers · asked by Scotty Doesnt Know 7 in Other - Health

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