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its like last time one month i didn't like the way the psyctrist talked to my dad abt me and my dad was bit too much annoying too abt my last suicidal attempt.he told my doc that he should get off anti-d's its too long for last 3 yrs.my doc was also not liking supporting my views much.i stooped anti-d's a 2 weeks ago and i m doing absolutely fine execpt some suicidal thoughts.i want to go to her again bcz i can't tell her i hav stopped medicines.the difficult part is last time i did that and she was anoyed abt that.so any suggestions how to help it out?i hav fed up i changed 5 psyctrist in 3 yrs .just tell me to how to exaplin to my doc i m not taking medicines..

2007-12-31 18:47:44 · 5 answers · asked by Inam 4 in Health Mental Health

5 answers

B**** at your psychiatrist. That's what I did, and he just leaves me alone. But you know what's funny? The anti-depressants he subscribed me were proven to increase your suicidal thoughts. Huh.

But the best thing is not to go to a psychiatrist at all, I believe. They just give you more stress. If anything, just go to a counselor, or don't go to anything at all.

(To the person above.)

"Learned Optimism"? Please. You may be able to learn it, but that doesn't mean that you'll go all prancing around happy everywhere. There are people who go through some tough ****, and just aren't able to look at the brighter side of life, no matter how much they try. Maybe you were able to turn your life around after you husband killed your family, etc or whatever, but that doesn't mean that everyone can.

And please, don't kill yourself. That's one of the most stupidest things you could ever do. What's so bad about life that you think that you just have to end it? Try going to activities (volunteering, etc.) or get a time consuming job, and make yourself too busy to even think of committing suicide.

2007-12-31 20:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you need your meds. You don't seem to be the best judge of whether you need your meds or not, because you say you're fine except for suicidal thoughts. So, you just go in and tell your doc you're not taking your meds. You're not the first patient to say this. You can even say everything you said here: honesty is your best bet right now. If you want help with being depressed, try reading Dr. Martin Seligman on "Learned Optimism" -- that might really help you.

2008-01-01 04:27:21 · answer #2 · answered by Katherine W 7 · 0 0

Please don't stop taking your medication on your own. No matter how much you don't like your therapist, she needs to know this so that you can be weaned off medication. You can always try a new therapist. Just think, have you met 5 people in the past 3 years that you would feel comfortable telling your deepest secrets to? Probably not. Keep looking and you might find someone who is very beneficial for you. Good luck :-)

2008-01-01 03:47:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yeah so my personal experience with my son and his psychiatrist (my son is adhd) is that he doesnt like her. he hasnt liked any of them. you really should put more effort into being happy instead of disliking people tryin to help you. if you are having suicidal thoughts then you should not stop taking your medicine. thats just common sense. i mean if your not gonna take the meds then why waste your parents money by going to the doctor in the first place. those visits arent cheap and i dont know about your parents but i work too hard for my money for my kids to waste it.

2008-01-01 03:02:57 · answer #4 · answered by ~bashyful~ 2 · 0 0

You know, if you put as much time in make yourself feel better as you did wondering about your meds, you'd be better off. The truth is (and I've been suicidal and hospitalized too) you make your own happiness. A pill and a psy won't do it. You need to take control of your life and your emotions. Be strong, take charge of your life. Happiness is a state of mind and thats all it will ever be. Don't wait for it, go and get it. Thats the only way to get out of your rut.

2008-01-01 02:55:32 · answer #5 · answered by Maria 2 · 0 0