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Heart Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Heart Diseases

thank you everybody for the help

2007-12-31 12:39:33 · 8 answers · asked by horace 1

my blood pressure is 220/115 is this normal

2007-12-31 12:17:19 · 14 answers · asked by horace 1

How does blood pressure affect dysfunction?

2007-12-31 08:18:35 · 5 answers · asked by TB 3

2007-12-31 04:49:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-31 02:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by shai l 1

The report states:
Chest two views. The heart is enlarged. The lungs are clear at this time.
IMPRESSION: No active pulmonary disease. cardiomegally

2007-12-30 22:35:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes I know alot of you have seen my questions and all they are about is worrying & heart disease but I have a big case of anxiety since Feb 06 so now I'm suffering, worrying and thinking.

Why or why not, can worrying cause heart disease?

- Anxiety Nerd who NEEDS help :(

2007-12-30 10:28:50 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Innocence♥ 1

is 35mg 12% cholesterol bad to eat when you have high cholesterol

2007-12-30 09:32:48 · 2 answers · asked by Spoken_Truth 3

Is it a sign of a pending heart attack or just a message from the body telling you to exercise more, quit smoking, and watch the caffeine intake? I ask this because my best friend gets flutters and irregular heartbeats from time to time and she's too paranoid to go to a doctor. Thanks!

2007-12-30 08:49:31 · 11 answers · asked by Marina 7

I'm a 61 yr old female admitted to the hospital with chest pains. Ekg, cardiac enzymes were normal initially, the only concern was my electrolytes, potassium and magnesium levels were low. Four hours later, my troponin levels became elevated and continued to rise. A cardiac catherization was performed, which showed no blockages or heart damage, I was dischaged. 10 days later, the chest pains returned, I was seen in the E.R, my troponin level climbed to 11. I was dischaged with a level of 10. The next day I had a stress test, which was normal. My doctor told me that if I hadn't passed the stress test, they would have done another catherization.
I am scheduled for an echocardiogram and holter monitor in 3 weeks. Has anyone has a similar problem? Please let me know.

2007-12-30 08:44:01 · 1 answers · asked by confused 1

My blood pressure is 175 over 103 and I think the biggest culprits are salt and alcohol. I f I give up booxe and cut right down on salt how long will it take for my blood pressure to come down?. Can I expect it to come down straight away, well, after say aweek of giving up the booze?. Thanks. Also are there any effective alternetive remedies I could try to help. Again thanks.

2007-12-30 06:35:25 · 16 answers · asked by dobbinesque 2

5. A 45-year-old man who has had a myocardial infarction is found to have a serum cholestrol of 6.4 mmmol/l.His triglycerides are normal and the LDL cholestrol is the fraction raised.He is given a low-cholestrol diet but his serum cholestrol does not improve over the next three months.Will lowering the patient’s serum cholestrol substantially reduce the risk of further episodes of ischaemic heart disease?

2007-12-30 04:32:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can a cardiac event monitor show false bradycardia? It shows the pulse rate on the machine, and everytime id look, it would be like 40s-50's and even 30s upon waking. Can those machines show false bradycardia?

2007-12-29 17:17:23 · 4 answers · asked by Trinity 1

Occasionally the veins in my hands and wrists appear larger than normal. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant, so I know how to take BP, but unfortunately I do not have a cuff at home. My pulse is normal, around 80-85 BPM. I get headaches upon awaking nearly every morning, but it has been like that for many years. I only get nosebleeds when I have a cold. I last had my BP measured a couple months ago, and it was 110/70 (which is normal for me; I tend to run on the low side.)

However, my father has hypertension, so I'm afraid that I may be starting to develop it. I recently got the Lupron Depot shot to control my endometriosis, and prior to that I was on OCPs. I am only 17 years old, I have never smoked, I am borderline overweight, I have never consumed alcohol, and I have moderate salt intake.

Could the "puffier" appearance of my veins be a sign of hypertension?

2007-12-29 12:34:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the requirements to donate a heart to an adult, to a kid?

