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Marriage & Divorce - 25 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My financee is working out of the Country, he gets a 21 day R & R. every 4 months. Twice in 16 months he chose to take it somewhere other than with me. We are getting married in 4 months and I try to understand, yes I am working and it would be more fun vacationing somewhere more exotic. I am feel like I have a cyber boyfriend. I love him, but it is hard to ignore others asking me out and the attention. He seems to be enjoying himself. He is touring Europe on this R & R, last one he vacationed in Australia. He calls daily telling me how much he loves me and misses me, and I am the best thing in his life. I try to understand, but every night I sit at home alone and ignore others asking me out. I love him and this has been going on 2 years and I am lonely.

2006-11-25 19:02:49 · 15 answers · asked by 2cool4fools 1

I'm really having a hard time right now. I'm thinking of doing very bad things to myself and I can't control the feelings. I feel so alone. Earlier this week, I told my "wife" that I wanted to leave to Colorado to be with my ex. Our marriage was falling apart anyways and we both agreed way before this that we aren't happy. I know that my ex and I still love each other and want to try it again. My wife threatens to strangle me, to take the modem to school with her, and to block her number on the phone from being able to call me. She wants me to leave and I want to leave but yet she stops me from making plans to do it because it says this hurts her so much. The cops have been called twice this week and have made her leave. Tonight, she went to her sister's house to drink and smoke weed as a minor (20 years old). She just left me and my daughter here like it was nothing. She looks at me and tells me that "you're going to leave anyways so what's the difference." Please help me.

2006-11-25 19:00:21 · 16 answers · asked by sornelas26 2

I just learned that my 12 year old daugther is not my biological daughther. She's the daughther of my wife's old flame. I have been married to myy wife for 11 years. We got married while I was in undergrad and when she moved in with me she was already carrying what I thought was my kid and didn't tell me until 3 months later. Now I learn that I am not the biological father. When the news was revealed, she immediately connected with this man whom she claim to not spoken with in over 14 years. Her initial response was who did I tell.Just recently she reconnected with him and had an affair with him. I have an kid(4 years old) outside of our marriage which I thought we had worked through those issues and I let everything out in the open with my affair. But for her to have deceived me for so many years I can't help but think she trapped me. I was willing to stay after finding out the paternity but for her to continue to have relations and affairs with this man after the fact is unsettling.

2006-11-25 18:53:03 · 10 answers · asked by duped36 1

2006-11-25 18:46:28 · 10 answers · asked by 2cool4fools 1

I just learned that my 12 year old daugther is not my biological daughther. She's the daughther of my wife's old flame. I have been married to myy wife for 11 years. We got married while I was in undergrad and when she moved in with me she was already carrying what I thought was my kid and didn't tell me until 3 months later. Now I learn that I am not the biological father. When the news was revealed, she immediately connected with this man whom she claim to not spoken with in over 14 years. Just recently she reconnected with him and had an affair with him. I have an kid(4 years old) outside of our marriage which I thought we had worked through those issues and I let everything out in the open with my affair. But for her to have deceived me for so many years I can't help but think she trapped me. I was willing to stay after finding out the paternity but for her to continue to have relations and affairs with this man after the fact is unsettling. any advice

2006-11-25 18:29:45 · 11 answers · asked by duped36 1

come on girls your man is a man but here and there we catch them doing something feminen (watch sex and the city etc etc)

2006-11-25 18:23:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mother in law is probing my life I am trying to get a job off island on the big island my wife says she wont move with me. my job history since i moved here hasnt been great. what should i do

2006-11-25 18:22:47 · 2 answers · asked by miller4000 2

I've been with my bf much longer than some of my friends who are getting engaged. My bf taked about getting married before not so much now, but he still calls me his fiance to others, even though no ring no date and no real real REAL talk. Whats his deal? What is he waiting on, we already act like we are married live together,buy things together, we even have a joint bank account, nice funiture we brought together, got our dog together,I don't understand!

2006-11-25 18:17:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I ask my Girlfriend to marry me alone, or in front of her family? Should this be a private thing? She has told me that she would marry me tomorrow if I asked her. I do not think the answer to the question is in question, I just want this to be a surprise and very special for her. I am especially interested in the census of the Ladies and those who have experianced this type of delima before.

2006-11-25 18:14:22 · 20 answers · asked by hookiejr 2

I recently moved to Ohio from Utah in which I was considered common law married. The reason for the move was my job. Well my (common law) wife recently came down with an illness and I had to take time off of work to talk care of her and the two children. During this time I have turned in a form called FLMA. I was denied because we are not considered married in the state of OHIO. Last year I filed my tax returns with her as married and assumed to be married in Utah. I found a website which said there is a law saying that they recognize out of state marriages but did not go into detail about it. My work has told me that in order to get the FLMA I must show proof that Ohio does recognize out of state marriages and wanted to know if anyone could point me in the right direction.

Brian Workman

2006-11-25 17:36:08 · 4 answers · asked by Brian 2

she said that it was on sale half off; free shovels with every purchase. Its in the basement.

Then i remember about a couple of weeks ago. i told her just get me season tickets to all the atlanta games for christmas. she said that were your going, you wont need them.

2006-11-25 17:30:34 · 14 answers · asked by ill take it straight with no ice 3

2006-11-25 17:29:47 · 13 answers · asked by sissy rae 1

I filed for divorce last month. Husband and I are still living together, with our 2 children. It has been a living hell. For the most part, I try my best to not to interact much with him, because it hurts too much. His continuous infidelity is tearing me apart.

He feels he's been wounded because I filed for divorce. He blames me for his cheating, and has not apologized because he feels he was totally justified. He hasn't done anything to try and rectify the situation or help me to trust him. In fact, he's still sleeping around.

