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[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

its like last time one month i didn't like the way the psyctrist talked to my dad abt me and my dad was bit too much annoying too abt my last suicidal attempt.he told my doc that he should get off anti-d's its too long for last 3 yrs.my doc was also not liking supporting my views much.i stooped anti-d's a 2 weeks ago and i m doing absolutely fine execpt some suicidal thoughts.i want to go to her again bcz i can't tell her i hav stopped medicines.the difficult part is last time i did that and she was anoyed abt that.so any suggestions how to help it out?i hav fed up i changed 5 psyctrist in 3 yrs .just tell me to how to exaplin to my doc i m not taking medicines..

2007-12-31 18:47:44 · 5 answers · asked by Inam 4

What will you do differently in 2008?

Think back on 2007, what things didn't go well and how can you change them in 2008.

For example; you over spent on your credit cards. What will you do in 2008 to ensure you won't do that again?

2007-12-31 18:45:36 · 7 answers · asked by MadforMAC 7

im am freakede about the new year.. im 13 yrs old. ive never thought this before, but this year. i always have been thinking, "what if this is my last b-day?" and "what if this is my last new years celebration?" and wondering if these things will never happen to me again because im going to die or something... is this normal!!?? does anyone else think that!? i guess people say i think a little differently bc im left handed... dunno. plz tell me if this is normal or not.

2007-12-31 18:14:05 · 11 answers · asked by tarah 2

I'm 17 and I'm suffering from some really bad depression. I can't be happy about anything, and I honestly know something just isn't right with me. My parents think the whole psychiatry and medicine thing is BS, so I'm forced to deal with it on my own. I don't have anyone to talk to here, and I'm tired of not being listened to. I don't have any close friends, my parents have their own problems, and I'm in an extremely tough place. It gets harder and harder everyday to get out of bed and want to to do anything productive. I'm always tired, I eat too much and unhealthily, and my moods are always in the pits. I'm at the end of my rope and I just think I'm too young to have all of this on my shoulders. What can I do?

2007-12-31 18:05:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know its not a cure I actually have a appointment in 2 weeks ,but I'm seriously freaking out.I told the mental health nurse that I've been seeing but he said to came back in on the 14th and we would talk about a ssri.Ive been there 3 times and he keeps putting off perscibing me something,he usually only talks to me for like 10-20 min and sends me on my way with no advice no ssri no nothing he doesn't even listen to me.I don't think he takes the situation very seriously ,I've even asked to see someone else and was refused.So would I be right in asking a walk in clinic to perscibe something till the 14th?How would I even ask?Would xanax help for the time being?I know it has withdraw and isn't good for you ,but I'm seriously freaking out.I just need some help whether it be a drug a person just something.

2007-12-31 17:47:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i used to be a social butterfly who knows almost anyone in school, and could hit off well with people in less than 10 minutes. i felt so confident and positive just being in my own skin. along the way came stress and fatigue life and i started to feel happy less often, started to worry and get tensed up on minor issues, started to mind things around me, felt unnatural (detached from my surrounding) just walking in my school or along the street as i felt that peole judge me or find me weird, just forgotten how to socialise with classmates, didn't even dare to talk to them as i felt i would be unheard. why did my world change from a partying carefree place to a place that makes me so timid, shy and anti-social?

is there any problem? can someone pls explain my phenomena?

2007-12-31 17:16:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

About a year a half ago, I found a breast lump and now I have several. They don't grow very quickly though. I also have pain in my back and shoulder blades, pelvis and ribs sometimes. But then I'll go for weeks with no pain at all. My right side where my liver is hurts now and I feel like I'm getting fatter around the middle even though I don't think I've been eating more or anything.

I have 2 kids - great kids whom I love with everything I have - ages 13 and 15 and I want to live see them grow up and have children of their own, I really do. But for some reason, that doesn't seem to be enough to make me overcome my fear of hearing a doctor say I have cancer and having to be examined. I know it's stupid, but I am very modest and I hate to be touched and I'm terrified of anyone seeing me naked. I know, you're wondering how the hell I had 2 kids. Well I haven't always been like this. But anyway, what is wrong with me? Why aren't my kids enough to make me want to get treatment?

