I am 23 and my spouse is 26.We're both recovering addicts,but he suffered an overdose before getting clean.Currently he can't walk;however his doctors expect a full recovery within a year.He is also on emotion-altering medications,to help him physically function.We've had our ups and downs before,as most married couples do,but I still love him with all my heart.Before this overdose we were spouses,lovers,and I consider most importantly,best friends.Now he is emotionally aloof and relying on others for the support for which he ought reach to out to his wife. With out my permission,a few of his family members moved in with us.My husbands words are nolonger his, they sound rehearsed like he's repeating something he's heard.When I questioned him on his drastic personaliy change, he responded with,"I don't love you more than I love anyone else in my family.The old me is gone, get over it."I don't know if it's the med's or family influence talking,or if he really has become this aloof?
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