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Marriage & Divorce - 7 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-07 17:43:20 · 8 answers · asked by jwad j 1

We have been together now for 4 years and we have a 3 year old child. He is extremely controlling with money especially when it comes to me. He now gives me $40 a week. He didn't even give me any money for 8 months after i had our son, not even to get a drink when i went down town then he started giving me $15. Then i insisted on getting $40 a week if we had to live downstairs form his parents while we renorvate our house. He didnt want to give me that but his parents knew about it so he had to. But now he will not give me enough money for food and things for my son so my money goes towards that. He calls me names and puts me down all the time. And everything has got to be his way. he doesn't care about what i need at all. He has decided he wants to have another baby and is trying to blalckmail me by saying we can't get new furntiure unless i have a baby. But i wont because it is not a good situation. He won't let me use the car to see my family 7 hours a way. he will not get counselli

2006-08-07 17:35:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do most guys need a lot of touching or oral sex to be able to do it, or can they become just as aroused by kissing? I guess what I'm asking is; Is a lot of foreplay as important for a guy as it is for a woman?

2006-08-07 17:33:13 · 9 answers · asked by tiny rain drops 2

We don't have a sexual relationship but that doesn't bother me but there is no love shown in other ways. Example no hugs no kisses you get the idea. No I love you except when I say Love you He responnds love you too! I am heart broken and can't leave at this stage of my life

2006-08-07 17:24:54 · 24 answers · asked by Mrsdonmar 3

2006-08-07 17:12:35 · 27 answers · asked by lex 2

him want her more is ok when your married? My husband said this to some girl and i found out he told me it was just a joke,does any guy out there think this is right to do joking or not joking when your married i believe he meant it cause this is the girl from his job that i have suspected something was going on for a while and when i confronted him he said it was a joke and didnt mean it so what do you guys think ?

2006-08-07 16:59:42 · 9 answers · asked by nikki 1

I'm not getting married now. My boyfriend wants to get married in two years. I am not at all comfortable with displays of affection. So even thought it's a long time away I'm trying to talk him out of marriage. Being married is not so much what bothers me, but the actual wedding. I don't want to go through with it. I wish I could just sign something and be married. He says that I don't want a future with him and that I don't want to get married because he's not special enough to me. That's not true at all. He wants me to walk down an isle and talk about love and have all this attention focused on me. I can't even handle the thought of that. I don't know if I will ever be comfortable with getting married, but I don't want to break up with him. I've told him I'm not ready to get married and he's it's still two years away. I'm thinking about this way too much. I'm hope over time I will mature and not see a wedding day as something I should dread. I am open to any suggestions on what to do

2006-08-07 16:57:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ladies? Men do you watch porn behind your wifes back, why? I'm asking because my husband does it and it really upsets me. Especially because I am pregnant and we cant have sex and it makes me feel unwanted.

2006-08-07 16:53:34 · 13 answers · asked by A. Grigs 3

my husband has cheated on me before, I thought things could get better but here latley we have been fighting alot and he has been staying out later , and tonight when he came home he went straight to the shower and after he got out he took his dirty clothes to the bedroom with him,and went to sleep, and yesterday I found out he gave some girl a ride on the harley , I am getting a gut feeling again, should I get out of it or what?

2006-08-07 16:46:05 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend and her soon to be x husband are separated and are fighting over who has the kids she finally was able to get day care and he came to the daycare and took the kids without her knowing they had to give the kids to him because he is the father and now he wont give them back and he wont answer his phone calls and according to the police in the town he lives in has moved and not filled out a change of adress. He came into her work today and had the kids and she was really upset because the kids were screaming for her there mom and the youngest which is 11 months old had a huge bruise on her head and when she asked what happened he said she fell but he has a really bad anger problem and has been to jail for it so that is why she is so worried. He is also mentally unstable. So i guess what i am asking is how can she get her kids back because no one will help her and she cant afford a lawyer so if anyone knows please help!

2006-08-07 16:33:11 · 11 answers · asked by moonlilystar 2

Im nervous and feel like its a stranger coming home to me. And the crazy thing is I dont know if I can sleep with him. How ****** up is that. Not to get any from your wife after fighting for your country. Whats wrong with me??????//

2006-08-07 16:32:05 · 40 answers · asked by fawn 2

And if you lived together, when did your house turn into a "dorm". What is it like to live together without trust, sex, and fallen out of love.

What is it like for two people living like that, especially if both may have love interests outside the relationship and basically staying together for kids & money?

2006-08-07 16:21:16 · 4 answers · asked by Nuni 1

Say your husband has never cheated but you found out he has a blog on my space. He never told me. I found out because I walked in to the room while he was posting something. I told him I felt it was wrong to hide it and he said his work partner did it and he was just having fun. Do u think it could lead to something more or am I just nuts?

2006-08-07 16:15:51 · 11 answers · asked by jagbeeton 4

Lately my husband has been saying ! Im Happy with you ! You are a good woman! Im hearing that alot lately .Is that good?I would rather hear I love you alot!

