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Health - 6 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I know someone who is diabetic, but does not take good care of himself with diet, taking insulin, checking blood-sugar, etc. He claims that he can't walk or stand to well, yet I have seen with my own eyes the way he will go flying to the bathroom and back to bed, or standing for several minutes without even wabbling like he is about to fall. He can go all over town in his motorized chair, yet when he's home he acts like he can't even get a glass of water.

He's lazy and just wants attention and sympathy. He drives me up a wall with it. He is my roommate for now but I am saving up money to get my own place.

2006-12-06 18:10:30 · 5 answers · asked by Scott 2 in Other - Health

i have been diagnosed with vertigo and have been prescribed the above drug and would like to know the if there are any downsides.

2006-12-06 18:08:18 · 7 answers · asked by Bob M 1 in Other - Diseases

I just recently started taking One-A-Day Women's multi-vitamins and every day I take it, I get a sick feeling in my stomach, like I need to vomit. I used to take a different type of multi-vitamin, and haven't had this symptom in the past. I take it with food, and am not sure what causes the nausea or how to relieve it.

Has anyone had a similar experience of feeling sick after taking vitamins, or know what might cause this feeling? I am also looking for tips on how to relieve nausea.

Any helpful feedback is appreciated, thanks!

2006-12-06 18:07:24 · 9 answers · asked by sweetienat123 6 in Other - Health

2006-12-06 18:07:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

My dad woke but his clock was broken. ON his watch it was 2:00 pm. SO he thought "Oh I am so awake and had a good sleep." BTW, he slept real late like 3 am. Then he realized it was 8:30 pm and he thought "Oh, I'm so tired. I didn't sleep enough."

So tiredness IS physological? Agree?

2006-12-06 18:04:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I have been in therapy for about a year now due to a rotator cuff infringement and bicep tendonitis. I just recently had surgery, again, on my left shoulder for the tendonitis. After about three weeks healing I started therapy again, and now my right shoulder has violent popping when I lift it at about a 45 degree angle. It is such a hard pop that it noticably jerks my shoulder. It only hurts depending on the position I am in when it pops. If anyone has been through this and can give me an idea of what is wrong and how I can fix it, please help.

2006-12-06 18:03:49 · 6 answers · asked by sonny_owens 1 in Injuries

I've had something happen this past week that is causing me to stress out big time. It's over with now, but I keep have this nagging fear that something will happen again before I can get it settled. It's financial problems. My muscles are stiff, I have had a lot of headaches and I'm not sleeping right. Can anyone recomend anything natural or medical wise that can help me relax. I hear yoga is good and I try and read but sometimes that doesn't work. Are there any vitamins or medications that can help.
I'm trying to get into my doctor but can't till next week. I already have social anxiety and I'm borderline depression. I already feel like I'm going to be fully into depression if these feelings don't go away.

2006-12-06 18:02:56 · 29 answers · asked by slytherin_95 4 in Mental Health

They are 2 1/2 inches in diameter & burn when i eat spicy food & the hot peppers pass through on the way out. I have tried Tucks as well as Preperation-H but to no avail doesnt help. They swell up on humid days.

2006-12-06 18:01:02 · 8 answers · asked by tony m 1 in Skin Conditions

What are some of the main signs/symptoms of panic attacks? I think I had one the other night: for some reason I felt really scared though I didn't know why, my heart was racing, and I felt really shaky. It lasted about an hour. I had one similar to that about two months ago. My dad had panic attacks when he was younger and now he is manic-depressive. Also, what is the best way to help control this (I don't have medical insurance and sure as hell don't have extra money to spend on therapy)

2006-12-06 18:00:55 · 9 answers · asked by Liadan 3 in Mental Health

i cant get up in the morning i have no energy in the day or night,once its time to go to bed i cant fall asleep or feel tired but still no energy,,, its wierd,,,, i am only 16 but i have alot of things to do get up early ( atleast try) go to school either go to the gym and work out or have volleyball practice, then go home and do whatever,,, i eat healthy food ( fruit vegs milk) what do i do ?

2006-12-06 17:55:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

if huffing is what should i use?

2006-12-06 17:53:21 · 16 answers · asked by WizKisBrian 1 in Diet & Fitness

I believe it is because of our enourmous love of foods containing high sugars and carbs. If we cut things like soda, candy, pasta, and bread from our diets, (kind of like atkins) we will see the pounds drop to the floor. people like to binge and eat frequently, but if they cut the sugar and carbs... they could eat as much as they wanted and not gain any weight.

