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Marriage & Divorce - 18 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

happens will i ever get her back.

2006-08-18 07:40:05 · 24 answers · asked by james w 1

I finally ate some of her home made baked goods. Incredible cinnamon roll. Now I'm worried about my weight even more. Should I tell my wife who eats right and exercises a lot?

2006-08-18 07:38:49 · 38 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3

If one has alligations, accusations ,infereces or whatever directed at them and they become defensive angry or sad, does that mean they are guilty or just sensitive or even hypersensetive to false accusations

2006-08-18 07:37:15 · 5 answers · asked by foxyraley 2

i try to washing the lettuce but i can not wash all the dirt out,am i wrong to feel hurt,because i make her lunch everday,she works nights.but everything elese is fine with her lunch,she likes a salad,with her lunch

2006-08-18 07:35:30 · 9 answers · asked by har 3

I’ve been married for 6 years now, got a little daughter. The last 3 years my wife and I start to get in to the routine but , I would say my marriage is OK. Suddenly a nice girl appears in my life, I like the way she is, and we spent a really good time together, but I fell guilty about this, cause I’m cheating on my wife and I think she does not deserve this, I fell so confused about this whole time I think about this girl that appears in my life, if I end up my affair, I’ll feel like something especial is going away from my life but if, I break with my wife, I’ll feel like everything that I built will be destroy, what I should do not to fell so bad?

2006-08-18 07:28:18 · 37 answers · asked by Kaiserkurd 1

Hi to eveyone ,How would you react when you have a fight with your husband and he says all those things which hurt you real bad,when you care for him,cook and take care of him .
He does not bother how much ever good things i do for him,he says so what if you cook and take care of me but still you are dumb coz sometimes i dont act like dumb but you know somewhere we dont understand some things,so i just expect that he should tell me ,he will just laugh and say you are so dumb.
I just want he should tell me what he wants,he does not even like when i change the tv channel and put on some thing which i like.
Now i have stopped watching my tv programmes.He feels that i keep on interfering.I do not interfere infact i ask him everything,Sometimes i cry so much i dont understand what shud i do,it just hurts.When we had a fight then i came to know what he really thinks about me and that really hurts.What should i do i dont understand?

2006-08-18 07:24:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that your divorced do you want to meet a man to marry again and if so what will your standards be this time in picking out a mate.

2006-08-18 07:21:11 · 13 answers · asked by ssshoebox67 3

My husband and I have been best friends with this other couple since August 2005. We have all pretty much spent every weekend together since then, even though I told my husband I needed a break every now & then. Back in June 2006 my husband & I got into an argument, I went off on the four wheeler to be alone. My friends husband came up and we talked and things happened, including kissing & oral sex, no sex. I didn't tell my husband until August 2006. I couldn't keep this lie in any longer. I love him and want to be with him forever. How can I make him understand that I love him and would never do anything like this again? The thing that hurts too is I came out and told the truth and he had to tell his wife too, they are doing okay and will most likely be okay. I can't tell with my husband. One day I think things will be fine, and the next I think he'll leave me. What can I do to prove to him that I love him and would never do this again?

2006-08-18 07:20:33 · 49 answers · asked by btchyldy99 1

is doing everything possible to sabotage the continuos development that is occurring between them including finding numerous resons to keep him from his usual visits to my home. My wife is excellent with providing my some with stimulating activities and nurturing that the child never wants to go home to his mother. What should I do? She is ruining the enjoyment of his childhood memories!

2006-08-18 07:18:35 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm married with kids, yet everywhere I look there are pretty women who smile at me and want to talk (sometimes more than talk). On the way to work, in the buses and subways, at work just about every place I look, and even in my own neighborhood, the married one's have no shame!

I've treid to ignore them, and that works for like 3 or 4 months at a time, but ultimatly, I breakdown and make a move.

How do you guys stay faithfull?

2006-08-18 07:17:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

What was it about the man you had an affair with that you felt attracted to him ?

2006-08-18 07:17:13 · 11 answers · asked by ssshoebox67 3

I hate the smell of Pine Sol. She says that it's my job to clean the toilet now. All I did was criticize the cleaning product, right?

2006-08-18 07:15:36 · 9 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3

After 20 years of marriage my husband started writing "If I weren't married with kids" I could see myself with you. The kicker- she was a friend of my since 7th gr. She was always asking him to help her with her computer or car. He told me what he had done, no sex just the emails back and forth, when she accused him of stalking her. She lied so much about what happened even saying I knew & said things. B/L- he was driving by her house he after a PPO was issued & spend the day in jail for it. Her daughter was my daughter's best friend so this has hurt everyone. She's a secretary at my son's high sch so the whole dirty laundrywhen around the schools, I also teach in the district which made it a mess since people knew. My husband has never(to my knowledge) done anything like this before. I feel like he stabbed me in the heart. He even bought her a braclet for her bday. He says he luvs me. He says he liked the attention. He never mean to hurt me he just liked her friendship I'm so hurt

2006-08-18 07:11:55 · 52 answers · asked by cintumas 2

She does this when I am around. And when he takes me along to kid's activities, she would be nice to him and completely act as if I am not there and again would hug and kiss him when leaving.
I also found out that she was bringing him chocolates to his work and was telling their daughter that even though she has a boyfriend now, she still likes daddy more. Everytime she comes to pick up the daughter, she would keep on talking to him for a long time outside of our house. I told my husband that it bothers me and he said that he communicated with her but she never listen to him. And he said that she had never listen to him while they were married anyways and always do whatever she wants to do. What am I supposed to do? Can anyone give advice? Is it normal for ex-wife to still give ex-husband hugs and kiss goodbye?
Should I try to be more involved with whatever things that are going on between them? She was always so rude to me that I tried to stay away, but now I feel like an outsider.