2007-12-31 17:11:37 · 9 answers · asked by Someday Soon 2

i'm sad alot of the time these days and i sometimes even cut :( i really wanna no if its depression and i cant talk to my parents coz their part of the reason i'm sad. if it is depression... is there any way i can be not depressed without getting medication from a doctor?

2007-12-31 17:11:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if i have thought of suicide several times in not to distant past (but wouldn't do it) especially when i am angry or depressed etc. should i considerhelp??? What if i keep thinking negative or hurtful things thats happened to me in the past???
help serious ppl only!!!

2007-12-31 16:06:42 · 11 answers · asked by meee 3

Last night at new years eve i was standing in the dancefloor at an outdoors concert at 12am with my family and some friends watching the fireworks and bringing in the new year.
But for some reason, all i felt was sadness.
People were dancing happily and i was standing at the edge of the dance floor. Somehow the urge to dance and laugh dissapeared. I just wanted to go home.

I have been feeling this way for about 4 months, but last night it was so obvious.

What can i do.

2007-12-31 15:52:39 · 12 answers · asked by hope 1

I've stolen make-up and a few dollars from my friend before haha..
I don't feel guilty because she's rich anyways!
Did you ever steal anything?

2007-12-31 15:45:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

during the gulf war my dad severely injured by a bomb blast, he survived but many of his friends were killed and dying around him and these last few nights he's been having very violent dreams often ending up either hitting himself or the wall and he shouts out really bad things and goes really crazy. last night i decided to go see what he was doing and he jumped up grabbed me and started shouting you ******* killed them and hit me in the head but in still in a state of dreaming. its getting worse and he is getting really depressed about it one for dreaming about his friends and 2 for hitting me.

does anyone know why these last few days hes been acting like this as it happened many years ago and how to sort it

2007-12-31 13:32:56 · 18 answers · asked by Capodastaro 5

What are some ways you cope with panic/anxiety attacks (besides meds?)

I know there's a pressure point on your wrist that's supposed to release anxiety. Is that true?

2007-12-31 13:13:20 · 13 answers · asked by Katertot 3

Is it normal to feel this way on New Year's Eve? Should I FORCE myself to go out and party?

2007-12-31 12:22:34 · 10 answers · asked by Solvinia 2

please you guys i am being so serious. i think i might be depressed, but this isn't dealing with my question. i want to know i have a purpose in life and that people care about me. right now i dont feel that AT ALL. i feel no need to explain why, bc it is alot, but i will just tell you i feel really empty inside and basically like i have no emotion. i feel numb. anyways i never really prayed and dont go to church but that doesnt mean i dont believe in God. but praying and asking God what my purpose in life is, or for him to prove i have a purpose otheriwse i feel i might do something stupid that i will regret. i kind of feel like i dont deserve to be healthy and happy. instead i should be really sick and almost dying in a hospital and see if people would actually care about me or just forget me and wouldn't even notice if i were to die. thats how i feel. im sorry if its confusing im just speaking whats in my mind. im 16. i know i should be happy w/ it being a new year but im just not..

2007-12-31 11:34:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every school night (because i am afraid i will get bags, or a bad grade) it takes me soooooo long to fall asleep, and I worry about how much sleep I will get that day, and HAVE to be laying on the couch by 6. If i dont fall asleep right away i start crying! This has been going on for 1 year and a half. I want my life back!!
I am only 13 years old
and have suffered from Anorexia


2007-12-31 11:17:14 · 7 answers · asked by liz g 2

2007-12-31 11:05:59 · 11 answers · asked by Nighthawke 5

No reason for it, nothing to be sad about.. I just can't seem to pull myself out of this... I'm tired of it! all I want to do is sleep all day, eat sometimes.. crave sweets.. I'm usually always in a good mood, but I feel like there is a heavy cloud haning over me. What should I do?

