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Health - 6 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I lost 70 lbs in the last year through illness. I was morbidly obese. I am still overweight, but not nearly so.
My problem is that I had some surgery, lost all that weight without excercise and now I have a saggy pouch like a kangaroo. My tummy is the only part of me that still looks fat. I can not afford cosmetic surgery as I am on medical pension, so I need alternative advice.

2006-12-06 21:31:33 · 44 answers · asked by Banting B 2 in Diet & Fitness

2006-12-06 21:30:07 · 7 answers · asked by ezzidin h 1 in Men's Health

I could give a lot more detail to my life. But let's just say yesterday I was fine and then suddenly today I just felt so down. Don't feel like doing anything. I think I want to be alone.

Has anyone else felt like this? What do you suggest doing?


2006-12-06 21:28:04 · 13 answers · asked by kitkarter 1 in Mental Health

Iam on methadone but prefer not to tell dentist so is it better i dont take it on the day of my sedation.

2006-12-06 21:24:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

my grandmother said that i caught it when i went outside with no coat on but i said you can only catch hyperthermer etc like that an not a cold you would need to be around the virus 4 that 2 happen am i right?

2006-12-06 21:22:07 · 18 answers · asked by mriee 3 in Infectious Diseases

*i am in my 9th pack of birth control.
*i used to be extremely regular before.
*my doctor told me i will be irregular while my body adjusts to the pill, and i might miss periods or get some that last a little longer.
*i had been having periods lasted 3 to 4 days
*last time i skipped one period, and now i started this period a week early and have been bleeding since.
***i am on the 13th day of bleeding, and it has not stopped yet!!!

this is very annoying and worries me a lot!!!

have you experienced this before?
is this ok, should i let it go?
should i get off the pill?
(can i really store that much blood there.....?)

2006-12-06 21:19:29 · 6 answers · asked by ladra_di_fuoco 3 in Women's Health

2006-12-06 21:18:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

2006-12-06 21:18:31 · 3 answers · asked by willlovey 1 in Diet & Fitness

hi.. i m 28 yr old guy MASTRABUTING from last 10 yr, but from last 2-3 yr i am not getting perfect erection. why this happens

2006-12-06 21:18:31 · 8 answers · asked by jimmi 1 in Men's Health

Some of you are going to be immature enough to make fun of me, but this is a very serious matter. I am wondering if anyone has had or know of anyone with this problem:

I have been gaining weight like crazy. When I first realized this, it was about a year ago...and I had gained about 5 lbs in a couple of weeks. That was shocking to me, but not too tramatic. I decided to excercise a little more, adding 15 more mins to my walking per day, and 15 mins to my cardio 3 times a week. Nothing...as a matter of fact, I gained more weight. My diet never changed for the worse. I did not eat anymore nor did I eat anything unhealthy. BUT, I decided to cut the carbs almost completely and increased cardio by 5 more mins 3 times per week, leaving my walking the same. Still I gained. I thought I was pregnant...(missed my cycle), and wasn't. I have continued to gain. I have gained a LOT in the last yr, and 35 lbs since Sept in spite of a healthy diet and regular excercise. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? HELP!!

2006-12-06 21:17:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

2006-12-06 21:15:08 · 13 answers · asked by Kritika K 1 in STDs

everytime i go public places or other people house to have meal i will feel headaches dizzy and nausea sometime i will also feel like that on public transport and cars. i will feel like i cant breath. i dun feel like that when i eat at home but it happens everytime when i have my meals outside. all of a sudden i will just feel very nausea and dizzy when im in door with alot of people like cafe or foodcourt

2006-12-06 21:14:21 · 5 answers · asked by ME 4 in Other - Health

thanks so much for your answer. However she has not had it cut. It fills and drains on its own, so this tissue appeared on its own after the last drainage. If you could provide any more info I'd be so grateful since you work with a dr who deals with this directly. She says the cyst after draining becomes soft and mushy but this time there is this small thread of tissue. I guess my biggest worry due to my anxiey issues is cancer. Help ease my mind please and thank you.