2006-12-06 17:51:48 · 10 answers · asked by ryan troxell 1 in Diet & Fitness

I know of two, the American Botanical Pharmacy and the books by Kevin Trudeau.

2006-12-06 17:50:08 · 7 answers · asked by esha26 1 in Alternative Medicine

im really proud of her, but i am only a teenager, and only working a minimum wage job. i cant afford much. for christmas i want to get my mom something she can use, maybe something tieing into the weight watcher and her quitting smoking. (p.s shes lost 13 lbs :-D)

2006-12-06 17:49:54 · 12 answers · asked by Brittainy 2 in Diet & Fitness

On my ring finger of my right hand, I have this corn-like bump right near the upper knuckle on my finger. It's from writing since that's where the pen is pressed up against as I write (I write differently than is usual).

Anyways, it's been there for a few years and I have absolutely no idea how to get rid of it. Even over long periods of time where I do minimal amounts of writing instead of the usual amount, it doesn't get any better.

It's a noticeable bump, it's mostly dry skin it seems (like the calluses that you get on the heels of your feet). It's painful after writing for long periods of time and it also makes me incredibly self-conscious when it comes to my hands.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to make it better or get rid of it, that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

2006-12-06 17:47:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health


2006-12-06 17:44:48 · 9 answers · asked by smick j 1 in Men's Health

2006-12-06 17:43:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

2006-12-06 17:42:58 · 5 answers · asked by shawill 1 in Pain & Pain Management

On the back of my neck, in the middle, I have this weird string of skin and it is about 4 inches long!!!!!!! I just got it the other day, at least thats when I noticed it! Does anyone else get these? I got teased at school for being a BACKWARDS UNICORN like having a horn on the back of my head instead of the front. HELP! SO EMBARASSING!

2006-12-06 17:41:17 · 5 answers · asked by Mental Patient 29 3 in Skin Conditions

Hi I'm Jacob. 22 years of age 5'7" tall and only 100 lbs. Can I ever gain about 20 pounds ever in my life? can I grow an inch or two more? I eat well and exercise too.

I look young too. So do I have any growth potential?

2006-12-06 17:40:44 · 8 answers · asked by Krakow 2 in Men's Health

wut is the best protien : whey or soy? -- to gain mass--

and where can i get "pure protien" powder?

2006-12-06 17:40:08 · 5 answers · asked by YEE 2 in Diet & Fitness

I sweat alot on my head, even when my torso is not sweating. It happens all the time but especially at night, my pillow case gets soaked. I also smell cigarette smoke sometimes when I know that there is no one smoking anywhere near me.

2006-12-06 17:39:21 · 1 answers · asked by idaristi 1 in Men's Health

I HAD a blood mole on my cheek and accidentally cut it when shaving. Although it doesnt hurt i cant make it qiut bleeding.Anyone have any suggestions other than hospital.

2006-12-06 17:32:59 · 4 answers · asked by muffasa 1 in Injuries

I give her plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and skimmed milk. Fat and sugar are kept to a minimum and junk food and sweets are not allowed. She has a gymnastics class twice a week. I've been told by some that she'll grow out of it in time, and others say its probably her genes. Her doctor doesn't seem concerned and just told me to make her portions a bit smaller which I already did. I'm really concerned about her health and don't know what else to do, especially when she says she's hungry when it's been only a little while since her last meal. I'm sure she's not eating out of psychological reasons because she's an only child and very much loved; in fact her father spoils her too much. She was born weighing 3.75 kilos and was a chubby baby from the start. Now that she's older and the "baby fat" seems intent on staying I'm at my wits end. Any suggestions? HELP!

2006-12-06 17:30:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

this question if for those who kind of lagged on taking off their braces.. like i have.. i was suppose to take my braces of on the bottom row but i couldn't because i moved and blah blah got too busy.. now is the time when i should be taking it off.. i went to a orthodontist.. and they are charging about $800 just to take off the braces.. no cleaning, just taking it off.. i think they're crazy.. how much did you have to pay to get em off?

2006-12-06 17:30:18 · 1 answers · asked by crztna 2 in Dental

smoking cigarettes or smoking weed? please explain

2006-12-06 17:26:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

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