Will he ever own up to what he's done? Will he ever stop blaming me?

2006-11-25 17:16:53 · 21 answers · asked by MaknMeCrzy 2

How can men be content to sit in a dirty house with six weeks washing lying on the bathroom floor? I don't get it. Seriously, is there some biological or psychological difference between men and women on this issue, or is it essentially a matter of conditioning since childhood?

2006-11-25 17:16:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many ppl here have had a affair on line and what happen ? was it real love ?

2006-11-25 17:10:12 · 23 answers · asked by Savannah P 2

me and my off and on ex broke up 2 weeks ago! we been off and for 2yrs. He broke up with me because he said his family doesnt think we should be together. but the next day he told me "the reason we broke up is because i flirt with a lot of girls and i dont want to hurt you!" then he tells me "you know i love you"! i finally got over him and i found pictures of us and now i kinda miss him!

2006-11-25 16:59:15 · 22 answers · asked by ♥la chica♥ 3

I have been seeing this guy for almost three years. and it seems as if he does not have any compassion or feeling in the things that he do. Now I loved this man. But I had to let him go. He started staying out all night. and sometimes he did not come home at all. I just found out that he were sleeping with at least three other women. The pain I am going thru not is so great.
I took all of his clothes and threw them out. I am done. my heart is so heavy. I had to let him go.
He said that he loved me. How could he when he had no respect for my feelings. How could a man go and sleep with another woman and come lay next to you and tell you that he loves you. when he were out doing only gods know.
I took all his clothes and tossed them out the door.
I refruse to let a man treat me like crap. No matter how much I care or love him.
How do I get over this ache in my heart,
He is no longer welcome in my home. But I heart all the same.

2006-11-25 16:58:15 · 14 answers · asked by Diamond 1

We're over the first honeymoon year. Now I realise that we annoy each other and I see lots of little things I didn't see before. But you know, I have had many relationships and none of them are perfect. Now I think that a person could do a lot worse than be in a stable committed affectionate relationship, even if it is occasionally a bit uninteresting and even irritating. It's hard enough to find someone you get along with okay, and there's just no point starting all over again.

Anyone else feel this way about their relationship? Do you think it's okay to accept this level of happiness?

2006-11-25 16:47:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey guys, I posted yesterday about my hubby who is obviously up to something. ( cheating, lying and betraying me)
I talked with my parents about it and they have enough, they told me to end it before its to late.
But can anyone tell me why I feel so bad and depressed? I am crying all the time and feel like a piece of ****. My emotions just change all the time, one moment I am strong enough to move on and the next moment I dont want to. We have no kids yet, only a dog and I couldnt take her with me because my parents landlord doesnt accept dogs and I dont want to give the house up. I love our dog and it hurts to know I might have to give her up.I know when I close the door now there is no return and I am not sure if I am ready for it but on the other hand I am tired of him lying and betraying me. Its killing me. I dont know what to do anymore, I wish I wouldnt wake up anymore.Its crazy!

2006-11-25 16:47:49 · 16 answers · asked by sweet28muffin 1

Two weeks later after proposing she tells me the carot of the ring should have been larger and now she isn't wearing it.

2006-11-25 16:47:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i already had my eyes checked. Is it time for me to start packing before its full blown nightmare?

2006-11-25 16:43:37 · 27 answers · asked by ill take it straight with no ice 3

how can i legaly keep my daughter from getting eny of my estate after death. i totally have disowned her.should i get it in a will or do i need more.i am married and want all my stuff to go to my husband ,and she has vowed to run him out of the house and take it all.what should i do now.she is a total witch cusses me every breath tries to fight me and really acts crazy,do i have eny legal recourse.

2006-11-25 16:38:29 · 8 answers · asked by alcaholicdemon 7

he is very sweet normally.

2006-11-25 16:37:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

its better not talking face to face

2006-11-25 16:27:51 · 10 answers · asked by reddog 1

2006-11-25 16:26:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been almost 5 months, and I still have not gotten over my ex-boyfriend. I've tried a few hook ups, but they have just made me miss him more. I can not get over him. Please give me tips to try and help me! Thank you!

2006-11-25 16:25:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm married, and I'm falling in love with someone else. I've never cheated on my wife, but I don't know what'll happen if something doesn't change fast. I don't know how it happened, or why I feel as if I click with this other woman so much more. Can someone offer me advise on this situation....

2006-11-25 16:22:56 · 11 answers · asked by Ryan O 2

Why is it so difficult for men to express their feelings to a women? Why is it so difficult to tell your women why you do not feel like having sex tonight? Why does the guy feel that it is so difficult to take care of a women when all you have to do is give her what she wants at least some of the time....lol...lol. I just really need to know how does a man think when it comes to his women. We women will do whatever to please her man, but never seem to get the same treatment from him.

2006-11-25 16:21:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anastacia 2

I am 22, married with a child and am starting to realize how many bad/selfish decisions my mom made raising me. On top of much effort fixing these problems, I am trying to get over my anger and resentment. I know babies don't come with instructions and my mom isn't perfect but I am still resentful. I need to come to peace with these issues so I can finally confront her on her bad behaviors in a calm manner rather than an angry outburst. These frustrations I feel on a daily basis are effecting every area of my life and I need to get over them in order to move on. She is not an alcoholic but has many of the same behaviors so I tried going to an Alanon meeting but it didn't help. Any other suggestions from anyone with a similar experience? If you have personal experience and wish to share you can e-mail me at erhjunk@yahoo.com.

2006-11-25 16:20:04 · 15 answers · asked by Erin H 3

2006-11-25 16:14:33 · 10 answers · asked by ptk381 1

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