2007-12-31 10:56:46 · 9 answers · asked by jezuzgirl 4

I dont like using the word dead or died because it makes me sad. My mum..left us when I was eight. It was cancer that made her ill. I am 14 now but miss her alot. I need her right now. I live with my dad and 3 brothers. I feel really bad because she was cremated, i didn't want her cremated (even though she wanted to be.) and i didnt want her scattered (we scattered her ashes outside in the garden at the church, i wanted her kept in one place) but i guess i was too young for my voice to be heard. I need her right now. I used to cut and I have eating disorder tendencies. I have ran away once but was persuaded to come back. I wish I could die, so i try starving but end up giving in to temptation, i cut but i am scared of the pain. I just want to go outside at night and raped and battered and killed because I feel like i deserve it and that i wouldnt take the blame if i died. I am crying right now. ugh can somebody help me

2007-12-31 10:26:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm bulimic - have been for two years - and i was told that something called Ketoacidosis could happen to bulimics. what is it and how is it caused? wikipedia isnt helping much....

2007-12-31 09:40:02 · 3 answers · asked by horizon 4

So the other night I got really drunk.... I got some really bad thoughts in my head like killing people and that has never happend before.Im wondering if it had to do with the vodka and the fact that I was really annoyed . This was the 5th time I was drunk and the worst time ever. I locked myself in the bathroom. I know I am not capable of hurting someone. I just want to know why I had those horrible thoughts? I was really annoyed with everyone talking so loud I just wanted them to shut up. I couldnt even move without throwing up and I dont want to drink like that ever again.... Think it was cause I was annoyed and I was really drunk? I dont drink a lot though and whenever I do I try to control it but I guess I couldnt that night. Has anyone ever had thoughts like this when you were drunk? anything similar?
Thank you.

2007-12-31 09:37:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-31 08:58:37 · 9 answers · asked by southernvixin00 4

2007-12-31 08:37:44 · 12 answers · asked by Travis C 1

Alright I truly love the sport of wrestling and all but for some reason during the season I get really depressed, anxious, jumpy, and sour in the stomach. Usually before Saturday (when tournaments are) I get nervous which is normal probably from the competition. But I will get sweaty in the palms just doing nothing.

And about the depression. It strikes randomly but often enough during season that I know its coming from wrestling. I get terribly depressed and feel almost worthless in the world. Very rarely do thoughts of suicide come up but they have once in awhile.

It's not from cutting weight. I've only had to really cut weight badly once for alpha weigh ins and I made sure to start early so it wasn't a problem. I'm not the best wrestler on the team but I'm almost not the worst. Could it be my average performance, despite my work in the summer that brings me down? Or is it from the stresses of a long practice and such. Has anyone felt this before? Could it be hormonal?

2007-12-31 08:14:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyother man had a sexual dream about another man

2007-12-31 08:08:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I don't think I look good I don't go out, and I'm constantly looking in mirrors and stuff

I wish I wasn't like this- people go on about it all the time but I can't help it.

I want a cure that doesn't make me uglier?

2007-12-31 07:52:40 · 11 answers · asked by Woodle 3

ok im a gr12 student, i am very moody, im depressed most of the time, and have most of the symptoms of serotnin deficiency, i dont want to take emds yet and my doctor said i should see a psychologist, but the earliest date is feb 15. and i really wanted to change this christmas break, by being a happier, more positive person whos moods dont affect his work and such. i want to be a better person to be around, i want to speak more(im quiet) and be a better person in general.. how can i acompolish this? i was really depending on the psychologist but thats out for atleast a month and i REALLY want to change, i have like 7 days left, what can i do for the enxt 7 days to really change my wholeself, i kno ppl say 'be yourself' but i dont like myself so IM GOING TO CHANGE, i want to be the highlight of peoples day :D ive already begun to change and ive been doing better actually, but i kno im not there yet and for the next 7 days i want 2 finish this up! anyways any tips please??

2007-12-31 07:16:56 · 17 answers · asked by John 1

i recently found out i am a compulsive liar. it has ruined my relationship to hell. i care about my boyfriend more than anything in the entire world but i know if i keep lying; things wont ever work out. I WANT TO CHANGE and quit lying. he always knows the truth about everything. someone please tell me what i can do to change.

2007-12-31 07:02:56 · 3 answers · asked by regina. 1