2006-08-18 07:08:43 · 19 answers · asked by raka 1

a software that can track everymove a someone made on a computer and get passwords from anyones email my space or anything that needs a password, and she went through all my things...she found nothing but I'm thinking about leaving her because that psycho right.....I mean it makes me so angry that the woman i loved and married would go behind my back and do something like that....she's crazy i think...I dont know what to do i'm so angry and to think i sent her flowers to her work today,

2006-08-18 07:06:30 · 11 answers · asked by wcenice 2

So we have this kinda over the top bachelorette party planned for my close friend. All of us in the bridal party were planning on going to Vegas for 2 nights and doing some partying. My husband who is usually really cool about me hanging with my friends think this is over the limit and doesn’t want me to go. He says it’s my friends who he doesn’t trust. I know they can be wild but the college days are over and I’ve mellowed out. So I know they can’t force me to do anything he wouldn’t want me to do…I see his point but I think I will feel a little resentful if I don’t go. What should I do to put him at ease?

2006-08-18 07:02:52 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex husband chooses to acuse my 11 year old daughter of playing us against each other by telling him I have her go through his things to find things out about him (I have never done this). When I asked my daughter if she told her dad this, she denied and is completley hurt that he said she did. He has done this sort of thing in the past with my 5 year old son I could never prove that he would rather put his own child in such a position rather than admit he lied. What is the name for this type of person

2006-08-18 07:01:20 · 16 answers · asked by mojopurplestarz 1

Women please answer!

How important is the appearance of a guy's scrotum? I have a really small "sack" and always wondered what women think about it?


2006-08-18 06:51:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would you react if you found out your loved one used to be a call-girl? Do you leave her? Do you feel disgusted? Would you think that she was a slut? or would it not bother you?

2006-08-18 06:45:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello to everyone I have been taking everyones answer into consideration to my decisions,I make I finally found out where my husband is staying I don't believe it is anyone he is banging,he hid from me like he was hiding something but he did not want me to come to where he is at because of the type of people he is around. So I made him tell me if he wanted a divorce or not the person he was standing in front of us who he stays with,she is Gay no doubt. He still acted as he did not want to say,she said you have to tell her something. So he said yes,but I will be by the house to see kids later he came by,but to late kids were already sleep so he left. But for some reason he is going to call me before he gets home, to tell me he is almost home he just wanted to call and say goodnight and what am I doing? I said I am about to watch this new movie I rented and going to bed.He says don't watch it until I come over to see the kids tomorrow we can watch it together after what he said.

2006-08-18 06:43:27 · 9 answers · asked by crystallynbell82 1

Anybody do this? My husband is fine in that area, but every now and then we experiment. after we are warmed up, he puts on a really large strap on. i must say it feels awesome

2006-08-18 06:39:30 · 13 answers · asked by SSP24 1

2006-08-18 06:39:28 · 14 answers · asked by mommalyle 2

I have govt. agencies from two States helping, but he quits jobs and/or moves around to aviod paying or being punished. I have never failed to stay on top of this issue. At divorce, I offered to let him give up parental rights and he declined, so WHY does he refuse to pay? I gave him that option and he chose to owe! He can't see kids, they hate him and want nothing to do with them because he hurt them whenever they visited him so we got an Order of Protection. All he had to do was love them... he ruined their relationship! Even his own laywers hated him and said he was stupid.. but the kids deserve this money so I take the time to keep fighting for them. He is in Gallipolis Ohio at this time.

2006-08-18 06:37:18 · 7 answers · asked by starshine 2

If you read my question about what happened to my private checking account then you know what I am talking about, if not if you are curious I guess you would have to read the other question. Anyways, the bank gave me all that money back. They moved the charges from my account to his account, which means he now has a negative account balance. Exactly whos fault it was has not been decided, bank said that they could have made the mistake by not unlinking the ATM card from my account when he took himself off of it and linking it to his new account. Or he might not have asked them to do that. Who knows. The issue now is that he never had that much money to withdraw anyways. He has not written anything down in his checkbook for 5 months and now his paycheck is going to all go to pay these overdrafts, not help with any bills for the next 2 weeks. I am trying to get him to be more responsible but it is like talking to a child. What can I say or do to get him to be financially responsible?

2006-08-18 06:32:34 · 12 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

Years???, how many???.

2006-08-18 06:32:28 · 14 answers · asked by inlove 1

2006-08-18 06:31:48 · 15 answers · asked by isaiah c 1

Things like gambling winnings and bonuses

2006-08-18 06:31:04 · 2 answers · asked by dwh12345 5

My wife and I have been happily married for 3 and 1/2 years now, and she had always told me she was never interested in other men. But recently she admitted she has been attracted to other men after we were married. It wouldn't bother me so much, but most of the guys she was attracted to (is attracted to?) are very different to me in personality and demeanor. Should I be worried, or is this normal?

2006-08-18 06:26:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've always wondered why this is...

2006-08-18 06:23:35 · 15 answers · asked by chocolatebabycakes 4

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