2006-08-07 16:14:44 · 14 answers · asked by jessy 3

wife found male friend on a porn site brought him home 5 days after split up should she lose custody to father of 2yr old daughter or should she be able to keep puting the child in danger by bringing strangers into the home

2006-08-07 16:07:45 · 5 answers · asked by bill b 1

2006-08-07 16:01:36 · 22 answers · asked by babeek 1

2006-08-07 15:58:53 · 20 answers · asked by babeek 1

I have custody of my 14 year old sons. If something happens to me I want my sons to be raised by their Aunt and Uncle. Their father has nothing to do with them now. He has his own agenda and life style. He has a drug problem. He is presently homeless, and always out of a job. I don't want my sons to grow up in that environment if something happens to me. Do I have to prove him unfit now? I know their father would just take them for the life insurance and Social Security benefits. He has no desire to raise them.

2006-08-07 15:56:27 · 9 answers · asked by Constance Olivia 4

OK, I understand that some people may share strong feelings about some of the situations people are asking for advice on but, damn, we are all here sharing our issues and some people are like "stop asking questions about your cheating boyfriend" What the hell are you here for if you dont wanna answer questions? Dont answer if you feel its stupid, you're taking up space for people who really want to advise on the question/issue.

This (Yahoo Answers), is a great form of therapy, so get with it.

2006-08-07 15:54:37 · 8 answers · asked by Nuni 1

I'm 40 yrs old and have 3 school children and married 13 yrs. Most of the time I'm left all alone at house. from 8:00 am to 6:00pm. I'm so bored and it's driving me crazy. I can't get away to go to malls because I lived 40 mins away from the city and I don't drive. I'm so jealous of my Hubby, he gets all the good takes, a good job, traveling a lot, socialize a lot, lots of friends, new clothes. While i'm just nothing in comparison. He takes me for granted... rarely takes me out, don't give me gifts on my bdays, xmas, anniversaries, gives me lousy sex. Worst he is always forgetful, does not listen to me....its always our children, his job, his achievements, the nice things people are saying to him...that's his fav topic to talk about. I am really bored and my resentment is building up. I tried to talk to him about my boredom, but he does not take me up seriously.

Last night, I just exploded... I shouted at him and swear at him and still he was bewildered about my behaviour.

2006-08-07 15:51:27 · 24 answers · asked by Hottie 1

My significant other and I have been together for 10 years. He is still the light of my life and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. With in the last year, our sex life has diminished. We just can not seem to get in sync. When he wants it, I don't and vice versa. When we try to get into it, we have like five minutes of foreplay and then one of us fizzles out. It has gotten to the point where he knows how to get me off and I know how to get him off and we do the robotic moves to get it over with. I used to love sex with him before and now, I dream of the days when we used to be so into each other and go for hours. Now it is a 10-20 min deal once every two weeks. I still crave it more. How can we get in the mood and stay in it to the end?

2006-08-07 15:40:18 · 22 answers · asked by YahooGirl 2

.......then what's going to stop other groups from demanding that their style of union like tri-unions or quads or polygamy or multigamy where everyone in the group is married to every other person in the group or a living person being married to a dead person.

2006-08-07 15:31:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My serial cheater boyfriend just told someone that "whorin around is hard to stop". He is supposed to be showing me he has changed. We been together 8 years, he cheated on me for 4. Constant cheating. I left him for 6 months (he cheated with two girls during that time) but I'm back. Now he's all lovey dovey and s*** when I'm around but when I'm not he's saying sh** like that and telling girls he's gotta "lay low for a minute, but they know what's up".

You think he's just talking to keep up his playa image or that he might cheat again if he gets the chance?

Why is he acting one way around me, then talking like this around everyone else? Is it just talk, because I dont think he may do it again. I had our number changed too, so the girls cant call the house.

I dont know what the f*** to think.

2006-08-07 15:27:31 · 33 answers · asked by Nuni 1

2006-08-07 15:24:29 · 9 answers · asked by Hollywood 1

My Husband annoys me to know end every time things dont go his way he throws a tantrum worse than my two kids. Like today for instance we were going swimming things came up and were running late he griped the whole way there. someone please help me to deal with him. I love him and I really want this marriage to work but he's an a..hole.

2006-08-07 15:07:55 · 29 answers · asked by rebeccaangel2004 2

Ok. I have a serial cheater of a boyfriend. We have two children together, he has cheated on me for 4 of the 8 years we have been together with different women. We split for 6 months, during this time I found out he was seeing this girl. I can admit tha she is a really nice girl actually and he had (has) feelings for her. They would do stuff for each other and talk on the phone for hours.

Even after he begged and pleaded for me to come back home, he continued to talk to her (for hours) on the phone. I put a stop to it.

My question is, WHO WON, me or her?

She is 8 years younger than me, she's very attractive :(
a nice person, has a good job, and her own place, and she has no children so she has lots of freedom.

But I on the other hand, have the man. We live together with our 2 kids. But sometimes I wonder if she doesnt have it better. She doesn't have the constant stress of living with a man that she cant trust, but she DOESNT have him.

Who has it better, me or her?

2006-08-07 14:57:58 · 45 answers · asked by Nuni 1

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