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Health - 18 May 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

My father in law recently was diagnoised with lung cancer. He has two growths in his lower left lung. The size is small, one is 7 mm and the other is 12 mm. he hasn't smoked in 5 yrs or more. What are his chances of full recovery?

2007-05-18 06:14:59 · 11 answers · asked by DAZEDANDCONFUSED 1 in Cancer

how much % is ur chance for something to hapen using the "withdrawl" method? srry cant spell lol

2007-05-18 06:14:02 · 2 answers · asked by ƪ♥ᴀᴀᴙᴓɳ 3 in Other - Health

I have been getting these now and then for many years, lately it's been a couple a month. It's a pimple like spot on my inner labia. Never anywhere else. I get one at a time. It's small, painful, and hard like a pimple. Sometimes I can get it to pop like a pimple. Just recently my BF showed me a spot he had on his penis. I have looked and looked on the internet but can't find anything that fits the description. Does anyone have an idea?

2007-05-18 06:13:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

i wanna know cuz, im not fat im jus trying to trim down my chubby stomach.
me... im lazy... and wanna know if there is n-e easy diets or exercise plans that i could go on. if so please tell me...!!

2007-05-18 06:12:42 · 32 answers · asked by KK 1 in Diet & Fitness

I know a person who has bone spurs on both heels of his feet and he now has another bone spur coming in on his left heel, besides the one that is already there. He gets frequent cortisone injections in the heels so he is able to walk and get around because the heels become so inflamed and full of inflammation. Is it possible that bone spurs can grow again after surgery to remove them? What's the point in having surgery to remove them if they can grow back and here you go again with the same problem? My friends doctor told me he only does surgery on bone spurs as a last resort before everything else fails. Thanks for the answers on this issue.

2007-05-18 06:12:11 · 2 answers · asked by PsychoSam 2 in Other - Diseases

Yeah please don't post something like I don't know I will stalk yoy u and kill.

2007-05-18 06:10:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

2007-05-18 06:09:32 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

Okay im way too skinny and please dont tell me im not because i know i am and i play contact sports so i need to beef up..im 17 and 6ft and 1-2inches..and i weigh 140..ive been trying to gain weight but ive actually lost like 10pounds in the 1-2months..whats going on?? i try to eat whenever i get the chance but its hard sometimes with school and after school stuff..whats the best stuff for me to eat or buy or whatever i just really need help..main problem is my family is kinda big so theres so much 'lean' fat free food all over the house and we dont even have that much food anyway..im in the process of making eggs right now then im going work out because i heard thats good but i need some more ideas!!

2007-05-18 06:07:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

There is one that is supposed to block the part of the brain that craves nicotine. This drug does not have nicotine in it. Does anyone know which one this is?

2007-05-18 06:04:49 · 11 answers · asked by skycat 5 in Other - Health

one month ago i was 158 pounds so far I lost 14 pounds i use to be 125 .I exercise everyday and iam dieting.

2007-05-18 06:04:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Its only just started. I have been getting headaches at the top of my head/ temples for about a week or two. Went to my doctor, she said it was ok and my blood pressure was fine too. But now the teeth on the right side of my face are feeling achey, and then a bit numb alternatively, kind of in the roots, and theres a really warm sensation spreading up the right side of my face, and it also feels a bit numb. I'm a bit worried, and I don't think my doctor really took my worries into consideration, so any opinions/ideas would be appreciated.

I'm 14 if that helps

2007-05-18 06:03:41 · 12 answers · asked by cmrl 2 in Other - General Health Care

I've been feeling very odd lately, my hands and feet are always really cold, when I stand up I get dizzy, and my vision will sometimes blur for a second, but A few days ago it started getting worse my if I cross my legs or bend them my feet will turn a darker color its starting to scare me,but Idon't know what to do.

This morning I was on the computer and I was leaning on my arm, it felt strange so I stifted my wieght ,then i looked back at the computer screen and for some reason I couldn't read, it was like i was reading in slow motion monotone but i couldn't understand or remember anything I tryed to read, I grabbed the closest book to me and it was the same way..

Does anyone know what can cause this, it's very scary, im 22 and a female. I don't smoke or do drugs.