2007-12-29 05:55:39 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2


2007-12-29 02:37:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

cause i think i don't see her anymore on the movies and tv series

2007-12-29 02:13:17 · 1 answers · asked by ocelot 1

serious answers please yesterday about 4/30 i felt all funy and my head had a fuzy felling then my right arm and hand want heavy and pins and needles in my fingers after a min or 2 my leg became and i could not walk un aded my husband gave me a solubal asprin and phoned the doc surgery and they said to phone an ambulance buy as i did not feel pain only a tightness in my jaw and throat i would give it time to see how i went and after about an hour my feelings came back to normal and although i was a little frightened to go to bed to sleep i feel fine this morning except for a little tingling in my toungis it posable i have had a very mild stroak and other than stop smoking is there anything i should do so i will not have this experance again as it was a but frightening

2007-12-28 22:24:31 · 19 answers · asked by stirling silver 3

I come from a long history of CAD sufferers. I am 25, and just had a complete cardiac workup (echo, 24 holter, 3 ekgs, 3 blood tests in 3 days, and a week of telemetry) due to my hr dropping to 39 bpm on a event recorder. They found that my heart goes fast at times, but nothing to worry about right now.

However, for weeks, no months, I have been getting a slight sharp chest pain on the left side above my breast. Doctors dont know what it could be, and do not want to do an angiogram because everything else looks good. I have slight MVP with slight regurgitation.

Does anyone know what can cause like a stabbing chest pain?

2007-12-28 15:57:00 · 9 answers · asked by spadesbunnee 1

I had a pacemaker implanted because my heart rate was irregular and in the low 30's I was experiencing chest pain, dizziness, etc. Two days ago I started experiencing the same symptoms, my blood pressure is way too high even with my med and I'm waiting on a call from my doctor, can a pacemaker malfunction this soon?

2007-12-28 15:11:33 · 6 answers · asked by janet.marie 2

2007-12-28 13:02:25 · 4 answers · asked by Johna Angeli P 1

I mean, wouldn't your heart get the same amount of stimulation from running 100m..

can someone please explain..

2007-12-28 12:50:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have dealt with heart palpitations for 8 yrs. I am 28 now. I went to hospital overnight recently for bad palpitations that were making me sweat. My chest x-ray was negative, echocardiogram-negative, catscan-negative, thyroid test-negative, and all bloodwork was negative except for my troponin level. It was a .11 and that is why they admitted me. They kept me for a day for observation and my heart rhythm was fine. I had a few pvc's they seen but "nothing to worry about" they said. Anyway, I was discharged with no answer to my raised troponin enzyme. It was a .9 when I left. I am now on 25mg lopressor 2x daily. The doctor says he believes nothing its wrong with my heart, but everything I have read suggests any raise in troponin signifies a heart injury. I am going crazy wondering if something is wrong with me. I see my doctor this coming Friday for follow up. I am going to demand seeing a cardiologist. Anyone ever have a similar problem??? Thanks in advance!

2007-12-28 11:25:27 · 7 answers · asked by hbrianna79 1

How to keep the heartbeat little highter? is heart beat 55 is too low?

2007-12-28 11:02:19 · 4 answers · asked by sska 1

I have slight high blood pressure and was prescribed to take Pfizer Norvasc 5mg per day. I found myself loosing weight recently after almost 9 months taking the medication. Does the medication cause the weight loosing? If yes, how to treat it?

2007-12-28 10:06:15 · 25 answers · asked by TBT 7

I just got my blood work testing back and they confirmed that I have SKY HIGH cholesterol....any tips to get that down...plz

2007-12-28 08:18:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister has told me about two episodes of severe chest pain, accompanied by breathlessness, sweating and then vomiting. As a nurse I think this sounds like classical heart attack symptoms. However, she has seen her doctor and despite all kinds of tests no heart problem has been detected. She is 58, slim, healthy and young for her age. I am very worried about this, could it be something other than a heart attack?

2007-12-28 08:05:26 · 8 answers · asked by ziggy 2

ok once i got real scared and my heart beat really fast ... fast as anything about 5 beats befor yours could beat once im just wondering will this effect me later are give me problems im really scared please him me please i dont wanna die i wanna live alife am i at risc of a heart attack now? help me tel me

2007-12-28 08:02:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I am a smoker and latly i havent been able to breath very much. I dont know what that means but can someone help me and tell me what is wrong with me.PLEASE

2007-12-28 04:36:12 · 6 answers · asked by 2sue2 1

My mother is 46, and in April, she was having sever chest pain and her face was always so red. She went to the hospital, they did cardiac cath the next day and told her she needed bypass surgery. Five days later they did the surgery, quadruple bypass, and all was well until last September. She had a mild heart attack. They did an angiogram, put stents in, and she had a TIA(went blind for 11 hours and cant really remember much). The doctor told her she had diseased arteries and that the one(s)(not sure if they did more than one) they fixed was narrowed.

So far. all is well. Shes doing cardiac rehab, and feels a bit fine.

Does anyone know the prognosis after byoass and then angioplasty?

2007-12-27 18:23:19 · 2 answers · asked by spadesbunnee 1