2006-12-06 21:12:46 · 3 answers · asked by bmcm 1 in Women's Health

At the age of 15 I weighed about 240lbs, with a height of about 5'10".
Now 18, I'm about 6'1" weighing about 180lbs. Is it possible for a person like me, being so unfit at one point in their life, be able to aquire the athleticism of a gymnist? My dream is to be able to do flips, move, and function with a body like a gymnist, or a skilled martial artist.

2006-12-06 21:12:18 · 6 answers · asked by Ruben S 1 in Diet & Fitness

I rarely get to sleep at a decent hour. I don't drink any caffeine after 12, no sodas either, but i find myself still laying awake in bed at 4 in the morning... Any advice on falling asleep or relaxation to get tired?

2006-12-06 21:10:31 · 8 answers · asked by brookie5303 3 in Other - Diseases

2006-12-06 21:10:31 · 15 answers · asked by kuku 1 in Men's Health

I'm in the NYC metro area, but I wonder if it's worth the trouble of going somewhere else (Calif.) to get a better price. Any advice on how to find a good doc?

2006-12-06 21:09:24 · 4 answers · asked by caribeeyun 1 in Women's Health

god gave me white and beautyfeul tooth, and they are getting brown because of drinking coffee, it is to hard for me to leave it.
now i want to know how can i keep them white and still drinking coffee. what are natural products for it?
do u have any suggestion?

2006-12-06 21:08:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

2006-12-06 21:07:25 · 15 answers · asked by akash 1 in Skin Conditions

and what are the chance of someone having another seizure within the first 12 hours of being given the medication?

2006-12-06 21:07:13 · 4 answers · asked by C. M. 2 in Other - Diseases

2006-12-06 21:04:25 · 1 answers · asked by Dibyendu Bid 1 in Respiratory Diseases

2006-12-06 21:03:37 · 16 answers · asked by <3 <3 <3i know you want 2 in Diet & Fitness

2006-12-06 20:59:41 · 5 answers · asked by lokeshun u 1 in Mental Health

Where to find myself ?

2006-12-06 20:58:25 · 9 answers · asked by Sap Expert 1 in Other - Diseases

I am a registered nurse and training naturpath and herbalist, but I am stumped. My big left toe is killing me, right in the joint area, it aches at the end of the day, dull ache with some sharp stabbing pains in the joint area.It hurts and aches when I point it downwards. There dosnt appear to be any swelling or redness. Started about 7 days ago, come and goes, might be good one day and then bad the next. It started during a 3km walk the other day and I had to limp home. Strong family history of athritis and gout. I am debating if to go to the doc.. i know they are just going to say, " get some panadol". Anyone got any ideas?

2006-12-06 20:56:29 · 4 answers · asked by Emilie25 2 in Injuries

mom has a bartholin gland cyst that has fills and drains over the last 7 years. Sometimes with months assymptomatic. this last drainage left a pink thread like piece of tissue hanging from the drained cyst. she is seeing a dr next week but I'm worried. Anyone ever heard anything like this? Could it be a piece of the cyst sac? I suffer from severe anxiety and this is throwing me over the edge.

2006-12-06 20:55:08 · 1 answers · asked by bmcm 1 in Women's Health

Recently..actually these few months my socializing skills have been lowering and i dont "feel" anything whenever someone says something extremely offensive or somebody tryin to make me feel good by commenting on somthing...

is it because of maturity? or my thoughts of the world that has changed?(I can do anything in life)
has this ever happened to you in life?
what has happen to me..im beginning to worry about my brain but then again..."I Cannot feel properly?"
I am going through teen life, is this wat its supose to hapen?

2006-12-06 20:54:38 · 3 answers · asked by Val 2 in Women's Health

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