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Health - 6 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

Can eating an apple, a can of tuna(no bread), and water, while running 10 miles a day, help you lose weight fast.

2006-12-06 19:03:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

and as you eat you can feel your stomach bloat and swell. besides starving to death how can gas be controlled. seriously. something that really works. thank you

2006-12-06 19:02:43 · 6 answers · asked by rhonda3826 5 in Women's Health

I cant even look at someone with a paper cut or anything or else I feel very light headed and start to pass out. If I see someone grab someone's wrist or pull someone the same thing happens. I can't hear anyone yell like something hurts or even see a look of pain on their faces. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Or how I can make it better?

2006-12-06 19:01:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

i have a terrible pain on the left sid of my lower adomen i think it maybe my kidneys but i dont know it hurts bad everytimmmy baby leans on my pelvc or when i stand up for a period of time even when i sit it hurts. do anyone know whats going on. im 38 weeks and im scared

2006-12-06 18:58:33 · 4 answers · asked by pg#3 3 in Women's Health

im wondering why people do it. i used to actually do it, but i never knew why. i have had a rough past, ill admit that. but it was a year ago and most of the stuff i have gone through is behind me (i still think about it a lot). but i havnt done it for a long long time. i am pretty happy most of the time.
so why do people cut? and could you mabey tell me why i might have done it a while back?
and please dont call anyone or me an "emo" i almost hate that word. such a stereotype!

2006-12-06 18:54:40 · 11 answers · asked by i am the dream u r the dreamer 5 in Mental Health

my mom has a problem of bad breath and she dosen't seem to have a cure for it.she also has a problem with one of her teeth. is that responsible for this condition?

2006-12-06 18:54:33 · 19 answers · asked by arch v21 2 in Women's Health

I'm currenty on Cyclessa and i love the way my period is every month..it comes exactly the same time (to the day) and its light (lasts from tuesday to friday). I might be switching brands and possibly going to be using Levora. Will this switch effect my period in a bad way where it will be starting at different days and/or be heavier or longer? Is there a difference between switching from a desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol pill to Ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel pill? Or is there any difference between the two at all? Anyone had experience on Levora? Or experience with period changes when switching brands of birth control? Should I stick to Cyclessa? Only reason for the change is an insurance one..the Cyclessa will be a little more expensive than the Levora..(Cyclessa is $45 for 3month supply and Levora is $30 for 3 month supply)..Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2006-12-06 18:52:43 · 1 answers · asked by calichick 1 in Women's Health

What is Fatty tissue degeneration and how and how long does it become full cirrhosis and how long can someone with full blown cirrhosis live. Pls give me as much details as you can .Thanks

2006-12-06 18:52:43 · 9 answers · asked by Strotte 2 in Other - Diseases

2006-12-06 18:51:12 · 7 answers · asked by Bambi 3 in Diet & Fitness

2006-12-06 18:49:13 · 10 answers · asked by loke 1 in Women's Health

1. My mother (who I am not so close with) died, and suddenly I am filled with such pain that I scream and cry, and in my dream, I wake up screaming and crying (I think I am awake but I am not). I actually awaken in totall silence.

2. I die. Me and a friend are forced to shoot eachother to escape slow death from someone else. I awake gasping for breath.

3. I fight with a girl my age over a cell phone, then I beat her with a baseball bat and wake up right as I hit her.

My dreams all end in violence, death, and extreme emotional distress.

What could this mean?

2006-12-06 18:47:20 · 5 answers · asked by Only One of Me 1 in Mental Health

2006-12-06 18:47:15 · 4 answers · asked by d_fib_u_later 1 in Infectious Diseases

ive done bmi tests and all that i just need open honest and various opinions thank you

2006-12-06 18:40:46 · 7 answers · asked by Abercrombie_and_B!tch 1 in Diet & Fitness

I had woken up during my c-section, with my second son. This traumatized me, and to this day, I hate having to go through surgery, where they put me under.
The doctor explained to me that they had given me two different types of drugs for the surgery. One was to put me out, and the other was a muscle relaxer. Well, the drug to put me out, wore off quicker, and I was lying there, fully awake, as they were stitching me up, and I could feel everything! I was screaming and trying to move, and nothing happened. I could hear the doctors, nurses, the machines behind me, and I tell you, I fought long and hard to get someone's attention, just to feel a crushing feeling on my chest. My heart quit beating, and there was this pressure in my chest. I screamed, to myself, to "BREATHE!! BREATHE!!" and I told myself this, over and over, and I felt a tube go down my throat, and this cold air blowing in, and I started breathing again. This alarm went off, and I could hear them shuffling around! Scary!

2006-12-06 18:36:48 · 5 answers · asked by argamedius 3 in Other - General Health Care

they noticed it when they were 11 yrs old, now they r 25.

2006-12-06 18:34:24 · 8 answers · asked by sweetmaniny 2 in Other - Diseases

I've been an addict for the past four years. I've been clean since March, but i get really bad seasonal depression, and i had one slip up 2 weeks ago when it was put in front of me (i have been trying to staying away from people who use, and i have for the most part), Today i bought 3 points of gak. I quit on my own, cold turkey in March, i've never stolen anything, or lost a job to drugs. I don't look like a junkie, i have been working steadily and living on my own since i was 17 (i'm 23 now), i have always paid my bills, and i have never sold my body to get junk. Right now i have a full time job and i go to college for Graphic Design. I'm taking some coding classes (HTML) and because of my ADD, i have a really hard time focusing on coding my websites. Meth seems to be the only way that i can finish my HTML websites without getting distracted, or forgetting something and getting really confused. If anyone knows of alternative to help me concentrate i would be so grateful.

2006-12-06 18:32:37 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Mental Health

i'm 18. n my height is 5ft. i wanna be taller. how do i do that??? help!!!!!!!!

2006-12-06 18:31:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

2006-12-06 18:28:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I have it but I don't smoke.The Doctor said I have it.And I can't stop it.I'm always having trouble breathing.I constantly have mucus and I'm always spitting and I can only eat a tiny amount of food before feeling like having to puke.Any ADVICE?? it's killing ME!!

2006-12-06 18:24:28 · 12 answers · asked by Twiggy 2 in Respiratory Diseases

I got one just below my bellybutton...i thought that was a weird place...and my face is clear...

2006-12-06 18:23:11 · 19 answers · asked by latindragon23 2 in Skin Conditions

For instance, how many drops do you use in each ear? How long do you keep the oil in your ear?

Thanks in advance.

2006-12-06 18:21:50 · 3 answers · asked by Amina . 3 in Other - Health

My mother always made us rub butter or margarine on our bumps and bruises to help them heal - and it really seemed to work! I know of others who do this too - but is it just an old wives tale or is there a reason it would be useful?

2006-12-06 18:19:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

2006-12-06 18:18:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I want to use one of those home products to help whiten my teeth. I have heard that some products weaken your enamel, and although do whiten, also make your teeth sensitive. Anyone know any products that don't do that but still work?

Or any nasty ingredients to look out for?

And has anybody tried the Pearl Drops range?

2006-12-06 18:16:41 · 5 answers · asked by MissUnderstood 3 in Dental

Started with itching allover the body.Big blisters appear suddenly with pus ,pain and when pus is removed no pain.Whole family has the trouble.Water used suspected to be contaminated with fecalmatter,no internal problems.

2006-12-06 18:13:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

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