2007-05-18 06:03:03 · 5 answers · asked by enigma 4 in Other - Health

How do you encourage someone who has not only just been diagnosed with aggressive cancer, but who has been told she can only hope to add a few years to her life... but not be completely cured of the cancer?

I plan to be there for her and encourage her as much as possible, but I just want to know what things either help you or helped you to keep going... what was something that helped you through the chemo and many doctor visits... ?

I know I am selfish in that I want her to be around as long as possible, as she is my friend.

2007-05-18 06:02:03 · 6 answers · asked by scruffycat 7 in Cancer

ok.. i have worked out pretty much my whole life.. well since i was in high school...
i just recently have been going to the gym and doing 30 min of cardio and lifting light weights and lots or repetitions....(doing this about a month)

I am also eating 5-6 small healthy meals a day...

However, despite all of this, i feel like im getting bigger...my jeans are tighter...andits really depressing b/c i am working so hard...

Any reasons why i am getting bigger.... please help

2007-05-18 06:00:13 · 11 answers · asked by blazn80mph 2 in Diet & Fitness


I am 14 year old male and I want to loose about a stone and a half in 8 weeks for my holiday and also for general health. I currently weigh 10st and 4 pounds and I am about 5ft 3 tall. I eat what my mum makes me and its always healthy stuff. The thing is I cant get motivated to exercise and not to snack. What can I do?

2007-05-18 05:59:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I clean all the time, My kids are sick with asthma, upper respitory problems, nose bleeds, and these things have never happend before I moved into this apartment. I'm very concerned and my landlord does not seem to care

2007-05-18 05:51:45 · 12 answers · asked by Chenelle G 1 in Allergies

But checking the internet I discover that all mole cancers are melanoma (which is serious). Can anyone explain this conflict?

2007-05-18 05:43:32 · 7 answers · asked by django 1 in Cancer

I was looking up previous Q&A on Paxil side effects... withdrawals, excessive weight gain, all of which sounds like a terrible nightmare!! I have realized that I have pretty bad anxiety, I get killer migraines, jitters, my heart races so fast it makes me wanna throw up. hard time falling asleep, hard time concentrating, always very anxious, ect. and reading these answers made me feel even more anxious and nervous. My doc just prescribed me to the generic version of Paxil and I took my first pill yesterday, I have been trying to lose weight which has worked (I recently lost 10lbs) and I really am afraid to gain any. I know meds affect everyone one differently, but I really feel I need some more advice on this here. What do I do? The withdrawals seem to be just retched from what I have read. Is it worth it to try? It seems like a lose lose situation.

2007-05-18 05:42:21 · 15 answers · asked by sweetme 3 in Mental Health

well does it?

2007-05-18 05:37:39 · 7 answers · asked by unknownbastard2007 2 in Dental

I recently had shoulder surgery. My doctor has me taking 10/650 of vicodin every 4 hours...in additon to soma. This seems like a very high dosage to take so often...and I'm still in pain. Any comments?

2007-05-18 05:35:18 · 9 answers · asked by 2 cents 5 in Pain & Pain Management

please someone help!!??

2007-05-18 05:32:05 · 7 answers · asked by wonderfully_regretful 1 in Diet & Fitness

am i supposed to have sharp pains in my ovaries from taking birth control.... i also bleed like 3 weeks every month......

2007-05-18 05:31:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

2007-05-18 05:29:40 · 3 answers · asked by katy 1 in Cancer

I am having a biospy of a soft tissue mass (on the back of knee) next week. How long does it take before they will know if it cancerous? It is a CT guided biopsy. If anyone could explain how the biopsy is done that would be great too! I would like to go in there a little prepared. Thanks!!

2007-05-18 05:29:00 · 1 answers · asked by bodmodangel 6 in Other - Diseases

Okay, I'm 14 years old and im at a healthy weight and a healthy height according to my BMI and everyone tells me I look good. I have started all the signs of puberty... EXCEPT breast development. I have what they call "buds"....im as flat as a board and it sucks!!! All my friends have already had thir periods and they have boobs....not all of them have big ones...but i don't have ANY! I have had discharge for like...over a year already!!!! But no period!!!! Is this healthy?

2007-05-18 05:26:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

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